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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Beedster, whats the title of the Motown book ? And author? ** ** should have asked before PMing really, but cant check now you've deleted stuff
  2. Ill take the motown book - can you pm me your paypal address ? At work using blackberry at moment Thx
  3. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='812986' date='Apr 20 2010, 07:28 PM']There was talk of a Nottingham one, not sure what's happening though.[/quote] was my idea.... i have no time to do so - partner with M.E. and a small baby. I realised that I can attend one for a couple of hours but not manage the whole thing, collect money etc
  4. Will be in touch when I've done some more practice - still learning. Have partner with m.e. and a small baby so time scarce. Do you have practice space ? Which side of loughborough are you on ? Leicester or north ?
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  6. I have the 210 and I like it - the tube drive effect is also good. Has aux in but no phones socket sadly. Not managed to turn it up loud due to small children in house
  7. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='780810' date='Mar 20 2010, 02:38 PM']My Levinson Blade B3 is fine and quiet until it comes within a foot or so of whichever amp its plugged into (no effects) Any Ideas. BB[/quote] I would expect it within a foot or so, more so if it has single cpil pickups. Reviewing the shielding and earthing as discussed here and you might improve it a bit but basically just stand further
  8. A useful tip is to use a multimeter set to ohms (resistance) holding one probe on the earth contact of the output jack and the other probe on parts of the shielding or earthing to check that there is a good route to earth. The closer to zero the number shown, the less resistance there is. This helped me to idenify several dry joints and also imperfect contacts between copper foil and earthing.
  9. Did you find anything ? I'm not quite a dinosaur yet; I can play 6 string after a fashion although I refuse to own one
  10. Yes I recall your collection IF I do this this I don't want to end up subbing for it when people drop out
  11. So were the grosvenor willing to take booking with no deposit? How many of those showing interest actually attended?
  12. So were the grosvenor willing to take booking with no deposit? How many of those showing interest actually attended?
  13. @budgetbassist - did you have to pay in advance , or pay a deposit? I seem to recall a mug of coins @all: when can you all do , and what's the max door price you'd consider reasonable ?
  14. I wasn't asking him to do it again (he did do a good job though)- 'any hints?' meant 'any advice on how to deal with the grosvenor, price the door etc'. I don't have lots of freetime (small baby, job with long hours etc look at my posting times), but all the current bashes appear to be miles away london, scotland etc And I thought it was time we had our own. If I did it it would be pretty spit and sawdust - I can make a few calls but that's about it.
  15. Budget bassist organised the last one - any hints ?
  16. Is it time we had another one ?
  17. Probably coming - dependent on family stuff of coursr, bringing rather humbler instruments tham most tho
  18. No, small baby to consider. I have stuff, what I need is time.
  19. No, small baby to consider. I have stuff, what I need is time.
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