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Everything posted by Prosebass

  1. 1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. Jake_tenfloors is not coming anymore sad.gif 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. Conan ? 15. gnasher1993 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. richardd 21. Anthony Joseph W? 22. sifi 2112 23. Guybrushthreepw? 24. retroman 25 thisnameistaken ? 26. Mr Bassman 27. Funkypenguin 28. Monz Sorry chaps , looks like family commitments have put a stop this years bash, have a good one.
  2. If 2 same model basses are hung on a wall and one is listed ex-demo , has a tiny chip and fingerprints but sounds identical to the 'mint' new bass but is 20% discounted I know which I would buy , pocketing the change and giving some to my charities. Surely all that matters is the tone and how it plays. Unless you are worried about residuals and its going to live in a case under the bed and get polished once a week
  3. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='768335' date='Mar 8 2010, 06:56 PM']Im 17 (male), been playin bass for about 5 years. Im from Scotland and have a passion for bass. Got two basses, my old squier badtz maru which is for sale on this forum, and my yamaha rbx A2 bass. Hoping im not the only guy from North Ayrshire on this forum. Thanks Alex (Bass_Guardian)[/quote] Hi Alex and welcome to the forum, I'm sure there are a few guys up your way, we need more northerners to redress the balance of too many southerners on here...
  4. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='767180' date='Mar 7 2010, 07:00 PM']Arse-Bilge of the highest order. Couldn't organise a Bacchanal in a Vintners. Rubbish. Don't like them at all. AN [u][b]HOUR[/b][/u] to get from Waterloo to Guildford. Stopped [u]once[/u] at Woking. Pathetic. Bring back BR, I say.[/quote] +1 to that sentiment. These are Virgins figures for punctuality , that is within 10 minutes of schedueled time. The financial year 2001-2 up to 31 March 2002: West Coast 68.7%, Cross Country 62.5% The financial year 2002-3 up to 31 March 2003: West Coast 73.5%, Cross Country 61.7% The financial year 2003-4 up to 31 March 2004: West Coast 74.8%, Cross Country 72.2% The financial year 2004-5 up to 31 March 2005: West Coast 72.1%, Cross Country 77.8% The financial year 2005-6 up to 31 March 2006: West Coast 83.5%, Cross Country 80.9% The financial year 2006-7 up to 31 March 2007: West Coast 86.0%, Cross Country 83.9% Class 87 electric locomotive and Mark 3 coaches. The financial year 2007-8 up to 31 March 2008: West Coast 86.2% The financial year 2008-9 up to 31 March 2009: West Coast 80.0% Back in the bad old days of BR Intercity the figures were generally around the 96% - 98% mark , progress ? Many of the trains were 11 coach hauled by a Class 87 , not 8 car Pendolinos or 5 car Voyagers. What few people realise is that the 'privatised' railway is costing the taxpayer more now than it did under BR
  5. I have listed this on fleabay at £48.00 but if anyone wants it here it can be had for £43.00 and I will post for free. Its a great unit , boxed, all the software (POD Farm, Ableton Live Lite and Riffworks) only selling due to upgrade. Prefer bank transfer so Paypal haven't got my money all week !! cheers...Paul [attachment=43272:LINE_6_P...TUDIO_GX.JPG] Key Features Lowest noise for recording guitar (12dB more dynamic range than similar interfaces) Exclusive latency-killing ToneDirect™ monitoring Up to 24-bit/96 kHz recording POD Farm plug-in (Mac® AU/RTAS®/VST® and Windows® RTAS®/VST®) 8 immortal guitar amps with 24 cabs 5 thumping bass amps with 5 cabs 29 stunning stompboxes and studio effects 6 warm and colorful mic preamps Ideal for use with Ableton® Live, Cubase®, Logic®, Garageband®, Pro Tools®, Cakewalk® and other pro recording platforms Includes Ableton® Live Lite Line 6 Studio Edition 8-track recording software and RiffWorks™ T4 recording software for instant pro recording and idea capture right out of the box USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatible
  6. [quote name='Duarte' post='750168' date='Feb 18 2010, 08:37 PM']At least it's an improvement on the toilet seat jokes...heheh.[/quote] bugger ! I missed them....
  7. [b][size=4]Father ? [/size][/b]
  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='746743' date='Feb 16 2010, 12:39 AM']Can I please ask that if this is a scam, then can one of the mods can explicitly state/post 'this is a scam'. The hate and vitriol on this thread is not going to acheive anything positive. ta.[/quote] +1 to that. whatever the final outcome the last thing anybody wants is for this misguided 'maddude' (or whatever his other names are) to continue his life doing this and lets hope the good detective work has shown him that he cannot get away with this sort of sh*t and the error of his ways. Name calling is for the playground guys and only makes matters worse . He needs some help .
