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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. Aaw, come on. I'll admit visually the JAXT4 is Thunderbirdesque, but somewhat lesser so than the regular Lull T4 which, headstock and bolt-on construction aside, is pretty much a direct lift from a 60s Thunderbird. The JAXT4 has a 20% larger body, two-part bridge, reverse headstock and lots of chrome. Even my eight year old nephew pointed out it was different to my Gibsons.
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1485422019' post='3223789'] You own a Lull and don't recognise what makes it different to a Fender? [/quote] Aah, but there's the rub, Chris, it isn't a Jazz or Precision, it's a Jeff Ament T4. I'll admit the bodyshape shares some similarity visually with a Thunderbird, but beyond that it couldnt be any more different. The design is unique to Mike Lull.
  3. I've never quite understood why anyone would pay that sort of money for what's essentially a Precision bass copy. I just don't get it (never have). I know there's the addage 'it's not the having, it's the getting', but you could purchase several US Precisions for that sort of swag. And before anyone chips in with a he-doesn't-know-what-he's-talking-about comment, yes, I do own a Lull.
  4. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1485355330' post='3223343'] Love Corey glover and living colour as well, that would have been brilliant. [/quote] dUg was great, honestly great. Corey Glover was just a bit strange...he was good, but his band were just limping through the hits and at times really struggling. A bit disconcerting, but CG wore what could best be described as a pink romper suit and at one stage started crying.
  5. I saw dUg at The Cutting Room in New York a couple of years ago (double bill with Corey Glover). It was also the first time Jerry had played live with him in a few years. We turned up mid-afternoon to get our tickets (we'd booked over here) and the bands were doing the load in; the owner of the place was knocked out we'd come from 'blighty and let us in for the soundcheck. I had a long chat with dUg's tech and a guy from Tech21. The rig sounded immense.
  6. I know Overend meant nothing to many people on this group, but his demise has really saddened me. Interestingly, Morgan Fisher posted up an email he'd gotten from Pete back in early December. It's both a sobering and upsetting read; there's humour, he expresses concern for Mick Ralphs while at the same time saying he's had enough and is fine about going. Honestly, what a bloke. Tissues out: [i]Oh Yay Clifford T. Whoard! Thanks fur your lovely message me old son. Looks like the news is finally out. But PLEASE KEEP IT UNDER YER HAT. IF POSS.[/i] [i]Managed to keep it quiet for more than 6 years though - so that was pretty good.If you [/i] [i]remember I wasn't great at Hammo in 2009 - felt very grimeworthy then ! I just dread being besieged by Mott fans - all PRAYING for me, sending cards or gifts - or worse still, trying to visit me ! God forbid - even tho I don't believe in him - even NOW. Can't deal with all that crap - even tho I know they mean well. My sis got a message from [/i] [i]Joe Elliot yesterday which made me think the game might be up. I know [/i] [i]Jean and Buff were overwhelmed and were upset by it all after going public.[/i] [i]I think it's about 5 years too late for 2nd opinions now son. I've had every type of treatment, [/i] [i]surgery etc, - it was far worse than the illness itself ! I've had enough now and am fine [/i] [i]about going - it might be plezz up there (or down there)- an adventure, whichever way [/i] [i]yer look at it. I'm not in any great pain, just giddy tired and weak. To be [/i] [i]honest I'm more worried about Ralphur than myself right now. I really hope he [/i] [i]recovers so he can play again. I love the guy so much - just as I love you son. [/i] [i]I hated having to tell you that only the original band were doing the reunions - I know it [/i] [i]must have hurt you a lot. One of me worst jobs ever. I wish we could've done it [/i] [i]but it wasn't financially possble + too difficult to co-ordinate. with everyone concerned.[/i] [i]The Hospice is great - very much like Carry On Nurse - so I 'aint complainin' ! Another [/i] [i]3 decent years of travel would've been good but it's not to be.after all - but I did a hell of a lot anyway. Glad you shifted the skin cancer - and I hope you have a long, healthy and happy life.[/i] [i]I can hardly type so I may not be able to keep in touch, but i just wanted you [/i] [i]to know that you are still the best musician I ever had the privilege to work with [/i] [i]and a brill bloke to boot...... - but David Reid - guitarist from The Contrast 'int [/i] [i]far behind you !!! I was gonna bloody join them on electric 6 & 12 string till [/i] [i]this bloody disease returnrd. What a bummer that was. Anyway, must sleep now. I refuse to say "Goodbye" [ so I;ll just say ........[/i] [i]Take care Morgo - Love you son - Olde Gruff Pete xxx[/i] [i]PS OH - PIES OF GRATE MEAT !! We had some great times didn' t we ![/i]
  7. He was one of the reasons I wanted to play bass. He was one of the reasons why I wanted to play 'birds. Damn.
  8. 40-100, 45-100 or 45-105. Elixir Nanowebs. Whichever is cheapest of these works for me. I prefer a 45/65/80/100 set (Elixir SKU 14052)...it's a little more balanced and the heavier gauge D&G allows for a slightly louder string response.
  9. [quote name='josie' timestamp='1484947090' post='3220017'] And the body takes it up better by skin absorption than through the stomach. [/quote] I'm sorry, but no. At a very basic level, the rate at which the skin allows absorption is infinitesimally slow (nicotine release patches), otherwise everytime we took a bath we would effectively swell up like a sponge. The skin layers are there to keep everything in. Anything ingested orally, will get into your bloodstream far quicker and in higher quantities than simply just soaking.
