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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. A Tanglewood Lone Wolf P-copy, bought from the now sadly-departed Tower Music in Blackpool. Subsequently traded it in at the same place against my first proper Fender, a 1977/78 Musicmaster which I've still got, but which doesn't see the light of day very often (mainly 'cos it weighs an absolute ton!!!).
  2. Cheers! Obviously the weight is a tad less than sweet, but hey... 😉
  3. Another BLX-110 in captivity (and going nowhere, sorry!).
  4. My pickups and t-shirt arrived this morning too - thanks Alex.👍 Just need to get the cab(s) to go with it now......
  5. The ones on my AH200 are 25mm diameter and 7mm deep, while the hole is 10mm entry (or roughly the same size as the washers, obviously!) and 5mm exit.
  6. Phew! Guess the "298" in the serial must be quarter and year then.
  7. From the bits of Trace kit I've got / have had, I believe the first part of the serial number (Tnnnn) may be the model number, the digits in the middle are the individual serial, and the last three are the month (or maybe quarter) and year of manufacture. For example, the serial of the BLX-80 combo I bought new in April 1996 was T0490/0276/196. The serials on the two SMX Dual Compressor pedals I've got are T670-0007-293 and T670-1262-393, and one of my SM7EQ pedals is T4010-604-298. Unfortunately the serials on my AH200 head, BLX-110 cab and the other SM7EQ pedal are no longer legible, so I can't add them into the equation. Of course, I could be completely wrong...
  8. Yeah, I no longer ride, but picked up one (well, OK, two... ) of the other Trace leather jackets that appeared on t' Bay about the same time as this one did. As you say, they're not really "riding" quality, but they're decent enough (and pretty cool if you're a Trace fanboy like me! ).
  9. You're going to have to get that Trace leather jacket you linked to now! It's been relisted with a starting price of just £89...
  10. I loved the look of them on my Squier CV '60s P, but could never get used to playing with the pickup cover on, so just have the bridge cover fitted now. My '51 Re-issue P is a different matter - it simply doesn't look "properly dressed" to me without both covers, and for some reason I never have an issue playing it with the pickup cover on.
  11. @cakerack Strangely enough, these have just popped up on one of my eBay searches (not me, no affiliation etc.). Appears to be just what you're after... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRACE-ELLIOT-1-4-JACK-NUTS/282884236731?hash=item41dd36e5bb:g:jXwAAOSw3dtaqPlj
  12. Recently read this book by one of the organisers, a fascinating insight into the planning and organisation that went into Woodstock. Unfortunately it was the Kindle version, otherwise I'd pass it round! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Road-Woodstock-Michael-Lang/dp/0061576581/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
  13. Hmm, I don't think you can. As you've probably worked out, the original 1951-style pickup isn't contained in a plastic cover like a split-coil P pickup - it's basically just an open-sided bobbin, with top and bottom plates slightly wider than the windings. I'm not sure what the plates are actually made of, but I think it's a fibreboard of some sort, which overhangs each end of the bobbin - the issue is that if you press a bit too hard while resting your thumb on it you can break the overhanging bit (though to be fair, I used to rest on mine all the time before I fitted the ashtray and never managed to break it). Depending on how high the pickup is set, it's also theoretically possible to catch the E or G string under the overhang, and pull the top off the pickup. Again, I've never done it / seen it done, but it's summat I've seen mentioned in a few places. So, a pickup with design issues maybe, but it sounds great!
  14. I got mine brand new from Peter Cook's back in 1994 or thereabouts, and it's the one bass I'll never sell (to be fair I'll probably never sell any of the others either, but you know what I mean!). Still using the original bridge - I've never really worried about intonation issues, I just set it so the upper strings in each pair (i.e. the A and the G) are correct, and let the others take their chances! Still the original pickup too - I've never found noise to be a problem, but do have a Boss NS-2 noise suppressor in the bag just in case. The neck is superb, and while the slab obviously feels a bit different to contoured bodies, I've never found it uncomfortable. Got a full set of ashtrays fitted - I was never comfortable playing my Squier CV '60s Precision with a pickup cover fitted, but on the '51 it's no problem at all (plus it stops me resting my thumb on the pickup which is a no-no given the less-than-sturdy nature of the top cover of the pickup) and completes "the look". Just do it!
  15. Yeah, should be fine - I've had the same set of TI Jazz Flats on my '51 Precision RI for umpteen years without any problems. I'm not sure about any others, but La Bella do a version of their Deep Talkin' Flats specifically for string-though bodies - the standard version are apparently too tightly wound.
  16. Shush, you'll give people ideas...... oh, too late! https://shops.ashdownmusic.com/collections/merchandise/products/studio-stool
  17. Anybody fancy a customised Trace cab? It's red, has a laser cut stainless steel “BASSMAN” logo on the grill, plus wheelie-case style wheels and built-in extending handle. Located in Morpeth area, BIN £110.00. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Trace-Elliot-2103H-Bass-Cab/142617417134?hash=item2134a915ae:g:A-0AAOSw4aBaKUV3
  18. Exclusively 4 to date, though I will confess to being 5-curious occasionally.
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ashdown-Klystron-500-NOIR-Bass-Head-HAND-WIRED-LIMITED-TO-40-VERY-RARE-Entwistle/292338521730?hash=item4410bbd682:g:ZfUAAOSwFytaErJ8
  20. Appears to be a Dimension IV from 2004-2007, about halfway down the page here... http://www2.fender.com/experience/guitarchive/other-fender-basses-part-iii-early-1990spresent/
  21. [quote name='jayniko' timestamp='1509894087' post='3402357'] [color=#6A6A6A][font=arial, sans-serif][b]Maruszczyk Mr Tee, hollow, 31" scale[/b][/font][/color] [/quote] Hmm, that Maruszczyk looks a lot like the (unidentified) bass which appears in a couple of the photos in this piece about the 1980's punk scene in Hungary! [url="https://timeline.com/uncensored-photos-socialist-hungary-23dc8b50d49e"]https://timeline.com...ry-23dc8b50d49e[/url]
  22. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1509804720' post='3401768'] This.And only this.My dream bass.Slab Precision. [/quote] Same here, though I could be distracted by a pre-'54 single-coil Precision instead.
  23. Could be interesting for anybody looking to go lightweight? [url="https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/tc-electronic-BH-250-bass-amp-head-ashdown-midbass-10-bass-cab/142554976096?hash=item2130f04f60:g:FtUAAOSw401Z9IC7"]https://www.ebay.co....tUAAOSw401Z9IC7[/url]
  24. Both of the Squier Jazzes I've had (a natural '70s VM and a CV '60s). Their 9.5" radius necks just never felt right / worked for me, whereas my CV '60s P which also has 9.5" radius neck virtually plays itself, as does my CIJ Jazz with a 7.25" radius neck.
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