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Everything posted by songofthewind

  1. Blimey, you’re right, I didn’t check new prices.
  2. There’s a couple of Jam Man Stereoes on eBay right now. You could have squint at Looper Pedal Reviews, a very good site which helped me decide on my Boss RC-300. The Jam Man Stereo was my second choice.
  3. No fiddle or banjo here, but I used to have a mandolin. Sadly the neck came off.
  4. Jinkies, it’s enormous. You could get the Toyota Aygo in one of the pockets.
  5. Last two times I saw SD Freddie was playing a sunburst Jazz V. Looked great, couldn’t hear a fecking thing.
  6. Blimey, you’re right, zero fret. Very interesting. Mick is right about being spoiled for choice right now. None of my basses are expensive.
  7. Wowser! Finally, somebody actually heard the bass, if ya really don’t know who Freddie is, check YouTube for Patrice Rushen’s Forget Me Nots. The bass part is absolutely fabulous.
  8. Yes indeedy! I love my BBG4AII from waaay back, and cant be doing with these oddly shaped BB’s everyone is obsessed with. Even though I used to have one.
  9. Very smart looking bass. Definitely an upgrade on its more agricultural progenitor.
  10. PS Keith Carlock is a monster on drums, pushes the whole thing along like a train. You will not be disappointed.
  11. I freakin love Steely Dan. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In fact, I just did. I realise everything I know and prize about music came through their filter. As a guitar player I endlessly copped licks and feel, and ditto as a bass player. Their sense of rhythm and timing is impeccable, methinks IMHO YMMV. What bugs me is that I have not been able to hear the bass player at any of their gigs I have attended. Admittedly all in barns like NEC, O2 etc. Shame. I hope you guys get to hear Freddie when you go to see SD this time!
  12. Just play with it. You’ll come up with your own stuff in no time.
  13. Hatsover?? I meant whatsoever. As you were.
  14. I am finding the Zoom is replacing the separate boxes I normally use, which are various compressors, mainly. So I have a few separate patches, not more than three, for funk, straight with chorus, and fretless. I tried it in the loop of my Markbass CMD102, but it was overdriven very easily by the preamp, and sounded crap. So now it's straight into the front of the amp, and no problems hatsoever.
  15. Looks like they're off to a good start: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/feb/21/steely-dan-review-sse-hydro-glasgow
  16. Jam Man will let you do that. See what switch Nux recommends in the manual. I have a Digitech FS3X which works with some other devices, like TCE BG amps.
  17. Toothpaste will sometimes remove dark marks in wood. But I reckon you’re just going to have to sand it out, since your going to refinish the body anyways.
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