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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1489577461' post='3258038'] If Gibson actually just stepped up to QC as good as Musicman and PRS, they'd sell a lot more instruments anyway. I've recently played a lot more guitar and I am astonished at some of the guitar forum posts about poor workmanship on £2k Les Pauls. I want a nice classic tone of a Les Paul but I am not risking buying one. [/quote] I have a mate who paid more than £3K for an Ace Frehley/Budokan Les Paul. It looks stunning, but he rarely played it as the action was too high and had been like that since he bought it new. The action was about 7mm at the 12th fret as there was a really bad front bow on the neck (I got the neck straightened over about five days...eighth/quarter turns of the truss rod daily). The guitar also has a slight neck hump where the neck is jointed to the body, which I suspect will need fret levelling to make it play better at the higher register. Pretty shocking QC to be honest.
  2. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1489504695' post='3257503'] So to what extent do we think this lawsuit was motivated by all the comments on here and other forums along the lines of "[i]I tell you what, I've got one of those JHS/Vintage models, and with the new Wilkinson hardware it's easily as good as some Epiphones I've tried...possibly even better than some Gibsons"?[/i] [/quote] Is it actually the Vintage range that prompted this? I really don't know. That said, the Les Paul Junior models do look pretty good...
  3. Interesting quote at the end of that article: [i]Brent Davis of Scarinci and Hollenbecl LLC, representing JHS, told the jury that many companies have used the allegedly unique trademarked guitar shapes over the decades — and that guitar customers know to look at the brand name on the headstock of a guitar to know who made it and not rely just on its shape.[/i] [i]“The problem here is that these outlines of body shapes and headstocks of guitars have been used by so many different companies for the last half century that they don’t belong to anyone. They’re just standard shapes used by the industry,” he said.[/i] I'm neither party to the case or much of the back history, but I can understand Gibson wanting to wrestle back control of their much copied and maligned designs. Plus, I suppose, with Gibson allegedly close to $600m in debt, every litigious dollar they can claw back will help them.
  4. Gary will be along in a minute...
  5. Cheers for the information lads. I've pinged an email over to Sims. I think the first one would be my Lull (bolt-on) and I've enquired about my Hamer/Gibsons as these are set necks. I'm OK with having a microswitch on the front of these basses and there's bound to be space inside the control cavities to accommodate a couple of PP3s.
  6. Pete did the Elevation EP after the first split, then Basskniv3s ('Come On You Motherf*ck*rs' EP) after 3CR finally called it a day. He did a post, possibly to MySpace(!), saying the Basskniv3s album was finished and being remixed, but Mighty Atom never released it. I read somewhere recently that the album had been leaked. Interestingly, I did exchange a couple if emails with him a few years ago. One of the US sports networks were using 3CRs 'Copper Girl' during their coverage of the Premier League and he didn't seem aware of this, so hopefully some royalties came through!
  7. Anyone had these retrofitted to a bass? Just thinking about side dots (9 in total) on one bass (my Lull)...I was struggling to see where I was at a particularly dark stage last night. If you've had them done, would like an honest opinion...usual concerns; neck damage during installation, battery life, type of battery (and location thereof). Did you have a switch installed for on/off? Thanks P
  8. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1489232240' post='3255331'] So I have a VT Bass pedal, and a Sansamp RBI. Thinking about pairing one of them up with a power amp rather than just using them in the effects chain and ditching the amp I'm using. What amp do you recommend for a Sansamp? Lighter the better ideally [/quote] I use a Matrix GT1000FX. It's dual channel, 1000w bridged and weighs 4.1kg...you'll need to factor in the weight of the rack and peripherals, it's still pretty light. It fits in a shallow Gator rack too. My old Ashdown ABM was around 15kg. I've had no issues driving the Matrix with the RBI or when I use a floorboard, a BDDI, VTBASSDI or GT2. It's rock solid; last night it was used by five bands for nearly six hours. [url="http://uk.matrixamplification.com/gt-1000-fx-2u.html"]http://uk.matrixampl...1000-fx-2u.html[/url] [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1489264184' post='3255646'] Was looking at getting the new Geddy Lee Preamp. The word suggests it's based on the RBI, if that's the case, does anyone know of any recommended power amps for it? [/quote] The Geddy Lee is dual channel (although the production model will have the option of a single output). [edit] Its a slightly modded RBI for dirt, along with a channel for cleanish low end with some saturation. This unit is high on my shopping list this year (and I'll move my RBI on). Likewise, no qualms about routing this through the Matrix either.
  9. Awful news. Too young. As an aside, there used to be a punk band local to me called Brother Toboggan.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. Just a little curious. I still love 3 Colours Red and the Elevation EP he did after the band folded (but never did land a copy of the Basskniv3s EP), but am just curious that a guy in a band with a decent following and back catalogue can just drop off the map like he has. I type the name into Google once in a while, but nothing recent. No Facebook or anything. Anyone got any intelligence?
  12. Very pretty...I don't even know that black hardware would improve how it looks.
  13. [quote name='bootleg' timestamp='1489148720' post='3254746'] Of course, Rush's induction speech was all blah-blah-blah [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_waN3sAGw4"]https://www.youtube....h?v=O_waN3sAGw4[/url] [/quote] At least someone knew what I was alluding to...
