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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. Very generous, i'm also loving the wooden pickup covers. Could you retro fit those on a standard J pickup?
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  3. Love it! It's not often you can genuinely say "I've never heard anything like that" in a good way!
  4. If anyone's interested and can get to Warrington there's a Vintage Ray copy with an amp for £50 BIN on eBay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ELECTRIC-VINTAGE-BASS-GUITAR-AND-AMPLIFIER_W0QQitemZ170401713557QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item27acbbcd95"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ELECTRIC-VINTAGE-BAS...=item27acbbcd95[/url] If i could get there i'd have had it!
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  6. [quote name='hubrad' post='642696' date='Nov 1 2009, 06:41 PM']Why would anyone bother to put the tuners at the bottom and still put a head at the top?[/quote] There's holes on the back, for through body stringing? Also the headstock looks like it's had a piece of wood glued over it. Looke like it might have originally been a normal bass, poorly converted to it's current state leaving the through body string anchors redundant? Either way, it's butt ugly and i don't want it!
  7. Good score, that's a nice looking bass. Keep meaning to get a tortie scratchplate for my Aria Jazz
  8. Excellent. Always loved the Mac, McVie is a criminally underrated player and always has the right line for the song Lindsey Buckingham is one of my favourite guitarists too, what made him annoying?
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='639030' date='Oct 28 2009, 01:06 PM']That's interesting but not the one I had in mind. It was video of Jemmott and Pastorius chatting.[/quote] That's it, 9min 20sec in. According to Jaco it's harder to play a fretted because of fret noise! But yeah, he says he always played over the fret as it's clearer
  10. Warmoth do indeed make TBird parts, very nice ones too: [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/VintageShapes/ThunderbirdBass.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/VintageShapes/...erbirdBass.aspx[/url] The Epi TBirds come up on eBay around £150+
  11. This is an edited down (i think) version of the interview i remember: [url="http://www.jacopastorius.com/features/interviews/portrait.asp"]http://www.jacopastorius.com/features/inte...ws/portrait.asp[/url] No mention of the fretting technique though It was from an old bass special of Total Guitar i think, it had a big feature oin Jaco IIRC. It's knocking around in the attic somewhere so i'll try to fish it out tonight
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='638622' date='Oct 27 2009, 11:24 PM']I'm sure in an interview of Jaco Pastorius by Jerry Jemmott I heard Pastorius say that he never practiced on fretless. He always practiced on fretted with his left hand fingers dead on the fret so that his muscle memory was perfect - or something to that effect. The idea being that playing fretted, played 'correctly', will help you to play fretless. Anyone else seen that or am I imagining it? For me, playing fretless made me listen differently and more carefully to what I was playing and I would say that now slips over into my fretted playing.[/quote] Aye i read that interview too. Said he played on the fret because it sounded better to his ears
  13. [quote name='Doctor J' post='638742' date='Oct 28 2009, 08:08 AM']If it sounds ok acoustically then that rules out any nut or bridge issue. The nut is only a factor when you play an open string anyway. If this deadness is still there when you fret, then it's not the nut. You could swap the A and E bridge saddles too, rule out the bridge. [b]Anyway, what might be worth trying is reversing the pickup under your E and A strings so the posts under the A string are now under the E string and vice versa. It should rule the pickup in or out as an issue fairly quickly[/b], just make sure you don't put a screw through the wire when you're seating it, it's easy to do. On the off chance, this isn't a Rotosound string, by any chance?[/quote] Was just about to suggest that!
  14. Hw about these? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-guitar-strings-Nickel-Light_W0QQitemZ130339386824QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item1e58d535c8"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-guitar-strings-...=item1e58d535c8[/url]
  15. Is it the weight or just the physical position that's the problem? If it's the weight then you have a perfect excuse to buy a Prosebass Picobass! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64299"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64299[/url]
  16. That's not the fretless neck i've bought off you is it?
  17. It makes me think about what i'm playing a little bit more. I play in a pub/function band and it's easy to fall into the trap of sticking with the familiar old runs and shapes. Jamming on a fretless makes me thing about the fingerboard in a different way. I also think it improves your left hand vibrato no end Ultimately i think the best thing to improve your fretted playing is to stick with it and keep learning new things. Fretless is ace though, i'm glad i bought one and wish i'd done it sooner
  18. I have a tuner (active bass and no mute on the amp, pretty much a neccessity) and the MXR M80 which i use as a DI and eq/clean boost That's as close to plug and play as i'll get, i have the DI there in case my amp goes down mid-gig so there's still bass FOH
  19. [quote name='cris the man' post='637617' date='Oct 27 2009, 09:16 AM']he got through uni without working at all, all thanks to mummy [/quote] Have you tried speaking to her? Try and shame her into re-imbursing you! "Your lazy son.... living off my taxes..." Life lessons are all well and good but i'd rather you get the bass repaired or replaced
  20. What a scumbag. Being a lazy scrounger is not a geniune reason to hide from your responsibilities! Some people will tell you to just drop it, if it were me i'd follow it up though. Inform him it'll cost him more and have far more serious implications if he allows it to get to court. However people like that often dig themselves into a hole by not facing up to their problems
  21. Go on Wayne, you'll love it! Out of all the Warwicks these are the most punk anyway. I sold mine a while ago and they're very well made, plus they have great necks My Corvette has both sides broken off the Just-a-nut and it doesn't budge until you take the strings off. It's still anchored with the two allen screws holding it in place, nothing to worry about at all. Anyone know why they didn't stick with the brass one? That has adjustment on each string and i think it's a great piece of design
  22. Just to add i'm not looking to buy this so if anyone wants it then don't hesitate to pull the trigger!
  23. Also check the push/pull volume pot. Mine failed a while ago although i had different symptoms. It was the last thing i suspected and quite an easy fix
  24. They're the allen key holes for the just-a-nut
  25. I didn't like the Hartke ones, although they were cheap. Used them for a couple of gigs and tbh i couldn't wait to replace them If i need really cheap strings i use the Cheetah/Johnny Brook ones from Crack Converters at £6 a pop (they used to be £4), had a few sets and they do the job. Never had a bad set either. Surprisingly good on fretless too! EDIT: I liked the cheapy Warwick sets at around £11 from Stringbusters. IIRC they did Elites for around £15 last time i looked too
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