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Status Replies posted by SpondonBassed

  1. Currently waiting for Tesco to open (as they’re no longer 24/7 🙄). Arrived early to avoid most of the mouth breathers. Let’s see how this goes. I just wanna do a normal shop FFS!

  2. Currently waiting for Tesco to open (as they’re no longer 24/7 🙄). Arrived early to avoid most of the mouth breathers. Let’s see how this goes. I just wanna do a normal shop FFS!

  3. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  4. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  5. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  6. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  7. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  8. Dad band. Probably most of us know this situation or one similar.


  9. Little Wonder, Hallo Spaceboy & Station to Station all in the set for this year. Really looking forward to playing S2S again - such a great song. I think we did Little wonder a couple of times a few years ago, but Hallo Spaceboy is new. Gonna be fun.

  10. Singing bassist from family band of 5 brothers “The Family Dog” north London 

  11. Another shout out to MoJoKe for service above and beyond.  He is an absolute legend :drinks:

  12. Phew!  Just made it!  Hiya Stingray5


  13. Oh oh! Short scale GAS! 

  14. Привет!

  15. Trying to contact joe86

  16. Trying to contact joe86

  17. Hooray! :tatice_01:

    My ACS earplugs have arrived!

    Thanks to Basschat people who made me aware of these 👍


  18. Hooray! :tatice_01:

    My ACS earplugs have arrived!

    Thanks to Basschat people who made me aware of these 👍


  19. Hooray! :tatice_01:

    My ACS earplugs have arrived!

    Thanks to Basschat people who made me aware of these 👍


  20. Hooray! :tatice_01:

    My ACS earplugs have arrived!

    Thanks to Basschat people who made me aware of these 👍


  21. As usual I'm taking time out from social media for Lent.  Back after Easter,  folks!

  22. Ever had one of those days when it's only mid-morning, and already you just want to climb into bed, pull the duvet over your head and pretend it never f***ing happened? :( :(

  23. Ever had one of those days when it's only mid-morning, and already you just want to climb into bed, pull the duvet over your head and pretend it never f***ing happened? :( :(

  24.  Thoughts ?? 

  25.  Thoughts ?? 

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