  14. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1489061575' post='3254026'] I was in Andertons a couple of weeks ago. Couldn't see what I fancied, but the assistant urged me to come back in a couple of months as they were going all out to increase their bass department. I also noted that the bass amps weren't downstairs like they used to be, and there was a few amps dotted around in the bass "saloon". Is that "it" at the moment? [/quote] The bass stuff has been up on the ground floor for quite a while. When you consider that bass players generally make up a third or half of the guitarists in a band, the size of retail space set aside for bassists has always been a bit despairing.
  15. Years ago in retirement, and alongside his bowler hat duties at Ascot Racecourse, my father in law took a job hand delivering, door knocking and verifying electoral roll documents on Wentworth. I suppose as a keen golfer he was drawn to the estate generally, enjoyed the walking and the occasional running into (the golfing fraternity) residents (Faldo etc.). Via me, he knew who Chris Squire was (I used to look at his visit list) and he met him a a couple of times over the years, saying he was always rushing off somewhere, but came over as a thoroughly decent bloke. What you want to hear I suppose.
  16. Well this should get your juices flowing. Skip past all the blah-blah-blah and start reading from paragraph #5. [url="https://www.yahoo.com/music/well-just-together-fun-yes-singer-jon-anderson-180505967.html"]https://www.yahoo.com/music/well-just-together-fun-yes-singer-jon-anderson-180505967.html[/url]
  17. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1488714639' post='3251187'] Strangely, no. Is there a Fender UK? [/quote] They were in East Grinstead. Good luck trying to buy direct...they'll point you to a shop (Andertons) who'll (understandably) hike up the price. Alternately, eBay is your friend; you can get a whole loaded plate (with a DH1, plus middle and neck pickups) for £55.00 from the US.
  18. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1488966260' post='3253254'] I am still very puzzled as to why the vintage model shown earlier in the thread is still not showing on the epiphone web site under news or new products. Surely it would have been announced by now! I am planning a new purchase in the summer and this was high on my list of ones to try. [/quote] I wouldn't get too worried...apparently it's not due until summer anyhow and given that Epiphone promoted the last reissue by doctoring photos of the then current Gibson model, don't believe anything until until you see it hanging in your local musical store.
  19. I keep promising myself that I'll attend one of these auctions. I love that site. There's a Hamer Futura up. Ooooh.
  20. We're originals, so it'll mean zero to anyone reading this unless it's Andy or MacDaddy. The whole set just belts along, but we close with a song called 'Stay Out Late'...I wouldn't even say it's the whole song really either, we just drop back into a final verse and it's a delicious key change. The guitar reverts from powerchords to the song's intro riff and it just drives. It gives me goosepimples just writing this.
  21. I think I'll be getting one of these. Despite already running a racked RBI, the option to run this into a two-channel set up is kind of dreamy...fundamentally, it's doing what my (other) outboard is doing (cleanish set BDDI and a GT2). If anyone from Tech21 is reading this, is there any plan to integrate this unit with a poweramp, like the dUg model?
  22. [quote name='julesb' timestamp='1488727243' post='3251321'] It's just supposed to be a bit of fun. We all played this gear back then so of course there are fond memories associated with the times when we started playing but I was trying to make the point of how universally good the cheap gear seems to be at the moment. Got to go, I have to call Daddy to see if he landed that '62 Jazz for me. Shall I add some smileys? [/quote] No need for smileys, no! I think as kids we all watched Top of the Pops and analysed the gear bands were using...as part of Team Bass Player, we all collectively aspired to one of three major brands, but in all probability moved through Columbus, Shaftesbury and Ibanez gear before landing the metaphorical big one, only to discover the anticipation and expectation of ownership outweighed ownership itself. Kids nowadays don't realise how good cheap gear actually is either.
  23. Harsh on Carlsboro. I ran a Stingray Bass Combo (like the one below) for a long time and it was pretty damn epic considering I was only 14 or 15 years old; the guitarist in my band at the time used a Carlsboro Scorpion combo and I'd honestly have zero qualms about using either now. I think in these days, when gear is relatively affordable, it's too easy for people to say that 30 years ago Hondo guitars wrecked this, that, or another, but we all had to start somewhere and unless daddy works in the city, it's quite unlikely that you were going to start out on a Rickenbacker through an Ampeg SVT. I have very fond memories of the stuff I started out on; it was perfectly acceptable to me to be playing a paper round funded CBS/Arbiter bass through whatever my first amplifier was...that I'd paid for it myself made me cherish it even more. If I'd wanted Fender bass in the 70s, the Bell Catalogue price for a Jazz was likely 10-15 times what I paid for my Arbiter. The only thing that playing these cheap basses and amplifiers was to make the hunger for a better, more playable instrument all the more evident.
  24. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1488578389' post='3250320'] What amp do you normally play? ...Just out a curiosity :-) [/quote] Posted above...generally a Sansamp RBI into a (Matrix) poweramp into Hartke or Barefaced enclosure(s). Also have an option of a dual channel set up based around a Sansamp BDDI & VTBass DI. Plenty of grit via emulators.
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