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Everything posted by 4000

  1. [quote name='Stacker' post='778904' date='Mar 18 2010, 05:50 PM']Y'know, I played a RW Jazz against the Fender £2.3k custom shop '64 reissue and, pound 4 pound, preferred the Mexi.[/quote] I've done the same. This smokes the CS Jazz I played (although that looked unreal; relic'd LPB with matching headstock. Yum.). Now sold to a very nice man!!!!!
  2. 4000

    Now sold

    Gorgeous bass. Best of luck with the sale. I believe Paolo Nutini's bassist was using one of these when I saw them last (?) year.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' post='738888' date='Feb 8 2010, 01:08 PM']The issue with strings going missing..... I tried my basses through a 15 with the horn turned down and the g string was too light coming across. I really really didn't like this and considered pick-up height. I then..of course..tried the bass with a 2x10 and no such issues at all. Now, I don't use the 15 as a standalone anyway and always have a 2x10 with horn on top but it did strike me that if all you had was a 15, then you would have to get busy with your EQ or mess around with the bass if going between speaker configs. For me, the worst config would be a 15 on its own...no one uses 18's anymore, but each to their own.[/quote] A lot of this depends what bass you're playing and what sound you're using. I've always successfully used single 15s with my Ricks which have a much more even string balance than most other basses I've played (yes, even the graphite ones). Every other bass I've owned has tended to have a bigger E but smaller A, D and G, so the disappearing upper register is a non-issue for me. I really tend to dislike horns too and the first thing I always do is turn them off.
  4. [quote name='haimesy' post='777605' date='Mar 17 2010, 04:21 PM']Got a bass from Shaun recently ,great guy to deal with...best of luck with the sale.........................John[/quote] Cheers John (who's also a great guy to deal with). Let me know what you're up to! Maybe next they'll do Relics with complimentary touch-up kits.
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='777039' date='Mar 17 2010, 09:30 AM']Ha ha Clarky! If I had the money atm I'd probably have a punt at this one but sadly today is not the moment Best of luck with the sale, 4000 [/quote] Thanks OTPJ! Bad timing as usual on my part.....
  6. Anybody suggest a good service if shipping a non-cased but well-boxed bass to Holland?
  7. 4000


    [quote name='Stacker' post='777167' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:38 AM']The CS I had was a cracker. Full of oomph and a lot louder than any other Rick Ive had. Am down to two 4001s now and awaiting an FG V63 from Ishibashi. Still need to shift this one.[/quote] My CSs were powerful but I wasn't happy with the tone, they didn't have the detail and openness I prefer. Lovely bass BTW! If only it had full-widths....
  8. 4000


    I think the vermilion board on the CS gives it a different sound; I was discussing this tonight with our guitarist, who has played alongside almost every Rick I've ever owned. He feels the same; they seem harder and honkier than the V63. I know some people can't tell the difference but having had a friend play my CS and V63 and say exactly that when they sounded like chalk and cheese to me suggests I may have rather more sensitive ears. Having said that, obviously each instrument will sound somewhat different and I know people who've tried a few CSs before finding the "right" one.
  9. Ok, this turned out to be an unsuccessful buy for me, bought approx 3 weeks ago brand new. Great bass, the nearest Jazz I've played (and I've played a lot) to the genuine '64 that was in the Gallery last year, and that was over £4k. As many will know I don't usually go a bundle on Jazz basses but this is as nice a one as I've played and really does capture that vintage vibe. I was sold on the looks, general feel and vintage-style tone; there's a certain job that Jazzes do very well (JPJ and Gary Thain for me!) and I fancied one in my arsenal. I a/b-d this against another Road Worn and this was far better. Sadly I convinced myself to ignore the issues I have with the forearm contour on Fenders, but a very painful rehearsal tonight, whatever height I played the bass at, has convinced me of the error of my ways and so I'm parting with it only 3 weeks in. My loss means someone will get a virtually new bass (that has been confirmed to have no issues!) at a knock-down price. Re the "no issues" thing above; when I bought it and got it home it turned out there was an issue with the trussrod, which was maxed out. It immediately went back to Fender who changed the neck and did a full set up (and apparently a light fret dress) on it. Everything is fine now; neck straight as a die. Comes with gigbag & documents (which haven't even been opened). Looking for £699 firm, and not really looking for trades with the possible exception of something interesting Rickenbacker-wise (with cash difference from me). Here are some pics:
  10. 4000


