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Everything posted by lowdown

  1. It's reasonable for me (no noises, crackles or pops etc). I do have a pretty newish i7 though (two years old). Standalone, playing a five note chord is around 15% (bottom right corner):
  2. Yes, I did notice that. When I restarted the 'puter, that folder ended up in 'Program Data'. But, it seemed to be just some kind of reference folder with a little green arrow in the bottom left hand corner. My 'C' drive hadn't actually reduced (by 2.79 gig). Although, the '.exe' application stayed in 'C' program files , the Library was holed up in my 'G' drive. A very strange carry on, but all working for me. Hopefully, the Grenade you lobbed over to their support folk might unravel something that I've missed and, it really is an easy install. Sounds great though..!!
  3. Unfortunately, there are some vendor download managers and license activation Apps that will only reside on 'C' drives. It's not something that particularly bothers me; mainly because I haven't had a problem with any of them. Of course, that might change if I do.
  4. Yes, the installer app is on the 'C' drive. But, during the install, you can direct the sound library to any location of your choice. Same with the VST files. Even if you have a problem selecting a drive for installation, you can move the content after the install. Do you have questions about your product? You will likely find an answer here: Open the drop down tab in this link.... HOW DO I FREE UP SOME HARD DRIVE SPACE USING THE ASC
  5. Here you go Dad....aaaaannnnnd, yet another Installer. This one is a Hybrid Strings/Synth from Arturia and I must say, very cutting edge. It sounds great: Arturia - Augmented STRINGS Intro
  6. Where is this from, Leonard? My oldest is after another DAW PC and is looking at refurbs. 👍
  7. Probably a stupid question but, do you have the metronome 'count off' activated? and if so, how many bars of count off before the recording starts? I think in activated mode it's default used to be two bars. There might be some stupid amount of bars of count off and you haven't realised. Like I said, probably a stupid question. EDIT: This chap explains it better.
  8. I'm presuming the OP has looked at the frame rates? if not, try the link below, section 3). More likely it's the video drifting, not the audio. Usually this is down to playback mismatch of frame rates. The DAW (video player) project settings frame rate has to be set to the same frame rate as the video was recorded when playing back in Reaper (or any DAW/audio/video editor). I'm not a Reaper user, but this chap has a decent step-by-step guide writing with videos/films/pictures. https://howtowritefilmmusic.com/how-to-set-up-reaper-daw-for-film-scoring/
  9. One of the best forums out there is this one below. Composing through to DAW's/FX and all things in-between. A lot of software Vendors post about/advertise their products as well, with plenty of user reviews on offer. VI CONTROL: https://vi-control.net/portal/
  10. Funny enough, I stumbled across a live performance with Alfonso Carey a couple of days ago (The Ritchie Family). I believe this was Alfonso as well.
  11. About 20 years ago or so, I walked into a bar in Glasgow to listen to some Jazz and Ewan was on Double Bass. He sounded great, very fluent and on top of it. I was then told he hadn't been playing Upright that long. Excellent musician.
  12. Neil Stubenhaus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Stubenhaus
  13. The very first beat of 'Rock With You'. Bass drum then snare.
  14. If you mean the buzzing type sound, I can hear it. It's mostly on the E and A strings. Other than that, sorry, I'm not much help.
  15. I have pretty much all of GB's albums going right back to the CTI (Jazz) days. I think he's great. Although, some of the YouTube videos I have seen of him in the last 6/7 years or so, he seems to be struggling a bit and below the high standards he set. But then again, as pointed out above, he's getting on a bit. I was listening to the Breezin' album earlier today. Some really great playing from all involved.
  16. Why was the 'Desktop Window Manager' so high? Maybe look into that with a Google search. Maybe check this. https://www.thewindowsclub.com/desktop-window-manager-dwm-exe It should be quite low really. This is mine.
  17. Here is my older Windows i7 with 32 gig of RAM (with no DAW loaded). The figures start to look a lot more promising RAM percentage wise. Also, take into account that W10 needs around 2 gigs to operate, so the OP has only 6 gigs available before background tasks and Internet security kicks in (assuming it's a x64 system). In my case, it seems after windows 10 RAM access, 2 more gigs are used on other stuff running. So for me, 4 gigs is taken up before I start using my DAW. The OP seems to have over 6 gig taken up before DAW use. I think he needs to go up to 16 gigs. (assuming there is not a problem going on) I can quite easily run 50 Instrument tracks loaded with large sample libraries before I have to start freezing tracks, and that is running my Audio interface at 64 samples. Of course for mixing, I take it up to 1024 samples. This is running Nuendo 11x, although, I do have Studio One 5.5.1 as well, but that doesn't run anywhere near as well for track counts and smoothness. I usually only access the internet for updates/upgrades etc. I've turned it on just to show it's RAM usage. I have a Laptop and phone for all Internet tasks. I have tuned my PC for Audio using all the tips that seem to be available (which meant turning off various things) and the tips/suggestions do make a difference to my system, so it's worth looking into. Saying that, my son works in Audio as well, and he has the latest generation i7 and the newest RAM spec available (64 gig). He doesn't turn anything off - It's all running sweet. Depends on the age and spec of your system, I suppose.
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