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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. [quote name='toneknob' post='1272367' date='Jun 17 2011, 08:10 AM']Annie Clements of Sugarland [/quote] good call !
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1270787' date='Jun 15 2011, 10:46 PM']More years ago than I care to remember I was looking for some pups for something or other- I phoned around & spoke with Kent who was incredibly helpful, he was just about to start a new business "Rainbow Pickups", which was where I eventually went. Since I haven't seen anyone mention Rainbow in this thread so far I guess this is old news? Kent Armstrong Rainbow Pickups. Hazeldene House, Nickley Wood Road, Shadoxhurst, Kent TN26 1LZ England Tel: +44 1223 732527 I also had an old KA P90 dogear in a guitar & sold it on along with a guitar sale. I still kick myself to this day over letting that one go.[/quote] I actually spoke to Kent (also many years ago) at about the time Rainbow started. He made me up some Strat pickups** that were just amazing. ** I'm glad to say I moved away from the Dark Side.
  3. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1242181' date='May 23 2011, 08:20 PM']under the bridge cover there was a little bit of foam sticking underneath in the early years, so you have that little mute on the strings from above. over the pickup it was used to prevent interspersion?(do you call it like this in english?) that is what i know about it. i love the look of the covers on j and p basses, but on a p the pickup cover is at my sweetspot, so i only use a bridge cover. same on a J..unfortunately..because i really dig to the style with pickup covers as well.[/quote] I think you mean interference ? They were originally wired in as part of the shielding in '51 precisions - see The Fender BASS Manual book
  4. I'd start by putting new strings on and setting up the intonation and action. There are Plenty of guides on how to do this on the Internet
  5. I have that model and it is great but I do think it's a little overpriced at £600
  6. Yes it does, I can find the parts now on google even if that kit isn't Perfect Thanks for replying, ross
  7. I have a CIJ 62 reissue jazz bass - with black plastic knobs (no grub screws). Can someone please advise what kind of wiring kit I need to redo the wiring ? poly, ceramic, cts, alpha etc - all seem to be available on ebay thanks
  8. I had this - there's an operAtion on the wrist to loosen the muscle collar which worked really well for me There is also an injection of an anti-inflammatory called benisol which worked for about a year
  9. Its a feeler to see if there is any interest so I didn't think I had to. I haven't seen many for sale and I have no idea what it's worth. Perhaps someone who has an idea could pm me and I will update accordingly
  10. Can't watch that on blackberry at moment, but will later. Thanks
  11. Thanks, I didn't know there was a tempo change to 3/4...
  12. Hi Does anyone have this ? I think its in G Thanks
  13. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1031181' date='Nov 21 2010, 10:01 AM']Simon took a great shot of my twin - the guy playing it in the pic, standing next to DaveC, had a very nice MIJ Jazz with period tuners fitted - lovely to play but had a issue with the badck pup. Hope you get it sorted Cheers. [/quote] That was me, Eric I thank you for the tip about the tuners. [b]Oldgit[/b] of this parish (RIP) did mention at the time of sale that he thought "someone had messed around with the tuners", but I never imagined they'd be "more authentic " than the MIJ originals. I was pleased to hear everyones' feedback about the new pickups, as they are not mainstream models like SD or Delano. PM "matte_black" on this forum for more details about the split coil jazz humbucker, its very very quiet indeed yet also pokily loud. A double neck was an experience, thanks. I'm going to get the dremel to work on the cable routing through from the bridge pickup rout to the control cavity. Its quite steeply stepped and I wonder if a prominent piece of wood there is nudging the treble side coil of the bridge pickup. Well done Luke, btw.
  14. Apols for bailing early, the little munchkin needed feeding. Thanks to everyone for letting me try their stuff, liked the b2a and the sei fretless especially
  15. I wont be there till 2 at the earliest as I have to do shopping and get a tyre changed first.
  16. I'm also bringing my CIJ jazz 62 reissue with Prometeus pickups.
  17. Wonderful thanks. My bass playing colleague ben (non bc-er) showing some interest too
  18. Dave ? I'd like to try the b2a out of sheer curiosity please I'd like to borrow someones fretless for 5 minutes for the same reason. In return I have a cij jazz with split coil hbs that shep liked a lot and a surprisingly good vintage stingray copy. I might bring my amp but am more likely to bring my zoom b21 and some cans
  19. Simon Please bring your Cij precision ? I'd be interested to compare it to my cij jazz. Will also bring my stingray copy as its surprisingly good.
  20. So did we fix a date/venue ? Can probably attend
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