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Everything posted by Hellzero

  1. My advice would be even simpler : follow the snare drum, not the bass drum as you'll get lost after the first measure. Don't try to understand and decompose the signature, but let the music flow. On the opposite, as I'm into weird time signatures (I've been listening to strange time signatures, being it classical, jazz or even rock, since I'm a teenager), it's hard for me to play in 4:4, I think because I get bored very quick.
  2. Had one too, and as I wrote, it's the best small combo ever.
  3. And we forgot the great Carles Benavent with Paco de Lucia (everything was played fretless !!!) He even played with Miles Davis and nowadays, he's been playing with Chick Corea... Listen to this and his amazing style of playing :
  4. That surely is a typo, as it must be this one (box picture is the same), unless it's a huge cardboard pick 🤣 : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-5-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar/283063844850?hash=item41e7eb7ff2:g:BpEAAOSwTIhaX4Sh
  5. Where are you going next ? Home ? Then the Rai 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... will certainly broadcat the concerts. Check it out. I've seen Chick Corea twice, the first concert was really great, we left the second one after the second track as it was so boring : not sure you are missing something extraordinary.
  6. Yes, and if the Power LED lights up, than the bridge rectifier is still alive as in this circuit everything is operated after it, my guess, because remote repair is always a guess, is as I wrote the filtering capacitors that have blown as it's still humming, so "working". That said, I wouldn't bid any higher than 20 quids...
  7. As the amp is still turning on ("followed by a small amount of smoke from the back and loud humming"), it means that the ouput transistors are still sound and safe, otherwise the mains fuse would have blown. It could be interesting to know who that "Spike" is...
  8. And "recently had all new valves and the biasing set on an oscilloscope"... In the preamp section, where the bias is useless as it's an automatic one. Funny repairer, indeed.
  9. Ok, easy fix, replace the filtering capacitors that have simply blown. That's what the humming noise is. Will cost you a few quids if you can do it yourself. I used to run my own repair workshop some 20 years ago...
  10. It's in Luxembourg. There is no pre requirement, hence they the entry examen to check your ability to play (3 jazz standards), your harmony knowledge (I've always referred to Théorie de la musique by Danhauser) and your sight reading in the key of your instrument (practice). After that they will decide of your level and your courses. Playing 3 standards of jazz implies playing obvious tracks, hence my choice, that said.
  11. Being addicted to bebop and especially Wes Montgomery, I'm a fan of the original which is simply incredible to my ears. That could be a wise choice indeed...
  12. Sold a Musician Sound Design (Hardy Kurandt) onboard preamp to Harry. Smooth, fast and easy transaction. A pleasure to deal with. Bye bye 'til the next time.
  13. The nail polish remover is simply acetone. As the nail polish remover hasn't harm the finish, then buy acetone which is way far cheaper and purer, so you can finish the job. I've done this on some aerosol paint weirdos work and it's been working fine. All you'll need to do is a bit of polishing afterwards. If you go the acetone road, first try on a hidden surface and second work outside because of the vapours...
  14. I'll stick to my first choice. Now I need to practice, so I won't need to read and could follow the leader without thinking "Where the hell is he going"...
  15. Thanks @Reggaebass. I know that wax accepts only wax, but the wax has gone through the other side of the planks over the years, so it's impossible to sand it. I have an old recipe with turpentine to make a varnish for waxed wood, but I sure it will never dry, according to that kind of varnish that my grandmother used for windows and tablets in our now house : not dry yet after more than 50 years.
  16. THAT is absolute sense of humour. The little Dani has none, that said.
  17. So my guess was good, it's written music. That said, I've been to lots of modern composers concerts, mainly influenced by Pierre Boulez, and some were harder to listen to than this.
  18. Does this finish harden after the 12 hours or even better after a few weeks ? It's not for a fretboard, but my wooden floors. There is 200 to 400 years of wax in them (our house is very old and already represented on the oldest map of 1604), so we have to put wax every year and give them a good shine. If I could find some wax friendly "varnish", I would be more than happy. Maybe a very light stain could do the job.
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