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Everything posted by Prosebass

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  2. I use a Stealth Plug USB interface into my laptop on which I run Reaper with various amp modelling software. Using the headphone out on the Stealth Plug I use my Sony hi-fi amp ( a Legato Linear model with just a volume control) and from this to my 80's Castle floor-standers. Virtually zero latency and a superb smooth sound at either practice levels or shake the walls down. I don't bother with bass amps or combos. Even when I played live years ago we honed our sound through a quality PA and used little in the way of backline gear.
  3. How about something along the lines of a Q-Jazz ?
  4. If you are not used to using midi and are not competent with a keyboard I would suggest using samples and loops. Reaper is a great program for combining audio from your bass with loops and samples and you can use a keyboard and midi with it if you decide to go that way. It can be downloaded (full version) and used for 30 days evaluation for free so nothing to lose. There are many free download sites for loops rather than buying commercial CD's / DVD's [url="http://www.reaper.fm/"]Reaper[/url] [url="http://www.looperman.com/"]Looperman[/url]
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1260054' date='Jun 7 2011, 06:30 PM']Actually I'd almost completely disagree with that! See what I said about the string vibration patterns above...[/quote] Fair enough if we all agreed there would be no debate !
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1259634' date='Jun 7 2011, 01:15 PM']I can see the point of it for someone using a laptop maybe. It seems a bit more convenient than to have to hook up a USB audio interface and plug in to that.[/quote] exactly the reason why I use a [url="http://ikmultimedia.com/stealthplug/features/"]Stealth Plug[/url] that is broadly similar. If you are thinking of using it with a Laptop ( as I do) you will have horrendous noise problems if you leave your laptop on mains power due to earth imbalance. Providing you can run your laptop on battery most of these type of USB interfaces are fine. The 'Karuna' sound clip [url="http://www.prosebass.com/videosound.htm"]here[/url] is done with the Stealth Plug.
  7. I think what most of us are attempting to say is this. We can define what bass and amplification is being used by the 'sound' of it. Further to that we can identify the bassist by the multitude of playing nuances that that certain bassist has.
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1258079' date='Jun 6 2011, 09:09 AM']Each photographer has their own style. However, some photographers use filters and other effects to dramatically change the original image. Sometimes this requires special equipment to acheive. While a style may be recognisable accross a group of pictures by the same photographer, clearly all of the pictures don't share the same effect/hue/look the same. So, while Les Claypool has a style all of his own, and you might be able to recognise that accross his multitude of tones, in no way do all of his tones sound the same. Therefore, the tone is not in the fingers.[/quote] I think the real discussion here is a definition of style, tone and sound. To my way of thinking recognisable bassists have a certain tone. Different music has a certain style (rock, pop, reggae) Basses and amps make a sound. What I was trying to draw attention to and emphasising SteveK's comments is that bassists like photographers agonise over gear choice way too much rather than concentrating on technique. If you put the bass of doom and an Acoustic rig in my hands I will not sound like Jaco Pastorious , and neither will anyone else for that matter.
  9. 40 meg freed up .....do I win a prize ?
  10. [quote name='SteveK' post='1250210' date='May 30 2011, 12:59 PM']Yeah, I think there is an unhealthy fixation with [i]getting this bass, getting that rig[/i] trying every conceivable combination in the search for "that sound", when, in most cases, the player would do better looking closer to home. Yer Palladino's and Di Piazza's etc are quite happy to turn up and plug into anything available...me too![/quote] This is so true. Photography is a great analogy here. As an ardent photographer of many years I am amazed at the attention paid (on forums) by photographers as to what gear they should use to produce their work and the merits of different equipment to enable them to achieve this. The end product (the photograph) is often overlooked and the fact that it is not the equipment, but the photographer, that is the main element in producing it. Using a Leica M series camera and some black & white film will not turn you into Cartier Bresson
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1256100' date='Jun 4 2011, 12:15 AM']Mate of mine asked me to keep an eye out for one of these, can ya pm an email address or something for him to get in touch?[/quote] Provisionally Sold cheers Oli....
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1256100' date='Jun 4 2011, 12:15 AM']Mate of mine asked me to keep an eye out for one of these, can ya pm an email address or something for him to get in touch?[/quote] No problem [email protected] or he can call me on 01257 233572 thanks...Paul
  13. Great little amp in really excellent condition. Primarily for guitar but sounds great with bass. Great portability Excellent condition , complete with Crate padded carry bag (including strap) and mains lead. All you need to know here [url="http://www.crateamps.com/pdf/manuals/CPB150_OM.pdf"]Power Block PDF[/url] £90.00 including recorded 1st Class postage If you want it say so in the thread to avoid confusion and I will get back to you. Or [email protected] or call me on 01257 233572 Paypal / Bank Transfer / Postal Order or Cheque... Cheers...Paul [attachment=81690:Screenshot.png]
  14. Oak is great to work with , very similar to ash as regards weight and tone. Don't get confused with Green Oak for building which has high tannin levels as opposed to kiln dried which has very little. I have topped quite a few bass bodies with 15mm - 20mm Oak , used it in laminated necks and even as a board on a 3 octave fretless.
