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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. Not if you grew up in the 80's on this side of the Atlantic
  2. Which, itself, was heavily inspired by the headless Steinberger GM
  3. Smashing Pumpkins - Cyr Finally got around to picking this up. Corgan does an album of 80's synth-pop, 20 songs of it. While each song by itself isn't too bad, it gets crushingly repetitive after a while. Having Chamberlin in your band and having him play straight fours on an electric kit or, worse, replacing him altogether with a poxy drum machine, is close to unforgivable. I hope this is Corgan's mid-life crisis out of the way. Weak sauce.
  4. I loved these but I think they stopped before the point Bruce left, which is a shame because the Blaze years would be interesting for many reasons. Band members who left and then came back seems to be a very hard thing to talk about. The Anthrax story currently coming out on youtube is at such a point. Spitz and Belladonna coming back (temporarily) should be the next episode. Having been to one of those gigs you could see they weren't getting along, particularly with Spitz. Then comes Dan Nelson 😂 The less successful Maiden years would be an interesting thing to cover, too.
  5. The two-piece Deviser bridge. Beautifully designed, superbly engineered, entirely solid.
  6. Remember this is a nitro finish before you go rubbing solvents on it.
  7. Death Angel - Act III An all time top-tenner, a band really finding their feet and blossoming https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kXdEJHnJsXc
  8. Sterile? Lose the flats, put on some rounds and get some growl and zing!
  9. Peter Baltes had a steampunk Streamer made for him? A Steamer? Streampunk?
  10. To be fair, the cure for cancer could be growing on those frets, along with who knows what else.
  11. Thumb over the neck? Man, that dude is gonna get roasted on youtube, he'll never energise his market-base and grow his channel with that technique!
  12. I like both Slayer and Bon Jovi. Our numbers grow every day! Don't commit hate crimes against us! You can't spend every day... woooaaaahhh ohhhh Livin' on-a Slayer.
  13. I like that the three dots in the Three Dots logo look like they're out Motörheading Motörhead in the umlaut department. That spike on the headstock will really appeal to all the people who complain about G&L 😂
  14. Play ad bingo. When you see "original", "vintage" and "rare", all in one ad, you win a night of boozing, to dull that stabbing pain you feel in your brain, with a clear conscience.
  15. Deacon Blue - Raintown and When The World Knows Your Name Brilliant songwriting and fantastic performances from all involved. While I'm disappointed I didn't wake up to them sooner, there is a particular joy in finding a new back catalogue to explore. I recently got deep into Talking Heads too, for the first time, while reading Chris Frantz's book. Great fun was had.
  16. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BO9T5pQ6IeI Credit due to the "Hell bent for chiffon" comment 😂
  17. That's the thing with genres, they're fine for organising the stock of music shops (look them up, kids) but generally not applicable in the real world when it comes to art. Bands tend to get labelled as something and struggle to shake off the label even when they're not playing whatever it is they're labelled as. We had this discussion recently with "thrash" which went from being used to describe a very specific style of music to the lazy bundling together of the output of a large and varied collection of bands, most of whom were not actually playing thrash. Genres belong in the bin with Peter Criss' cat makeup.
  18. As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll. Mick Shrimpton R.I.P.
  19. Unlike Leo Fender, Jamerson would actually get it right first time.
  20. Dude, don't enter that as a search term on your work computer, seriously 😵
  21. I built assembled a strat in Monaco yellow, it looks quite similar. The pickguard is good but I just love that colour. A transparent or slightly tinted one would show it off well.
  22. Even better. Tonewood tonefloor toneboards.
  23. That looks cool, though personally, I'd love to see more of that yellow (is that Monaco yellow?).
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