    [quote name='cocco' post='769476' date='Mar 9 2010, 05:32 PM']That's a fair point. I would really love to own this bass. But if I'm spending that kind of money I'm gonna wanna play it first and it's the best part of a day away. I've never played a ric as early as this. Not that I've ever disliked one either but it's big money. But f*** me this is nice [/quote] FWIW I've had about 9 Ricks and for me the earlier ones are best. Never got on with my 2xCSs or my V63 as well as my '72 and '73 4001 basses and my old '73 4000. The '99 (?) 4003s8 was pretty killer though.
  11. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='771223' date='Mar 11 2010, 07:53 AM']Errr, maybe they don't. There is two of them on the 4003 though. Many Ric owners use a neck with no relief but I always preferred a slight amount. One flat on each rod usually does it. Peter[/quote] The 4001 rods need to be adjusted differently. You have to set the neck by hand and then tighten the nuts to hold it in place; DO NOT adjust the rods to move the neck. However the 4003s rods are adjusted like normal rods, except that there are 2. As many will know, I'm a no relief guy.
  12. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='769440' date='Mar 9 2010, 05:04 PM']100% If any of my basses need work that I cannot do myself, The Gallery gets the job. Pete.[/quote] +1000
  13. [quote name='retroman' post='766278' date='Mar 6 2010, 05:51 PM']IMHO, Lemmy has got the most distinctive bass sound of any bass player. Some of it is actually quite hard to play as well! I think the best bass sounds he ever got was either on the "Ace Of Spades" album, or on the song "Bomber", which I think was an 8 string Hagstrom. Come to think of it, the bass sound on the album "Overnight Sensation" was killer as well.[/quote] Lemmy's tone and approach were my initial inspiration as a player, and I love both to this day. I once recognized Ace of Spades by the first note played on an underpowered jukebox in a packed and deafening pub. That's good enough for me. He can sing too, he just has an equally "distinctive" voice. The 8 string Hagstrom was only used on the track Poison BTW. For me his best tone is probably the Golden Years Live EP, but it's all good.
  14. [quote name='MythSte' post='763502' date='Mar 3 2010, 11:31 PM']Tone off and some imaginative EQ'ing. Not dissimilar to the classic Trace Elliot Pre Shape tone if you ask me.[/quote] I'd tend to agree. I can get a similar tone using a R W through my Ashdown.
  15. [quote name='JTUK' post='760664' date='Mar 1 2010, 12:55 PM']Happy birthday in 4 days time Gareth, You know what I am going to say....but I'll say it anyway. Commision a Jazz5 from Sei, pick your core woods and finish and I think you'll go for paint. East pre and Barts. I also think you would prefer a dark wood board, so get that blocked and bound. So, basically, a vintage vibe with a modern bite to the sound. If you are ever down my way, you can try mine. Fine tuning stuff would be to run the pre off 18v which I think is better, which pups, soaps or singles looking design and the colour of hardware which should be chrome. Maybe a subtle flame or birdseye neck, not too OTT, Side LEDS an option, but no one really uses them and I have no idea how long the battery is supposed to last anyway. Forget the money, you'll not go too far over it, IMV[/quote] From your description +1, but it's your call. I'm biased.
  16. [quote name='rodl2005' post='761465' date='Mar 2 2010, 07:31 AM']I don't care WHERE they're made as long as they DO what they're s'posed to do. & the RW series seem to do just that really well[/quote] +1.
  17. 4000

    Sold a bass

    Miss my Alembic Triple O a great deal. Also miss my Sei Flamboyant 4, my old Pedulla MVP and my Rick 8 string.
  18. [quote name='Buzz' post='682435' date='Dec 12 2009, 06:55 PM']£899 for a MIM? For that price you'd get a current '09 MIA. Granted, it wouldn't have the relic job, but it would be a better bass and also hold it's value more.[/quote] I prefer them to any MIA I've played; I even prefer them to the Custom Shop Relics (athough they're not [i]quite[/i] as tasty looking). The ones I recently tried were pretty much on a par with the real 60s basses I've played. Oh, and they're nitro finished.
  19. I was in there last week; they had nothing in worth buying and I was really shocked. I guess this explains it. Napper is indeed a top bloke and I hope he's got something sorted; he probably wouldn't remember me but we've had many a pleasant chat in our time.
  20. [quote name='XB26354' post='756623' date='Feb 24 2010, 11:18 PM']if you don't have £5000+, don't sweat because you can get what you want and need for a lot less...[/quote] But if you want a Fodera then only a Fodera will do. It doesn't matter that another bass may play as well, sound as good; it won't look the same and it won't be the same.
  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='754641' date='Feb 23 2010, 07:31 AM']I'd completely agree but the reason for that is Jon uses very VERY stiff maple in the necks. Having said that, my bass is incredibly responsive and sounds HUGE. Each note leaps off the fingerboard...there are NO deadspots. So long as the pickups are nice and flat tonally and your rig is also relatively flat that means superb projection on stage where softer basses might sound woolly. So might be that Shuker basses are just better live than in the bedroom/studio.[/quote] So not much use if you never have everything flat then?
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='757476' date='Feb 25 2010, 07:33 PM']Ed Roman is a bit of a twat by all accounts[/quote] I've met Ed. Imagine Gimli the Dwarf but twice the size and with [i]attitude[/i]. I wouldn't be in a hurry to meet him again.
  23. [quote name='RhysP' post='650169' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:06 PM']I've got more regrets than anything else...... [/quote] Me too... (cue the insane laughter of the damned )
  24. Ignore everyone (including me) and try them yourself. Only you can decide. As most will know I love my Rics, don't mind Rays but didn't like the Warwick $$ I tried at all, even though I had really wanted/expected to. Everyone will tell you something different, and there may be ergonomic issues that only apply to you.
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