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Everything posted by ubit

  1. Yup, it all smells of corruption. Poor Lola and it's becoming clearer that it is indeed Tony who died as that is the only explanation for no one knowing who shot who as Rico is the only one with the clout to be able to lean on the witnesses. We should have this case opened again. It doesn't matter how long has passed. The law is the law.
  2. Clearly the detectives leading the investigation were inept to the end. Everyone at the club must also have sworn a vow of silence or maybe they were all so out of it that they couldn't tell who was dead but in the cold light of day a body would have been obvious. Maybe they couldn't identify the body and no one claimed it. It's all just a bit of a mess. Lola lost her love Tony so either he was lying on the floor having left this mortal coil or he was languishing in a South American jail. Either way, he was out of the picture and took no further part in the tale. Rico just sounds like a trouble maker and if he was shot then got what he deserved. Not that I am condoning violent gun crime of course.
  3. Maybe he is singing to an aeroplane that never gets clearance to move off the taxiway.
  4. In the popular song from a couple of years ago Copa Cabana, Barry Manilow sings "there was blood and a single gunshot but just who shot who?" Later he sings that Lola has lost her love. So we now know that Rico must have been shot or arrested therefore we do know who was shot or who fired the shot which makes the whole thing a bit ridiculous!
  5. Great bass line but questionable shorts. He must have borrowed Annabelles!
  6. "Tsunami, tsunami wash over me" sang the Manic Street Preachers. Well, they certainly wouldn't be singing if a real tsunami did wash over them. It's all a bit insensitive to all of those who have been killed by the devastation caused by real big waves!
  7. We played the whole gig to about 5 little kids sliding around on the polished wooden floor. It was absolutely cringeworthy.
  8. Mate, I still feel bad about a situation years ago when I was 20. We were at the Reading festival and were absolutely pished on wine. MGM were playing and I was enjoying them. Lots of people were chucking plastic bottles at them and me, being smashed out of my face, decided to throw one. I don't know why I did it, cos as I say, I was enjoying them. Anyway, I threw this plastic bottle nonchalantly and blow me, it only flew straight and true and landed smack bang on Bernie Marsden's fretboard whilst he was playing a blistering solo. It ruined it. I still feel bad about it!
  9. I always liked rock music but for some reason I thought UFO were a really classy rock band. I just loved their sound (still do) They just seemed to be able to come up with songs that were a cut above others. It's sad that more and more of them are gone now. Tonks died earlier in the year and Paul Raymond gone too.
  10. Sad news indeed. I love UFO and Pete Way was one of my heroes.
  11. We played a wedding years ago where the dance hall where we were set up was separate from the bar. What an utter disaster of an evening. Whoever thought that was a good idea has no clue.
  12. He didn't notice the gas monster inside me shouting "I simply MUST have this!"
  13. Second hand I thought it was not too bad. The guy wanted a quick sale.
  14. My Sandberg California. I bought it from a guy privately for £750 when I had more money than sense but I love it. The relic job is the best I have ever seen.
  15. It's not a paying gig but think of the exposure you will get! Thats great, it just so happens that my rent is paid for in exposures!
  16. Thanks for that. I have just checked them out and they are indeed, very good.
  17. This is me just now. I work ad hoc which means I am called away at short notice and never know how long I will be away for. This plays havoc with being in a band. We have not gigged for about 7 years and I miss it like hell. I get depressed as my chances of getting a position where I will have regular hours is looking slim especially after Covid, plus I am not getting any younger and I see opportunities slipping away. I go through stages of working stuff out but the incentive just isn't there.
  18. I have a banjo. A good few years ago I got to a not too bad a stage. I could do all the rolls at a semi decent speed. Now I have a house full of people and two 24 year olds who NEVER go out, so I just can't practice. You can't play the banjo quietly.
  19. We used to play this and as I am the singist as well as the basser, I find sometimes I have to simplify the part in order to sing over it. No one notices apart from rivet counters and you want to do your version of the song anyway. obviously if the bass line is a very noticeable part of the song I would do it exact or play it as close as possible and of course I would always try to learn parts properly but sometimes we worry way too much about being so spot on. I bet Neil Murray didn't always play the bass line the same way every time.
  20. I have not played live for a few years now because of my job. so I would love to play and would jump at the chance of a gig paid or unpaid!
  21. I borrowed one of those stick basses years ago and I couldn't get on with it at all. I found I was wanting to go round in circles as my fore arm counters the pressure that my left hand puts on the fret board. With the stick bass I couldn't push back. It was just too weird an experience for me.
  22. Indeed, but surely your love of music is what made you take up the bass in the first place. Followers of football have all most likely had a go at some time and found themselves to be rubbish, so never pursued it. F1 drivers are an elite and most have come from money, so that's out of most peoples reach.
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