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Everything posted by Daz39

  1. The new Bergantino B-Amp goes down to 2.67 I believe.
  2. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1455024810' post='2975118'] Yeah, it's garbage. They should never have bothered. [/quote] The perils of money. I have put off listening to it for years and finally Spotified it last week. Ugh. Talk about thrown together in a week. Muse - Absolution (just about) and Drones.
  3. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1455024212' post='2975106'] "Operation Mindcrime" - Queensryche [/quote] Good one. Great album. The sequel is rubbish though. Also pretty much anything by Coheed & Cambria is one long story thing going on, across the albums.
  4. Clockwork Angels - Rush 2112 - (the A Side anyway) - Rush Tales from Topographic Oceans - Yes Duke - Genesis (loosely) As mentioned: Scenes from a Memory and The Astonishing by Dream Theater (they also have Disc 2 of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, which is one long piece in multiple parts.) 7th Son of a 7th Son is about a child born with mystical powers: and the rush to kill him before they fully awaken and brings doom on everyone etc.
  5. I met John Petrucci in a guitar shop the day after their gig in 1997. I even had the tour t-shirt on. Being a bit shy I only got as far as telling him how great the show was and cadging his autograph on my Travelcard - but he was very polite and grateful and the store guy who was helping John with some cables didn't do the 'omg' eye roll. I also met Jordan Rudess and Rod Morgenstein the night before at the gig as they were the opening act and were signing CDs at the end - even with a queue they gave me 30 seconds of time and didn't seem remotely hassled.
  6. Ai Caramba there's some nice gear there: A Geddy Lee Jazz and a $$ Streamer for a steal (good job it's not a Corvette or a 5!)
  7. Remco does some darn funky stuff. I can manage thumb on E and A and index and middle for noodly bits and chords: obviously not like he can, but it's not like learning a new language or anything, just approaching the strings in a different way. It's actually easier to incorporate rests and a bit of swing by alternating thumb and fingers (for me anyway.)
  8. The first 3 albums have some cool lines on too - bits of high register noodling to fill in for the sparse lead guitar sound. And agree: most non-musical listeners probably wouldn't know how right a bass line for a band like AC/DC or U2 is until you turn it off.
  9. I recall trawling Denmark St regularly when I used to work in Center Point tower in 2000. I found all the shops then to be like art galleries - lovely stuff on the walls but you spend 5 minutes of your lunch break finding a staff member to ask to try something and then they mutter and idle over to it and then loiter nearby the whole time you have it on your lap...
  10. And of course the original seller might be a little miffed that he could have sold the item for more if you'd seen it earlier!
  11. Squier VM: there's Jazz, Dimension and Jaguar (SS) in that range.
  12. Pedals! Oh yes, noodletastic. Welcome!
  13. Narrow it down for us: 4 string, 5, fretless, Classic style (J or P etc.) or something a bit different?
  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1454636808' post='2971622'] I just tried to find the video I was referring to and it doesn't seem to be available now. It was a play along of Elvis Costello's Pump It Up by You Tube user TJH3113. [/quote] that guy is a great player - especially for bass players wanting to learn songs. You can hear his playing, and he sits nice and still. (I've seen plenty of terrible videos, no matter how good the player is.)
  15. I have an AH250(I think it is a 250 anyway) and a 1053 - owned them from new since 1998. [attachment=211590:Amp1.jpg]
  16. Yeah - I was wondering the same (split prices). Not sure I need the ext cab, but the combo looks tasty!
  17. The same goes for the Markbass Combo he put his name to: it's a decent price but not silly money - and quality without being flash.
  18. Legends. I think their own success is exactly why they are their own Tribute Band. They've stuck to the same formula, once they stumbled upon it, and it works. It fills arenas and shifts records. They are to UK music what ZZ Top are to the US. Been around forever, stuck to the same method, your Dad has one of their albums and the band are not remotely serious about themselves.
  19. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1454431129' post='2969678'] And you know this how? [/quote]Both personal and anecdotal experience from peers. I'm not saying that all council jobs are like this, far from it - but short of the Call Centre industry, it's a poor relation to the expectations/attitude in a lot of private sector companies I've come across. I blame my parents too - they have cushy pensions and no mortgage, and retired early. I think I'll be dead long before I retire...
  20. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1454428675' post='2969651'] Indeed, yet this myth still persists. Neither have pay levels increased to those of the private sector by way of compensation... [/quote] No - but sick leave is laughably uncontrolled in some councils, and 'performance reviews' are just tick boxes.
  21. Ooh, a Warwick 5er.. tempting. I'm not sure I could trust myself living so close to a shop like that ;0
  22. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1454184994' post='2967395'] The graph takes a terrifying dive after 51-60. Should I start harp lessons now? [/quote] Harp? That's what all the whingy emo-rockers call anything with more than 6 (sometimes 4)strings posted on a facebook Bass page. Anyone who's seen it will know what I mean. I have genuine worries about death. I mean, it's pretty scary. It's nearly worth spending my life in blissful ignorance and believing in a religion. Almost.
  23. My stands come from the music section at Toys R Us - £8. Don't laugh - they work! Small A-Frame, light, nothing's fallen over yet.
  24. I'm 39. Never gigged, but was in a band very briefly at University (last millennium - sob!). I did my back a few times from the abuse I gave it as an athlete in my youth, but a decent mattress has largely fixed that. Like a few others - too much time spent raising sprogs, paying the real gas bill and visiting supermarkets to have much time for anything except bedroom noodling with the amp on 'sshhh..' *dramatic sigh*
  25. I use the EBS flat cables as well, they're brilliant and come in at least 3 sizes.
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