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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Thanks If yu check my sig you'll see I got 93 as a probable date too. I had thouight this would be simpler- pictutes of what parts ?
  2. I have a '93 62 reissue (3ts, rw) can someone tell me how to tell if its an export or non-export model? Fingerboard edges are not bound btw Gold logo thanks
  3. Twas me with the jazz bass. Even one of the guitar guys came over to look which was quite impressive. Thanks for your time on that, I appreciate it.
  4. Ill take Teach Yourself Rock Bass Guitar - can you pm me your paypal details ?
  5. Sadly not, but it does prove I'm not completely stupid. You could do a lo fi version quite easily using just css and setting media=handheld (ask laura) I'm a website programmer btw. The lofi version of basschat works well and is very quick
  6. I may be missing something but the media section just seems to contain photos? Site works quite well on a blackberry btw
  7. My cij jazz is still wearing the elixirs it had when I got it from oldgit.they still work well enough for my purposes. My vintage ray copy has new ish rotosounds from bgm mag which seem to be lasting well although I don't gig. I've bought a three pack of hartke strings off the bay so will try those next
  8. Try prometeus (note spelling) I know he makes them. Making me some pickups at the moment
  9. Bass guitar for dummies is worth a read. He's very good at explaining how to work over chords. He's very breif on how to play rhythms jumping straight from quarter notes into a syncopated rhythm. Good section on maintenance Good section on playing styles of music
  10. He sells the pickups loose also...
  11. Thanks - potted means dipped in resin or wax or shielded somehow. Bridge is taller and wider.
  12. Are the pickups fully potted ? Are they in black covers or are they one unit ? I assume they're different sizes for neck and bridge ?
  13. Yes thanks but his basses are nothing like mine. Anyone tried the pickups in a jazz ?
  14. Preferably with jazz single coils Thanks
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  17. There's a whole thread on thid on the repairs forum, my 0.02p is to mention copper foil with conductive adhesive. This reduces the soldering beeded. Use a multimeter set to ohms to make sure that every piece of foil has a near 0 ohm resistance connection to earth
  18. I have the sr16- it can hold several drumkits, but you can't associate them with songs or patterns so switching to the right kit is manual operation. Painful
  19. I can probably come for an hour or so, I would have organised it but can't be there all day to collect the money as I have a partner with a debilitating illness and a small baby.
  20. Yes, all shielded with minimal resistance. Some earths go direct to output jack to avoid earth loops.
  21. I read the sticky above but want opinions. I live in a newish house with rcd, I turned the lights off. My bass is a 62 ri jap jazz. It has conductive copper foil lining with barely mesureable resistance from the pickup cavities to the earth side of the jack. Ditto the tailpiece. The noise reduces when volume turned down, but its still noisy. How noisy can I expect a single coil jazz to still be ? What do you guys experience?
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