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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. Sad news. Top session player back in the day and a great musician. His website is a bit dated but there is a good list of tunes he played on, including a few of those American TV Drama/Cop themes and seasons from the late 70's and 80's. http://www.scottedwardsmusic.com/favorite.htm
  2. If you like 'The Dan', this is well worth a listen. 👍 Apologies if it has been posted before.
  3. This was over on 'TalkBass' a few years back: "I had always wondered how Mike got his tone on dirt, Well this is straight from Evan, the owner of Bass Northwest who was there, and whom I bought the amp from after Mikes Death; I did work with Mike Starr and Alice In Chains on their first two studio albums. The tone you hear was from a Spector NS-2 bass, Ampeg SVT-II Amp Head, SVT-810E cabinet and on the Dirt album I also used an ART SGX Nightbass in addition to the miked up cabinet and direct box. Evan went further to say; The ART SGX Nightbass was used with the regular direct box and the Ampeg SVT-II/SVT-810E amp system. I used the "Rickenfaker" preset and then tweaked it to have a bit more of a grindy tone. That was blended with the clean direct box sound and the slight grindy Ampeg tone to get the sound that you hear on the Dirt album. Actually, many of the songs on Dirt have the black Kramer Ferrington bass double tracked with the white Spector NS-2. I also sold both of those Basses to Mike. As far as Mikes amp settings, they are as follows; input, normal left side, vol=2.5 ultra low=out, post=out, bass=7, mid=6, mid freq=#5, treb=5, ultra hi=in, graphic=in"
  4. https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/97-guitars/
  5. If you are getting a note "Hang".... it's also a good idea to check that it's not just a case of (midi) note on/off messages playing up. Which can be a few different reasons. Sustain/hold Pedals, Velocity at '0' etc... Google searching will bring up a few fixes/solutions for note on/off problems.
  6. Yes, a great band to listen to with solid grooves and good horn section arranging. Bassist (back then) Jamil Joanes, had a tight, articulate style. In the mid 80's I was working in Rio for about six months and saw them a couple of times live. They were great to listen to. If I remember correctly, when most of the original members started calling it a day, younger family members stepped in and took over.
  7. Down in the theory section you might find parts/scores of interest. https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/31-theory-and-technique/
  8. For iPad users, Dorico is free and really worth checking out. Although, the free version only allows two players/Instruments input (you can view a full score but not edit). You can subscribe or pay a for more players/Instruments or, if you own the desktop version, that unlocks the extras. https://www.steinberg.net/dorico/ipad/ There is also a very usable, free desktop version, with an upgrade path to the Elements and Pro versions: https://www.steinberg.net/dorico/compare-editions/ Tutorial play list for Dorico SE:
  9. You can directly export a score or individual part(s) as a PDF. Also, you can export MusicXML files, Midi files and Wav/Mp3 files.
  10. Will Lee has a good pair of pipes on him. He has a couple of vocal albums out and has been the voice on quite a few advert sessions over the pond. A couple of wobbly bits on this but the ending takes some doing!! Especially when standing in a cake. The band are pretty good as well...
  11. Sorry to hear about your dad and wish you and him all the best. A terrible illness. I do remember attending his lectures over at Goldsmiths (early 80's?). His book, 'EBG, The complete Guide', was a book that myself and a few other Bassists I knew owned at the time. The book was a good resource back then. My younger brother (RIP) knew him quite well, he was in a group of pupils who your dad tutored on Saturday mornings at Goldsmiths (mid 80's I think) and thought very highly of him. I do remember depping in various function bands back in those days that your dad also worked/depped in.
  12. Do you mean the 'clunks'? If so, yes. They don't annoy me, but do make me snigger. That breakdown appears again in the middle (after the Brass and Flute section), but the clunks are not there, just during the intro. I think I did read somewhere that they were overdubs.
  13. It is Alan Tarney on Bass. I can't hear anything wrong either. Super player. In fact, he wrote and produced the track as well. Like you also said, he played on some of the 80's Cliff Richard tracks, he also wrote 'We Don't Talk Anymore' (although, that was '79).
  14. Is that the tune Mama Cass sang lead on?
  15. Not a Train wreck, but funny: I was playing Bass on a corporate function at the Dorchester. If I remember correctly there were around 13/14 musicians and singers in total with a Band leader/conductor (All in evening dress/DJ's etc). Back in the 80's/90's this line up, or similar size was not unusual in the West End hotels for society or corporate functions. Several band leaders had it all sewn up. If a musician was a freelancer, quite often he/she would dep in ALL these bands, usually with the same Dave Tanner or Pop Plan charts. They were all like the same gig. We had already started when a young Trumpet player jumped up onto the stage in his DJ's, joined the Trumpet section and started doubling one of their parts. At the end of the the number, he rushed off without saying a word. We later learned that he was at the wrong gig, with the wrong band...
  16. No, I haven't used his books personally, but I have heard decent things about him. Plus. maybe email him and see if he has any free taster PDF's you can view.
  17. Igor has been around a while. He's a real Jaco fan and certainly no scammer. Maybe contact him via his website or YouTube channel if you feel uneasy. Your right though, Facebook can be hit and miss. https://en.igorsardi.com/ https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxY3dJMuaxQxu9ZkHY0h0Xw
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