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Everything posted by Cato

  1. I heard somewhere (probably on here) that Mr King saw Thundercat at Glastonbury and got inspired. Edit:he mentions it briefly here. http://www.musicradar.com/news/mark-king-you-just-need-to-remember-to-not-be-precious-and-to-go-with-it
  2. Cato

    Burl Blindness

    I'm not generally a fan of fancy tops, but there's an absolutely spectacular example by Andyjr in the Build Diaries forum.
  3. Not a very nice guy. I'd say more, but threads have been locked for less. You look nothing like him anyway .Well maybe if I squint and try to add 40 years...
  4. Have you ever listened to Drugstore? Or Belly? I don't know if they qualify as grunge or riot grrrls, but it was definately an influence on them, plus they're two of my favourite bands from that era.
  5. I'll give that a go. When I was a kid I didn't rate John at all, probably because he was the least flash/openly virtuoso member of the band. These days of course, 25 years in to my bass playing journey, I recognise him for the quiet, restrained genius he is.
  6. Cancel the BassChat expedition to Milwaukee, he's back.
  7. Ah. The place wouldn't be the same without him.
  8. The Nanyo factory built Bass Collections are famously light and come up for sale on here fairly regularly. Edit. Bassbisscuits beat me to it.
  9. The rail gun error is a badge of hounour.
  10. Blue hasn't posted since just before the site went down for the upgrade. I fear we may have to send out a search party. Or maybe he's been busy with that gunfight.
  11. Funnily enough I was looking at east preamps the other day for a project I might do next year, nothing fancy, just turning a standard, passive mex jazz into an active 'super jazz'. Did you mess about with the internal pots much, specifically the bass and treble voicing controls, or were you happy with the 'factory' presets? I'm not sure I can be trusted with too many variables to play with.
  12. And then there's Michael Jackson, involved in some of the greatest music of the 70s and 80s. Never convicted of anything, but the accusations were so serious that they slightly tarnished his music for me. But not enough to stop 'I want you back' being one of mynall time favourite songs and play along basslines
  13. Read and hopefully replied. A post it thingy appears at the top of the page.
  14. Eff me, Finally I can embed pictures. Fantastic job.
  15. I think it means that you're going to fall down the stairs.
  16. Eff me, So that's what cold turkey feels like. The site looks great , I appreciate the hard work you guys put in.
  17. He gets paid per click for the 'free' videos he puts out on YouTube, hence the clickbait. Once you get past whatever gimmick is the title of the clip, there's usually (although not always) something useful in there.
  18. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1510263944' post='3405227'] So it does [/quote] Dilemma: If you point out the Spaniel image to the friend who commissioned the build, he'll never be able to unsee it. It will always be the 'Spaniel Guitar'. Personally I'm not sure I'd be able to resist.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1510262382' post='3405206'] I know, that's what I thought too. Weren't The Beatles already internationally famous at this time? Blue [/quote] My mum saw them a couple of times at the height of Beatlemania,from what she's told me , at that point in their career, I think they usually played for less than half an hour at the top of a four or five band line up. They also sometimes did two gigs a day in the same city,a matinée and an evening performance.
  20. I think it's an old Dimension. I seem to recall that the Dimension name and shape originated in the early 2000s, the new models have the same shape and name, but completely different pickups and electronics.
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1510076936' post='3403814'] Didn't Prince play one of these.? [/quote] He had the guitar version which he apparently played at least once. He had a bass on order, but he died before it was completed. http://youtu.be/e2wjMnMpaR4
  22. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1510163475' post='3404415'] I have a Babicz bridge on an Epiphone Thunderbird (the through neck, Gibson pick up one) and it's excellent. The EB4 I bought recently comes fitted with a Babicz as standard, and again, it is an excellent piece of kit. I'm happy with the stock bridges on my Fenders, though, not sure it is worth the time and money involved in changing them for the difference it might make. [/quote] As I said before, I can't tell any tonal differences between high mass, babiczs or BBOTs. Having said that I do like my bridges to be rock solid, with no saddle movement, so I'd probably change out a BBOT on any bass I bought.
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