  15. OK , yes I built it but the seller has not asked me to do this.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fretless-Space-Bass-/150605474539?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2310c92aeb"]The Anomaly[/url]
  16. The tension always remains the same due to physics. What can make a difference is the total length of the string between the anchor points (not the nut to saddle length) I always find that my headless basses 'seem' to have more tension as the overall length of the strings is shorter. This means they have less compliance (governed by string length) so feel to have more tension. simples.... Obviously many other factors apply like torsional rigidity of the neck , string gauge and construction etc.. One thing that always intrigues me as a builder is what is classed as 'low action' ? Some refer to it as anything under 3mm at the 12th , others say different. Another factor is even or rising action. I try to build my basses so they have an even action from about the 5th fret to the 24th Easier to achieve on a single cut than a traditional design as the heel end of the neck is more rigid. So what is low action....? you tell me.
  17. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1092402' date='Jan 17 2011, 12:48 PM']Is it wrong of me to want to punch the blonde keyboard player? Great musicians for sure, but totally leaves me cold.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='deaver' post='1056412' date='Dec 12 2010, 08:01 PM']A lot of the above has tickled me but not as much as this quote from T.M.Stevens, 'John Entwistle told me, “All you guys play this widdly-woo stuff I can’t play, but I’ll be remembered forever because I play songs.”' Each to their own but I'd take his tone anytime from 1969-86 over any widdly-wooer current or deceased.[/quote] I once wrote and produced a song called 'widdly woo' and it didn't have any bass solo in it ! It was also the name I gave to a dog of mine years ago for the sake of pedigree registration..... Seems a shame that a bassist from one of the most successful bands ever has the basschat snob wand waved over him. Next you'll be telling us Lemmy is a one trick pony..
  19. [quote name='Shaggy' post='1056347' date='Dec 12 2010, 07:14 PM']+1 I rely heavily on tabs; it's an invaluable way of quickly learning the fundamentals of a piece of music, that I can then interpret in my own way. It's all relative anyway; virtuosos such as Segovia and Mick Karn who didn't / don't read music would probaly find conventional musical notation as stifling to their way of playing as language is to thought. Tablature dates back to mediaeval times for fretted instruments ( as I mentioned here; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=114506"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=114506[/url] ) so the prejudice agaist it seems strange; on multi-course instruments (lutes can have 13+) it's absolutely invaluable for showing the fingering.[/quote] Well said that man..... if it had not been for those Western European upstarts we would still be using tabs....
  20. Rounds every time for me .....however For the sound you want try these [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/622-rotosound_tru_bass_black_nylon_strings_65_115_long_scale_rs88ld"]Tru Bass[/url] I have used them on short scales and they have a lovely warm rounded tone .
  21. [quote name='paul h' post='1054589' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:12 PM']They look pretty good, thanks Paul. How you doing anyway mate? [/quote] Apart from worrying too much about where all this is going and seeing another music shop go under (my friends) I am fine thanks... How is graphic design treating you...?
  22. Marvel Strap Locks £8.00 a pair ebay Papa D's Music Store [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PAIR-HEAVY-DUTY-MARVEL-GUITAR-STRAP-LOCKS-CHROME-/190411952104?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c556fcfe8"]Marvel [/url]
  23. Prosebass


    Not been on for months and just noticed this unbelievably sad news. Although I never met Si we spoke plenty on messages and emails and he offered nothing but friendship, help and advice. Truly shocked and upset. Paul
  24. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='999104' date='Oct 24 2010, 06:14 PM']Maybe I'm projecting my own tastes a bit here but I think it's easier to find an emotional connection to the sound of the double bass than it is to bass guitar. Especially given that modern active bass guitar sound with ultra-bright roundwounds and the way the well-known soloists seem to attack each string like it just insulted their mother. I do despair when I hear these "greats" with tens of thousands of pounds worth of donated gear and they all make those same stark, shrill noises. I don't know why they all gravitate towards that sound. The double bass just seems to have a more agreeable character to it. It's got a warmth and a humour to it, a humanity maybe. Fretless bass can be interesting in similar ways but it's a cold sound, to me, where the upright is often more homely and pleasant, or alternatively more stately and dramatic. When I pick up a bass at home these days, 99% of the time it's the double bass. I can play the bass guitar to a much higher standard and all my gigs are currently on bass guitar but given the choice I play DB instead.[/quote] I would suggest what you are saying is that electric bass can be lacking in emotion ? One of the reasons I gravitate with my listening towards bassists who can play with some. I'm just a groove guy at heart. If I wanted to play lots of notes I would of learned to play keyboard....
  25. [quote name='spinynorman' post='997655' date='Oct 22 2010, 11:54 PM']Go down and have a look at the for sale forum. Not to buy, just to look at all those beautiful basses being endless bumped from page 3 to the top of page 1 and back again. That's what happens when you try every bass in the shop and find the perfect one for you (this week). Then go on eBay and buy the first one you like the look of. It'll be fine.[/quote] Good advice For that money I would go for a 'stock' AGC with all the bells and whistles...
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