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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/musicradar-podcast-billy-sheehan-134807"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/mus...-sheehan-134807[/url] new interview with Billy boy, plus some pics of his new Yamaha BB signature bass - which is a new one on me! peace c
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  3. thats a shame - they have some good stuff on there sometimes, rick wakeman's show is quite amusing just for the constant bad jokes!! c
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  6. yep always a good service from them peace c
  7. ooh! - i kinda like these - reckon that price'll shoot up before the end though and i've got no money anyhoo :-( peace c
  8. i've got a fender precision special deluxe - p bass body, jazz bass neck, P+J pups - a pretty good all rounder though not sure if they make them any more but i'm sure s/h ones turn up. theres also a couple of these on the bay at the mo..... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Reggie-Hamilton-Signature-Bass_W0QQitemZ150212659407QQihZ005QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]reggie hamilton jazz[/url] peace c
  9. alot of people only know the basic instruments i guess because thats all they're interested in, or all they've ever been aware of (fender/gibson etc) - personally i've got an inquisitive mind so i'll read, research and look at lots of different stuff whether its basses, guitars or whatever. A friend of mine recently bought an Ampeg B4R and was all excited about how good it was going to sound being a valve amp an all........ i didn't like to tell him. peace c
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='129795' date='Jan 29 2008, 09:32 AM']I've been playing bass a lot of years and I think you go through phases. I 'think' that subconsciously I've been collecting Warwicks for 20 years to offset the fact that I was never going to be famous and 'maybe' having more and better basses than other people made me a better bass player... that's just me thinking out loud I haven't truly analysed things and I don't genuinely think I was trying to be better by having the best but you get the idea.[/quote] hmm.. yeah i can kinda relate to that - must admit i'm now thinking about selling everything and just going to one main bass, one spare and a nice simple rig. many basses do not equal happiness!! anyways, think hard before you do sell as thats quite some stash of basses you have there - i'm particularly liking that thru neck, single pup streamer in the middle there..... hmmmmm....... peace c
  11. ....... [url="http://www.hevos.nl/engels.html"]Hevos Bass Amps[/url] amps look quite nice - though logo badge on cabs looks hideously cheap n nasty!!! peace c
  12. [quote name='simon1964' post='127548' date='Jan 25 2008, 09:06 AM']Good point. How about the guy from the Killers? Some really good bass lines which drive their songs.[/quote] i don't think in this case that its necessarily all about the quality of basslines or ability - its more showmanship and attitude that makes a 'bass hero' stand out from the masses. We're talking people who, regardless of what instrument they are playing, make kids go 'woah!! i wanna be like him!! ' and then go out and investigate bass further. but the OP is right - where are they all these days?? peace c
  13. OUCH! thats nasty, its always a worry having basses posted but its a risk you have to take and even a hard case doesn't entirely guarantee safety. did the packaging adhere to USPS regs? you're not to know for sure that it wasn't damaged by them rather than parcelfarce looks like a nice pink bass too!!! peace c
  14. thats more than a little annoying for you - i saw that your ampeg went for a very nice price too!! peace c
  15. i know these started going for a lot of money several years back, but nowhere near the price of that one - they must just be collectors pieces now though surely? - theres so many other ways of getting those kinda sounds these days. peace c
  16. all didn't bode well for our gig on saturday........... 1: pub has been going downhill a little due to new management 2: old management have taken over pub just up the road and started having live bands/taking punters 3: three popular/established local bands were doing a triple header at the other main venue in town. 4: major row with guitarist after soundcheck (regarding his 'jazz' scales) but despite all that, come showtime, the place was pretty packed and people were up and dancing from the first song! we rocked out as per usual and went down a storm and got a bike show booking out of it too. result all round! peace c
  17. ah yeah - meant to look this one up myself after seeing an ad in classic rock magazine this month - should be 'interesting'!!! peace c
  18. verrrrry nice indeed, nice drum fill at approx 1:04 c
  19. never come across him before - pretty good and a bit different to the norm, although he does veer off into reggie wooten territory a bit in the middle there, just loads of 'rhythmic' slapping of the bass with no tune or melody. peace c
  20. thats weird that video - when the camera pulls back the scale of everything goes out! tiny drum kit, huge whiteboard, and bailey looks like a small boy sat on a huge chair somehow!!! nice bass though, strings look very close at the nut. peace c
  21. alot of digital cameras will reset back to a default date when the batteries go flat and more often than not people don't bother updating it when they take pics, seems like the guy is playing ball ok, but if not its an easy photoshop job to get rid of the date stamp on the pics. c
  22. couple of nice easy ones for me to learn for rehearsal on sunday Ac/Dc- let there be rock Def Leppard - Rock Rock til you drop should take about 5 mins! sorted! peace c
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  24. 38 for me last year - not too bad, have already got about 26 booked up for 2008 and i dare say more will come in. peace c
  25. always thought they'd be quite good if you were in some kinda 'wacky' primus style band or something like that c
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