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Everything posted by BetaFunk

  1. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1413048927' post='2574533'] im not a fan of this kind of music but bashing something for not being as good as the original seems a bit pointless to me. [/quote] I certainly wasn't 'bashing' it because it wasn't as good as the original. If you think that then i think you have missed the point. I was 'bashing' it because they (especially the producer) have entirely missed the point and meaning of the song.
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1412981558' post='2573941'] Speaking as a non-cyclist this remains unclear to me. [/quote] Now i'm intrigued why you were on a cycling forum. P.S. On saying that i do frequent a hang-gliding forum but the highest i ever get off the ground is when i go on the top deck of a bus.
  3. Whether Page or someone else wrote it...................I really wish they hadn't.
  4. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1412977083' post='2573904'] Seems a little weird now but Page was a big garage fan, ? and the Mysterians being a favourite of his. [/quote] I would imagine that Page was introduced to a lot of what was happening music wise in the US at the time (mid 60s) through his relationship with Jackie DeShannon while she was here in the UK writing and recording. She had written numerous songs for groups at that time, also produced many recording sessions and had a great knowledge on what was happening stateside. She probably showed him a few licks on the 12-string as well. http://youtu.be/ZsvVjrNNmRI
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1412959821' post='2573710'] To be fair, a [i]few[/i] CC-ers like it in a tepid sort of way. But it's nice to know we BassChatters are not simply being driven by our proximity to the issue. [/quote] Who likes it more in the cycling world. The lycra clad ones or the fixie/Rapha wearing types?
  6. I still think that this is JP's finest couple of minutes and co-written with the man who brought us Delilah. http://youtu.be/GcCbb12Jnx0
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1412972707' post='2573859'] Cheers BF! I'm going to listen to those next [/quote] They are really good. I hope you enjoy them!
  8. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1412970539' post='2573831'] I try really hard not to buy anything made in China. I'm sure they can make things well but I have way too many issues with China (human rights issues, animal welfare etc etc etc) to want to support their economy. [/quote] Does that mean you do buy some things made in China?
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1412968200' post='2573807'] Now playing... and worth watching if you're interested in the art of cinematic scores ...and analogue synths. [/quote] If that wets anyone's appetite for film music then this is an absolute must. http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/soundofcinema
  10. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1412951733' post='2573604'] Ooh. I managed/played in a group in the sixties that had two young girls doing the vox. They covered this tune. Makes me go all wobbly to remember it. Thanks BetaFunk [/quote]
  11. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1412858375' post='2572716'] That's exactly what I mean. I didn't realise flats could do that kinda thing. [/quote] When the Precision was first sold in the early 1950s flatwounds were the only strings available so it's no surprise that it sounds so good with them.
  12. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1412884603' post='2573051'] Oh for a like button. Thanks Skank [/quote] +1
  13. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1412770002' post='2571787'] Most of the names come from vintage motorcycles but that's not particularly important or relevant in this case. One discarded suggestion so far is [i]Dominator;[/i] I didn't fancy standing on stage with my[i] Dominator [/i]behind be! [/quote] WEM were making Dominators 50 years ago and there is currently a Watkins Dominator. As for vintage motorcycle names: Black Shadow Triton Trident Barracuda Spitfire Lightning Meteor Rapide Comet Constellation Interceptor Tiger Cub Navigator Hurricane Atlas Telstar Starfire Shooting Star Thunderbird Bonneville Dragonfly ...and of course there's the 'I've been kicking this thing over for the last half-hour and it still won't go'.
  14. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1412853037' post='2572646'] Thanks Beta, I had never heard this before - IMO absolutely amazing, almost perfection and it made me cry just listening to it. [/quote] You're right, it is amazing. There's much more on the 4-cd Pet Sounds box set. Those vocals are so wonderful that you soon forget there is no backing track.
  15. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1412811203' post='2572423'] there are an awful lot worse things out there. [/quote] ....and i'm sure that if you listed them someone would say that there a lot worse things out there.
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1412803478' post='2572335'] Now you mention Later, as Jools appeared in the video I was bracing myself for some boogie woogie but we were at least spared that [/quote] I think it must be in his contract that the Lord Boogie Woogie appears whenever a piano is on the Beeb.
  17. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1412802007' post='2572307'] Fair enough. I must have a higher pain threshold (or cloth ears!) because I've heard a lot worse [/quote] You may well have a higher pain threshold but i'm guessing that i'm a fair bit older than you and although i have also heard a lot worse as i've got older i'm a lot less tolerant than i was.
  18. It's 1971 and Yes are playing at Kingston Polytechnic. In between all the 'peace, love and happiness' the singer decides to tell the audience in an already packed hall that it would be 'really cool' for everyone to sit down while they played. Everyone towards the front who can still see that stage while seated sit down and as sitting down takes twice the room as standing this causes a very uncomfortable crush towards the back of the hall. Some people are not happy and hurl abuse at the singer. Not too worry, let's retreat to the students union bar happily in the knowledge that we are going to see a group that's really going rock next week and look forward to seeing Juicy Lucy. To this day i still don't like Yes.
  19. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1412801080' post='2572294'] Well, that it's sort of been hijacked as a Children In Need song rather than being an unusual tune you don't normally hear a solo acoustic player tackling... [/quote] Yes i see what you mean.
  20. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1412800274' post='2572282'] My mate has just spent ages learning this for his solo acoustic set, with all the proper complex chords and everything, only to be ambushed by this. To say he's miffed doesn't really cover it....! [/quote] What is he 'miffed' about?
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412796672' post='2572226'] Rather sanctimonious and judgemental if I may say [/quote] You may say but don't expect me to agree.
  22. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1412797810' post='2572241'] C'mon... it's not THAT bad!! [/quote] It is to these ears.
  23. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1412779983' post='2571962'] Any cover of any song is bound to upset some people, but it's hardly the end of the world is it? [/quote] No, but this is............ http://youtu.be/Qgcy-V6YIuI
  24. This says it all for me........... http://youtu.be/_pO1xeRh0Ro
  25. I'm beginning to think that someone has slipped something in the water at the Beeb since they relocated to Salford. What with this and the awful Symphony of Medinah programme it looks like Auntie has to justify the expense of this orchestra and trawl it out at every opportunity. The Beeb seem to be taking music to another level. Just a shame that level isn't up. Sadly i expect them to balls up Radio 3 sooner than later.
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