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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. Of course not. I am not even a member of the 'valves are better' club, just that I really like the sound of this amplifier that happens to be valve. As a gigging thing, it is certainly less practical than my TC RH450, just that I like the sound of it. Certainly got no intention of selling the TC. It always makes me cringe when I hear the term Digital amp, not that I have heard it recently.
  2. Actually, no I hadn't. If I hadn't just got the CTM, I would probably be interested but it would be crazy, I picked up a CTM300 in PMT in bristol and there is no way I could gig for one. You know they actually contain a black hole don't you? They are that heavy - it weighs exactly half of what I weighed when I was 25 (considerably smaller fraction now!) I got rid of my 4x10 a few years back due to weight and carrying options when I was having my knee replaced, I really don't think I am man enough for that. But I bet it sounds like nothing else! Frankly there is no point having that unless you also have at least a 6 or 8x10, just from an image point of view, and I lack roadies. Or a big enough car. Did I mention that mine was a prototype too? - only found that out talking to ashdown, I guess they have some keen salesmen
  3. Hmm.. was looking at Nate Mendel playing one of those yesterday thinking, if I had one of those, I wouldn't have to worry about the CTM100 not being enough for some gigs. Hmm.. 400 valve watts, I could start my own fracking company
  4. It is an upgrade though, ok, you still only have a fender P bass, but now you have a few grand to spend on something decent!
  5. Allthough truth to tell, looking around, i could easily get rid of 6 basses without affecting anything much, but its just the hassle of getting rid of 6 basses.
  6. Thanks the gods for that, I was worried for a minute!
  7. What sort of a sound is it you are after? I had a combustion, loved the neck, couldn't get on with the sound. Would certainly like to try one of the 3 pickup ones (and maybe regretting I didn't try other pickups).
  8. My imagination is obviously lacking to be able to hear tasteful phrasing or to feel relaxed when I heard it so I will just have to take your word for it!
  9. I didn't listen to the jeff beck version as I am not a fan, but i listened to a few minutes of that and if it is worse than that there should probably be a law against it!
  10. I genuinely don't understand how you can work out his income from that post
  11. Went to see musical box yesterday, the Genesis tribute act. I like genesis, although TBH, I prefer the Phil collins stuff to the Peter Gabriel stuff (who I think did far better stuff on his own), and they are more a PG era band. They do the whole album of Lamb Lies Down, which I am not bothered with as an album, but my friend really likes it and he was impressed. All in all they are a very impressive tribute group and I did enjoy it, especially the second half where there more of the stuff I was familiar with. For my money I enjoyed Steve Hacket last year doing trick of the tail more, but then that is one of my favourite albums of all time, so not a fair comparison. If you like the music and the effort that goes into using all the period authentic equipment (which I don't get that much), very well worth seeing.
  12. I have those moments with some of the songs we pick. Luckily we don't have a band leader as such, we are more.. I won't say democratic as generally what the guitarist wants he gets, but I do have an endstop of 'no way am I doing that'. But we still do some dull ones. I find the dull ones are better when doing it with a band as you can add a bit of life to it, like the slap bass section of 'Need your love so bad' (what do you mean there is no slap bass section??) and in general there are a lot of songs that are more fun to play than to listen to. TBH, the first year with this group every time they said 'we are going to learn this', I would spend time getting it right and learning it, then go to practice and say 'are we going to try X now' and get 'Oh I didn't really get time, we will do it later' and years later we still haven't, so basically when someone suggests something, I work out what it sounds like, the key etc, and don't put much work in until I have figured out that someone seriously wants to play it. The guitarist wants to do the durgy john lennon christmas song. So I ended up practicing Everyday Hurts by skunk anansie, that is a fun bass line. OH John Lennon, right, I will get right on it!
  13. One of our regular pubs, not too heaving because of the weather, but not empty either. Almost didn't happen because the guitarists baby was taken to A&E so we called it off, and then it was ok, so it was back on. Just long enough for the drummer to get drunk (it takes very little time). So timing was all over the place, although mainly way too fast. Still, I wanted to do it as I had the ashdown CTM100, and it was its first outing. I did have to turn it a long way up to get to the right volume, although when setting up one of the guys in the crowd said it was too loud, but I just told him he was a crazy man, as there was no such thing! The gig went ok, I enjoyed the amp, it can sound rather nice cranked up!
  14. Haha - will do. Don’t worry about making a space for it just yet!
  15. OK, gigged tonight, doesn't go as loud as the TC goes, and certainly not near the volume clean, but it sure does dirty well! Also the sound is very.. I don't know, alive I guess. Certainly wasn't disappointed by it, and It is loud enough for the group (although only just and we weren't our loudest tonight) so it is a keeper.
  16. Actually, it is probably all already on the videos that you can get, but not so in depth and not so structured, he almost said as much as that.
  17. I don't know if mine has improved, but I have become more aware of it, which is probably a good thing, and aware of how I am playing a string too.
  18. I only use a strumpet for a few songs, so when I get to the next one I look and my strumpet has fallen under the amp!
  19. I spent some quality time in the late evening with it yesterday, at really low volumes. I was amazed at how well it handles the sort of volume you can play in the living room at 23:00 with someone in bed upstairs - much better than the little ashdown mibass upstairs with its fan and hard to adjust volume. Sounds so good. The tone control is very responsive. I still don't understand what it does yet, but it certainly responds to you changing it! - oh and the power is ok, the guy selling to me confused me, and the fact the light is on whether it is on or off.
  20. THey are great basses, I have one and the thing you never notice in the pictures is just how nice the wood on the necks is! GLWS
  21. So this turned up today - Literally, its previous owner drove down from Bristol to bring it to me, which was nice. Obviously, as can be seen from the picture it is an Ashdown CTM100, and equally obviously as I got it today, I don't know really what it is like. A few initial impressions, it isn't as heavy as I thought it would be, its a shame it has jack sockets for the speakers instead of the speakons on the CTM300. and mostly, WTF is going on with the power switches. So it has a green button which is lit all the time, but switched on if it is up, and a red button, which isn't lit, but is on if it is down. I am sure that isn't normal. Anyway, will play around the house with it, but won't really find out what it is like there, but I have a gig at one of the regular pubs on friday, and I know what my amp sounds like there, so I will take this along and see what I can get out of it
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