  10. It's probably arthritis. Welcome to the club. I've got it in both thumbs; the joints are clicky/grindy, the pain is bearable but when it's not, I've decided (quite recently), I'll just quit playing. I've also had four procedures to to fix trigger finger/thumb that have been a 100% success. I had hoped my right thumb was more of the same (trigger or de Quervons Syndrome), but a scan showed otherwise.
  11. Let's just get one thing straight at this point about Thunderbird pickups. Story goes that (from Mike Lull, who I think knows his poop), when Gibson discontinued the lap-steel instruments in 1962, they had a surplus of pickup coils, these were paired up, put onto a steel plate, had a nickel cover put on them and were installed into the original Thunderbird IV and II models. Everything else thereafter was a created on a needs must or facsimile basis. Mike Lull has disassembled original pickups and uses the same schematic for his 'birds. If the pickups Epiphone are using sound decent enough, then it's no wonder they're utilising them!
  12. And another one. The volume and tone controls are hidden in one of the f-holes. Genius!
  13. If you're in the Woking/Guildford area and have a spare hour or two tonight, my band are guests on the Keith Woodhouse WOT Show on (the quite wonderful) Radio Woking between 6-8pm. The show will also be streaming online (http://www.radiowoking.co.uk/listen/), DAB, TuneIn etc.if you want to have a listen. For those not in the know, Keith has been active musically in Surrey and the surrounding counties for over 20 years and is somewhat of a celebrity in these parts...he's put his weight behind G-Live, Guilfest and the Big Day Out festivals and has compered these events regularly.
  14. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1484790471' post='3218527'] Why are they putting those thunderbird style pickups on everything. They belong on a tbird I bet they are even in a similar space. I honestly wish some manufactures would give a little more variety from one bass to the other in terms of tone. [/quote] The only bass I owned that sounded different straight out of the box was a Rickenbacker 4003. I know what my tone is and honestly, it doesn't matter which bass I use, the end result is pretty much the same irrespective. We're just going through a phase where old designs are being resurrected and, in part, bettered. The old Embassy basses were probably dogs, but have become cool again. It's just a shame that it's taken a company in the lower ranks of Gibson's ownership to actually start making a more authentic looking representation of one of its classics.
  15. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1484751924' post='3218089'] Hope not, the Tbird is supposedly replacing the current Pro 1V, which sells around £350/£400. Certainly not going to pay pushing a grand for an Epi, as good as they can be. [/quote] I for one am happy to see the back of the PRO IV in it's various guises. It just looked like a copy...the headstock was wrong, that bridge was wrong and it had too many knobs. At least the jack socket is in the right place.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1484753622' post='3218113'] ...surely the Thunderbird should have "Gibson" on the headstock. [/quote] eBay is your friend and a lot simpler than sanding off a Squier logo, eh?
  17. I am most definitely up for the Thunderbird and I doubt it'll be anywhere like £950. Realistically, this is what Gibson should have done years ago; they have no qualms about issuing a plethora of reissue <insert year here> Les Pauls and should have just sucked it up and done this. Idiots.
  18. There's a 60s style Thunderbird too. A real oldie classic looking one and it's gonna be available in black.
  19. I worked for a company that had brand ambassadors that took our money and never went near the product, so I'm always wary of stuff like this. He's too associated with his original bass and I kind feel that many perspective purchasers would likely be going, 'Mike who?' before going to look at the Fenders. Maybe a year down the line, I'll be proved wrong. Sure, I know people will go, 'Well, Geddy Lee, blah blah blah.' He didn't actually play a Japanese build one live though did he?
  20. That's pretty! [EDIT] Why do manufacturers insist on putting different coloured scratchplates on guitars? Black on black, Peachy.
  21. I like the look of that. Never seen one of these before...stick a chunky high-mass bridge on it, a mudbucker and paint it black. Reminds me of Gene Simmon's Lobue bass.
  22. Basses have come and gone but the one I'm still hankering for is a series one Hamer Cruisebass in any if the solid finishes they did. I was smitten in the early-80s, so more than 30 years ago, but at the time the bass would have sucked up about three months salary as an office gopher. They rarely come up on eBay and when they do, they're in the US. Once I factor in shipping and taxes, I can't justify paying nearly a grand for a decent one, but one will turn up someday. I still check the interwebs every day. Someone on this group probably has one gathering dust! Here I am! Take my money!
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  24. Just watched the Andertons review. It's a strange one...I like the concentric pots and the way the machines (appear?) to have elongated posts so they sit higher, but whether or not I was in the market for a Jazz believe that I'd still give it a wide berth. It sounds decent enough through that Darkglass head too. Positives out of the way, the voice of reason kicks in. For me, it just seems off-putting having a bass that is pretty much chip for chip identical to hundreds of others out there (and yes, I know there are thousands of pristine Ps & Js out there in identical finishes, but the clone of an already distressed bass is a little different). While I like the relic look in general [i]and [/i]if it's done sympathetically I'm certain you can get a unique looking instrument but here though, it's not the case. There's also the issue (again for me) that as the instrument is associated with Flea, there is an expectation to play it like Flea. I actually like that my primary instrument is one of only a small number on the planet and it would just seem plain strange turning up for a gig and having another bass player on the bill with the same instrument, with the same chippage..
  25. I've had a pair of newer Honda CRVs and it's amazing how much you can get in there...certainly enough space for my rig, a bass, five piece drum kit and three people.
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