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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. It was me. The room is upstairs, and s I explained in my reply above, bass amps are heavy . I also recall that guy with the seven string smacking his head badly on the door jamb at the top of the stairs.
  2. Sometime in new year please as partner very tired due to nocturnal baby and illness. Actual attendance very much depends on conditions on the day or more accurately the night before Somewhere ground level would be good. Shep: I got humbucking versions of those italian pickups for my jazz now
  3. Mine has 3 knobs, no tug bar, jap pups, copper strap and p, I think, alder body Has button on headstock rear. I think £550 sounds a bit high myself There's also export and non export cij to cinsider
  4. [quote name='parker_muse' post='953721' date='Sep 12 2010, 05:16 PM']The 'Vintage' copy. It's 3eq active.[/quote] I have the same one and its very quiet. Mine is copper shielded (see the sticky thread the top of the forum) but is wasn't very noisy before. May just be a fault in the mains electrics in a particular location
  5. behringer xenyx 802 ? I was thinking no more than £60 ish - dont need anything flash. My amp doesnt have phones out and I like its sound but have small baby. Amp has DI socket and reachable speaker connections that I can disconnect.
  6. can someone please recommend me a small mixer? not rack mount battery operated is ok must have about four input of either phono, rca or a mix of both. must have volume controls for each input. MUST have a headphone jack. Preferably a current model that I can get new off ebay or GAk or somesuch thanks for your time.
  7. Geek99


    i bought his CIJ jazz and he was a true gent about it all at every step. RIP
  8. I have a law degree as it happens. The OP should be entitled to his money back, but the shop are first entitled to take 'a reasonable time' to inspect the goods to see if they can repair. It doesn't matter legally if he's being inconvenienced now, but if he starts a Small Claim then he can ask for recompense for it. I'd send them a letter stating the facts and giving them 7 days to state what they are going to do to assist. They may be waiting for parts and have forgotten to tell him. After 7 days I'd be talking to the credit card people. If they can't help, and they have quite a lot of clout with retailers, I'd start a small claim in the county court and cvlaim interest for the entire period of loss
  9. Not sure that's right as that would put the two pickups together in series? Each pup has two black and two white.
  10. I have some new jazz bass sized humbucker pickups. They are sealed and the coils are visible at rear so can see one black and one white coming from each coil. There is also a yellow shielding wire, I know what to do with that. I want to wire in series as my cij jazz is naturally quite bright and trebly. I know white is signal and black is earth; 1 white goes to the pot and 1 black goes to earth. Can someone tell me how to connect the coils properly ? Do I just take the spare white and black and join them ? Does it matter which black and which white I choose ? Thanks Edit : each pickups coils in series, not two pickups in series together
  11. Joined, but it really doesn't work well on a blackberry (not even the mobile version).
  12. Geek99


    Sorry - was being thick
  13. [quote name='steve' post='911461' date='Jul 31 2010, 08:06 PM']I don't think it's necessarily the drummers job to anchor the song, that depends on the song itself, and the individual parts the band members play - if the drummer has a busy pattern to play, he'll probably rely on you to keep a solid foundation, that being said, it shouldn't be your job all the time either.[/quote] I agree - there are enough varispeed drummers about that you'd be lucky to be able to rely on one. I think everyone in a band is responsible for keeping their own time, and a reasonably competent musician should be able to mould their idea of time to broadly fit what everyone else is doing. A lead guitarist I know said "[i]oh, I dont bother counting or ought like that, I just rely on the drummer[/i]"
  14. Geek99


    Newbie question alert ... Does using Di out defeat the speakers ?
  15. Geek99


    Interesting idea thx
  16. Geek99


    Thx for the pointer to the ART gizmo. I have a small baby and the amp is thus underused, I really like the tube emulator on it but can't use it at any volume above a whisper. That's why a headphone amp is not ideal
  17. I'm restarting from scratch too, its not an easy road, but I think its more satisfying as I know I have fewer gaps and [i]will[/i] improve. My timing was [b]awful[/b]. I now listen more carefully to records and I "hear" new bass riffs (with the basic drum beats) from nowhere that I never would have thought of before. I cant play them yet, but I'll get there.
  18. apols for the cross post with the amps forum, i didnt realise that Hartke were an affiliate here and figured I may as well ask the experts. I have a hydrive 210c, can I plug head phones into the speaker socket on the back of the amp and use it at low volume instead of the speakers? I know I couldnt do this with a valve amp, but wondered if its okay with a solidstate design? thanks
  19. on a hartke hydrive 210c, there is a 6.5mm plug at the back for the speakers. If i unplug the speaker plug, can I connect headphones instead without destroying something? Obviously I dont want to turn it up to high volume like this.
  20. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='906072' date='Jul 26 2010, 05:23 PM']Just a general shot, one of the body & one of the headstock. I may not be able to help but I'll give it a go. I would have thought somebody on here might though[/quote] here goes
  21. I don't really get bass gas - I started here with just a vintage stingray copy and then bought a cij jazz off oldgit . Never needed anything else. I have bought lots of books from people here though- I don't have a lot of practice time and reading a lot, and in depth is better than making no progress at all.
  22. I have 3 hercules hangers in a stud wall and they work just fine.I did use bigger screws than those supplied though. I also rotated them so the wooden base was paralel to the stud, not perpendicular to it. If you pull the hanger away from its base, its rotateable
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