  9. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='739295' date='Feb 8 2010, 07:29 PM']Yup, that's Watt's -tho I think this is the one he had nicked last year.[/quote] It is and he was gutted , it wasn't me by the way
  10. [quote name='flyfisher' post='737306' date='Feb 6 2010, 03:29 PM']Interesting point - and I agree with you - but you won't convince the diehards. I'm also a keen photographer and a similar impassioned debate rages in that world between 'chemical' (i.e. film) and digital photography. The really amusing thing about such debates, I think, is that people start to lose the plot. Photography and music are both artistic endeavours and the end results are subjective - you like them or you don't. If you like the tone that comes out of your speakers then the method by which it has been generated is irrelevant. Same with a photograph. The music is not 'better' just because there are valves instead of DSPs in the signal chain anymore than a photo is any 'better' because it came out of a darkroom. But, in a world where you can buy gold-lated mains plugs and interconnects costing £1000's, there are strong vested interests to keep such debates raging on.[/quote] Indeed, photography is dear to my heart and it is full of forum members discussing the merits of digital over film , films dead ? shall I go for 14 MP over my my 12 MP camera ? Full frame or 4/3 format, blah blah blah blah blah. I use 35mm and medium format film cameras, compact and DSLR digital cameras, horses for course non are worse or better than the other, I just take photographs with them. I am beginning to think the bass fraternity is exactly the same. There are those who have have to justify and push their decisions on equipment on others and those who just play the damm things through whatever they like. As I said previously a simple Line 6 GX with POD Farm and a laptop is an amazing tool that I use alot. Conversely I love playing straight through a simple practice amp be it valve or tranny or IC. Shouldn't we just celebrate all this wonderful gear rather than tell each other we are wrong ? And yes Jaco was a bit of an arrogant twat but then it seems to be a trait of genius ?
  11. Ventilation at the top of the shed walls and a couple of greenhouse type heaters ( the little tubes) to keep out the damp and you should be ok in the weather at the moment. The thing you need to worry about is a change in temperature not what the temperature is. If you can shade it from the sun and do the above you should be fine. If it will be in direct sunlight insulation to the roof might be best. Providing it isn't sealed and you have a good air circulation from the heaters and vents I don't see a problem. You will have a problem when you bring the gear indoors. You must leave your amps at least 3 - 4 hours before switching on to ensure there is no condensation.
  12. [quote name='spacecowboy' post='736018' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:01 PM']yet i have a 24 and 26 Year old set of Warwick Streamers in pretty much perfect condition and i am absolutely certain that i will maintain their appearance and overall quality for at least the next 10 years keeping them almost mint for my own collection or potential re sale value.[/quote] I think you have hit the nail on the head there. Everyone has their own ideas on basses , some collect them , some see them as investments, some just play them, some have 20, some have 1 . We can't all agree for obvious reasons , as the famous bard said, 'basses are all things to all men' If its your bass then do what you please with it. I clean my main bass at least once every house move And don't forget there is a big difference in the 'price' of a bass and its 'worth' as the saying goes 'pity him who who knows the price of everything and the worth of nothing' or something like that...My 81 Hofner SB7 will be with me till the grave as it priceless to me but it is not coverted or pampered.
  13. You can say the same about Cars , some people waste hours of their lives polishing them on Sunday mornings ? If you want to keep a bass looking like new then fine, thats your perogative, but others don't care , doesn't make them 'less of a person' and whatever they do with their basses is entirely their choice. As a bass builder it does not upset me to see one of my basses a year on with dings and scrapes in it, the main thing is that the owner is enjoying the bass and treating it as they see fit. I don't see basses as 'prized posessions' to be coverted but more as tools and 'a means to an end' and after all as Bilbo said, the bass of doom wasn't pretty but it sure sounded sweet. Pino Palladino has gone through 4 necks on his MM fretless and it wasn't through over polishing them !
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='735944' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:21 AM']That's almost exactly what I did. Except for the basses, but I flogged my entire guit*r rig with valve amp, boutique pedals, etc. and got a POD. Best thing I ever did.[/quote] must admit that my Line 6 GX and Pod Farm are amazing bits of kit through my Laptop and earphones / hi-fi and give me a much better sound than any bass amp and cab I have tried. I cannot see the point of buying expensive / heavy backline gear when you can use Pods and the like ? Surely from a live perspective a band is better spending as much as possible on the PA / Mixer / Monitors and sorting the sound through the PA ? Many years ago (early 1980's) I saw a pub band that had very little backline and used 4 Bose 802's , 2 Bose subs and a full 24/8/2 board and they sounded sublime. 'Its the future' I thought but still I see bassists complaining of weighty gear and transport problems. As regards basic tone, every bass I make or modify gets auditioned in front of Mrs Prosebass and she always says the same, which is, ' no matter what bass you play they all sound the same' which is so true.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='735433' date='Feb 4 2010, 07:37 PM']Not sure how to respond to that Thank you! Old Holborn and green Rizla?[/quote] Best thread for ages but....... Obviously the above proves you don't know what you are talking about. Everyone knows its Golden Virginia and Green Zig Zag ,
  16. I have a book by Erno Zwaan of Q-Tuner fame for sale , it covers bass pickup design and building and an in depth build of 2 fretless basses. I also have an electronics book for guitar and bass for sale. Paul [topic="73830"]Books[/topic]
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  18. [quote name='4 Strings' post='721222' date='Jan 22 2010, 02:28 PM']But these two guitars aren't the same. The one on its own has lost more finish than the one Jaco is playing and so could be a later photo. However, if you look at the top of the body, underneath the divine forearm, you see that there is more wear on guitar His Jolly Self is playing. Can't be both.[/quote] They are not the same basses, the top one is the fretless 'bass of doom' from 62 and the one for sale is his fretted from 1960 , I think
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='723107' date='Jan 24 2010, 02:03 PM']Grooved £45 ?[/quote] sh*t ! thought you were selling a Porn Film !
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  21. [size=3]Lets go throught this again ! .......E , A , [/size]
  22. I'll probably do a Jaco and sell the lot for booze before I go Failing that charity...
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