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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. Erm, I haven't a clue how to even go about recording a sound clip! Hasn't stopped me buying and selling an embarrassing number of basses on BC (on third page of feedback )
  2. Best price yet I have seen for a 2009 Am Std Fender in arguably the most desirable colour scheme. Surely someone should snap this up at this price? Best of luck with sale
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='889353' date='Jul 8 2010, 10:58 AM']Sold pending the usual![/quote] Nice work and not surprised it went so fast at your generous price WoT! Someone is a lucky person and joins molan (Barrie) in the Walkabout owner's club
  4. [quote name='Rayman' post='889271' date='Jul 8 2010, 09:20 AM']That's gorgeous, not your usual fayre though mate? I had you down for a slightly more traditional style bass?[/quote] I see it as a bit of a retro nod to the early 60s pastel P-basses (sort of seafoam green-ish). Plus it means I get the option of a Jazz sound essentially through a P bass body and neck, which I have always preferred ergonomically. The pickup and electronics configurations allow you to sound like a traditional P or J bass, or alternatively a 'modern' active P/J bass. Its kind of a one-bass-does-all as well as looking the sh*t!
  5. I just acquired this from molan (Barrie) in a trade. It had to be something special to dislodge my lovely Nash '63 Jazz and this sure is! Superb array of sonic options, beautiful colour scheme, really solid build, and it was played by the great Willie Weeks on one of Eric Clapton's recent tours. Will give it a proper play over weekend and take some photos. In between times, here is the shot from the AC website [attachment=53785:WW.jpg]
  6. Clarky


    Just did a trade involving my Nash '63 Jazz and Mesa Walkabout combo as part-ex for Barrie's lovely Willie Weeks model Alleva Coppolo. Everyone who knows Barrie on BC says he is a total gent to deal with and they were absolutely spot on. Hope you have as much fun with your new toys Barrie as I will!
  7. Some interesting basses there and some fairly chunky prices. You will definitely need some pics here for anyone to lay out that sort of moolah! Good luck with sale
  8. John just bought my '86 Alembic Spoiler. It's a wonderful bass but too pretty for my punk band (so I bought the exact same bass in stealth black!) Was a pleasure to deal with John, as before, and we finally met in the flesh for the handover, if all too briefly (I was under orders from she-who-must-be-obeyed!) Very trusting chap as he paid in advance with no guarantee that I wouldn't abscond to Brazil with my I'll gotten gains
  9. Congrats on finding your bass nirvana Mark. The Ps look great together
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  12. [quote name='tredders' post='887194' date='Jul 6 2010, 12:35 PM']Bloody hell, Clarky - I thought it was true love this time.... That Nash is lovely - I played it in BassDirect, so the incoming must be something a bit special. Look forward to hearing about the new addition...[/quote] The Nash is wonderful but the incoming bass really is something special. Won't get it until later this week when all will be revealed!
  13. Sorry to disappoint chaps but Joes lovely bass is not heading my way. We have succeeded in bumping his FS thread though
  14. Post the same question on a drummer forum and they would eat the PC
  15. Depends, don;t think you can generalise. An archtop Jazz guitar can be a thing of stunning beauty while a Ritter bass can look like a pile of spaghetti on a plate. But if we are talking about the more common instruments I too find the longer neck and proportions more pleasing on a bass
  16. [quote name='BassKS' post='886670' date='Jul 5 2010, 09:08 PM']ANd you obviously rate them? Im just thinking of putting them into my warmoth which is currently housing a set of Wizard trad's[/quote]they have more oomph than trad J pups but I am guessing that they are fairly similar in tone and output to Wizard 84s. As a mainly Precision man I am not too au fait with the different J pups. Incidentally I am sure I read somewhere that Ultrajazzes have some kind of humbucking property compared with plain J pups
  17. [quote name='BassKS' post='886656' date='Jul 5 2010, 07:47 PM']DOes your Nash have Ultra Jazzes, Clarky?[/quote] yep, it does although I should add that, wonderful that this bass is, it will soon have a new owner (as part of a trade for a genuinely unique and stunning bass I have coveted; details later this week)
  18. [quote name='cetera' post='886176' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:40 AM']VERY nice! You don't see many of those around so that's quite a find! [/quote] Yep, rare as hen's teeth - I spotted it FS on the Alembic Club forum and imported it from California
  19. [quote name='alexharvay' post='886165' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:27 AM']As nice as your new Orange amp is, I actually can’t believe you’re selling this.[/quote] Its lovely but I just don't think I will use it now that I have the AD200B. By the way folks, I was last night offered a trade deal involving a super-nice bass for one-of-my-basses-plus-Mesa Walkabout. Not sure yet if this will come off but thought it fair to give the heads up that this may be spoken for.
  20. 'Little ghetto boy' by Donnie Hathaway from the live album. Fantastic bass playing by Willie Weeks, especially the little fills between each verse
  21. [quote name='yorick' post='886140' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:00 AM']Time to get your flares flapping, and grow yer hair.[/quote] Long(ish) hair - check Flares - sorry, just can't do it!
  22. [quote name='Beedster' post='886096' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:11 AM']My Mesa full-range cab gets a tone that to my ear is close. Funny ho I hear talk of folks loving Phil Jones gear for this application, but I can't see how, without using a lot of his gear (i.e., several cabs), you'd ever get close to that real power that the DB offers acoustically?[/quote] Isn't there an SWR combo that comes highly recommended for DB? This one I think [url="http://swrsound.com/products/search.php?partno=4460600000"]http://swrsound.com/products/search.php?partno=4460600000[/url]
  23. Am off to Milan on biz at lunchtime today and fly back tomorrow evening. Looks like I will have an hour or so spare in the centre of Milan tomorrow. Not interested in Prada, Gucci etc so wondered if anyone knows of any good bass shops in the area? Marco (hiperi0n) perhaps or any other Italian BC'er?
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