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Al Krow

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Everything posted by Al Krow

  1. Doh! That's not my preferred EQ (see earlier post for what is on both active and passive). The only reason you're rocking only passive basses is that you're worried about your batteries running out. Never been an issue ever for me - active bass batteries last ages if you remember to unplug your bass over night. So, more accurately, this bass isn't for YOU 😋 But I'm sure your BB P34/5 will be just fine with their limited EQ options which you can 'feel'.
  2. Loved it. Great energy, excellent lead vocals (I'm a big fan of really good vocals!) and tight. And you're doing bass BVs too! If you guys are playing a pub / non function public gig on a Friday night give me a shout, love to come along to see you play live (and there are a fair few London bass players who might be up for a night out). Maybe good to get a London BC curry night out organised at some point soon anyway - if we can combine with some live music even better!
  3. Oh between songs for sure. Doesn't look too bad actually in real life (exaggerated by being a close up) and not that anyone else will notice - bear in mind my band-mates didn't spot me playing a 5er for the first time 9 months back! 😂 It is just a few seconds but nice to get it pretty accurate once you know what works well for you. As you know there are no markings on the bass or knobs other than the click when you hit centre point. I've got the EQs centred in the pic and as you can see from the pic and, as you'll know already from having a 734A, centre is not "vertical" or actually in the precisely same position for any of the EQ knobs - the bass EQ being slightly different to the mid and treble on mine. I'm guessing if you opened the bass up it should be possible to get a vertical centre for the EQ knobs if you wanted to. Or not?
  4. Nice thought. What do yours look like on your bass (pic please!)?
  5. Having a twiddle with your knobs in the bedroom is fine, dB! The need for quick accuracy live is another matter if you are swapping from passive and active - having an additional visual cue certainly doesn't hurt. Are you just playing a 1025X or do you now have a 735A also? They are very different beasts, knob wise.
  6. Keeley Electronics Synth 1 About to be released - £179 from Andertons Not sure about this one (definitely not making me think about replacing my FI!) but will leave this on here in case it's of interest.
  7. Keep up(!) we have already established he's not fat and he's also definitely alive (unless he's actually a computer generated algorithm 😂)
  8. Favourite tone settings on the BB 735A Been experimenting with and loving your two alternative settings, John. My strings are (I presume) the ones they came loaded with so likely to be brighter than your Dunlop flats. For anyone whose interested, I seem to settling on: 1) Passive Pups - full P EQ bass & mid by-passed; treble rolled off to 2/10 for general and possibly lower for a vintage sound 2) Active Pups - 3/4 J EQ: bass - flat, mids - boosted, treble flat Unlike the BB 1025 having the P + J at 50:50 on the 735A gives the most mid-scooped tone , whereas with the selector switch you seem to be getting literally half of each on the BB 1025 3) Switching between active and passive: Really easy to swap between the two: bass EQ and mids EQ are left permanently on preferred setting for active (as they are by-passed in passive mode) and then it's just two quick turns of the pup selector dial from P <--> 3/4 J and rolling the treble from 2/10 <--> 5/10 To avoid needing to switch the amp from active <--> passive, I just give a little volume knob on passive and cut a touch on active => can do that very easily all from the bass itself which keeps the convenience-junky / avoiding dead-air time part of me happy! The passive tone is great for much of our covers material (vintage & general) and then switch to active where I need to cut through / more rocky material.
  9. Head of Inlay-Design at Yamaha bass fancied a 'creative change' following an instruction from Head of Marketing, Maketingu-san, who was under a bit of pressure regarding his bonus that year.
  10. Ok 'fess up, who else besides me finds twiddling their gun metal knobs on a black body bass and a poorly lit stage mid gig, tricky? I've had to resort to taking drastic action ahead of tomorrow night's gig...
  11. Bloody hell - losing and keeping 3 stones off!! Wish I could manage to do that. Respect Although you're clearly no longer the heavyweight bass player you once were 😀
  12. Ignore me, I'm just jealous that at 35 a) you've tried more basses than I will in my lifetime b) you've already been playing bass for 22 years!
  13. Yup and with passives too, in your case, it would seem 🤣 ... or after 1000's of basses are you getting somewhere close to finding 'the one' or at least nearing the 'one Trav'? 😁
  14. Yeh the trouble with active basses is well they just need you to be that bit more active with them: messing around on the EQ when you're playing them, making sure you unplug them before you say g'nite, checking that their battery is ok...and they can't even be bothered to get themselves painted white. Soooo attention seeking! 😁
  15. @ratman I see you're a London boy! Any links to your band(s)?
  16. ...and a B3 for £40?!!! Not surprised that's also just flown off the shelf
  17. It's also a shame that they didn't include an aux in - for £110 this would have been a good value little headphone amp.
  18. I think if I was stepping up to a BH250, I'd then be tempted to go the whole hog and get a RH750. You see how it starts don't you? 😂
  19. So nearer 130W with a standard 8ohm cab. Not gonna cut it as a back up for me... 😔
  20. Not sure I can justify uploading another pic of my BB 1025 (but what the heck eh?!) on this thread. I'm kinda sensing it may not be seeing as much action as it was getting before the arrival of its newer sibling. But until a white Yammy BB 735A comes out, this can certainly have a home here in E London. Besides it's nice to have a purely passive bass that I can just leave plugged in and never need to worry about having a flat battery for my troubles!
  21. Been struggling to find out from online spec: whether this is 200W at 8 ohm or 4 ohm; what its actual dimensions are? Anyone managed to find out?
  22. This (for less than the cost of a decent dedicated analogue pedal)?
  23. True. But equally I've got to know (and trust) the views of the guys who have owned both on here. No one is saying Bergs are crap. They are very far from it! My question was given how good Bergs are and the fact that they cost twice what a PJ passive / active Yammy does, can a Yammy hold its own? The answer seems to be a resounding yes. And I definitely wouldn't want to be paying twice as much for a Berg and then finding I had to fork out another £500 for different pups and EQ, to suit me, on top.
  24. Enjoy! Look forward to hearing how you get on.
  25. Aha interesting, yes it was. You're a font of knowledge Master John R. Ixn (the First). How have you got yours set up, still reversed? Feels more 'natural' the right way around to me, but probably just my OCD (that I deny to the rest of my family I have) 🤣
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