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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. yeah i've seen some of his videos before and wondered how and why on earth he started playing like that? surely he's just making it awkward for himself? i like the jack socket coming out of the top of that Spector rather than being in the usual place! peace c
  2. yeah Lydia's clips are all pretty cool peace c
  3. 3V17C


    yay! purple! - we do a few of their tracks and they're pretty good to play - old Glover used to chuck some nice little bits in from time to time - next one we're learning is Burn but i think i may have to insist on the Mr Big version complete with bass solo! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2bXl5AwX8Q&search=billy%20sheehan"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2bXl5AwX8Q...billy%20sheehan[/url] peace c
  4. 'lights, camel, action'! Stump used to rule! - and they've had a slight resurgance in the last couple of weeks thanks to mr heston's demise!! apparently they have a best of album coming out this year too. probably not the longest CD in the world but seeing as i only ever had them on tape it may be worth a look..... or indeed a listen! peace c
  5. another one has just appeared on ebay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-GW35-Gary-Willis-Signature-Fretless-Bass_W0QQitemZ220223126013QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-GW35-Gary-Wil...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] buy it now £325 also GAK has one for four hundred and something peace c
  6. one went on ebay yesterday for a tad over 300 notes! i've been looking at fretlesses lately too, the GWB crops up in alot of searches but i guess whether the shops actually have them in stock is a different kettle of fish. cheers c
  7. My ampeg SVP-BSP preamp (which i've just sold ) was used/signed by Billy Sheehan. peace c
  8. surfing thru the TV channels last night I came across an hour long documentary about John Entwhistle on the Biography channel (sky 156?). Only caught the last half of it, and not a major Who fan but being bass related was quite interesting. Lots of footage of him in his house playing his basses and being interviewed by Gordon Giltrap (i think) and all i would imagine filmed quite shortly before his demise. I'm sure it'll be repeated so worth keeping an eye out for. peace c
  9. yeah Fishbone used to rule!!!! All good, keep em coming! peace c
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  12. [quote name='Jase' post='171958' date='Apr 8 2008, 12:20 AM']Yeah, Percy's the business Are you thinking of using fretless with Live n Loud Clive?[/quote] no, not sure how well it'd work with maiden etc!! its more for home recording and just experimenting with at the mo. cheers c
  13. i'm guessing he means covering up the mic thing on the noise limiter so that it doesn't go off so readily - a band did that at a local venue near here, covering the limiter in gaffa, foam and allsorts. unfortunatley that was the night the council came to check on volume levels..... oops! peace c
  14. [quote name='Jase' post='171568' date='Apr 7 2008, 04:28 PM']More Percy with Dann Glenn....nice heavy parts [url="http://www.bangtower.com/media.html"]http://www.bangtower.com/media.html[/url][/quote] yeah i likee that! cheers c
  15. haha.. yeah just watched all of the Percy Jones DVD on youtube (not much work done this morning then!) - he's pretty good - thinking about it, i did have some Brand X stuff on tape years ago. +1 for Giblin on the Kate Bush stuff and also the guy from Talk Talk - who were a very good band as for Claypool - went through my Primus phase many moons ago! i do like a bit of quirkiness and Primus, Sauage, Oysterhead, Frog Brigade, BOBB etc all still get listened to from time to time. in fact i may have to revisit some with my fretless head on aunt sally. peace c
  16. i read about this in another paper the other day (meant to post on here about it but forgot!) - apparently yes it does affect pubs and other venues too. Live bands, music, discos, karaoke whatever can now be no louder than 85db or face fines etc etc. All to protect the hearing of the bar staff apparently. If its true and its enforced its another pretty major blow to live music. I'm sure theres others on here with more detailed info. peace c
  17. ok nice one bilbo - lots of names in there i'm aware of, some i've heard, some i haven't and some i'd just completely forgotten about!! I'm very open minded musically so will listen to all kinds of different stuff - Next stop youtube! cheers c
  18. i've been getting into ye olde fretless quite a bit lately both playing wise and listening wise - soooooo..... howzabout recommending me some new listening material for inspiration. i'm well aware of all the usual suspects; Jaco, Mick Karn, Michael Manring, Tony Franklin, Gary Willis etc but would be interested in hearing some recommendations of other fretless players/albums etc. Not so interested in jazzy stuff (I like some, but not a big Jaco fan for instance) and would also be interested in hearing some fretless in a rock scenario (aside from Blue Murder/The Firm/Pearl Jam). Any pointers? cheers c
  19. [quote name='Gamble' post='166277' date='Mar 30 2008, 12:39 PM']Please let me know what you think! No Harm Done and The River (Arch Stanton) were recorded with their last bass player, but they're still in our set.[/quote] which was me!!! peace c
  20. hmmm yeah not really sure on that - its borderline looking like an 80's pointy headstock hair metal type paintjob, but in a good way! peace c
  21. yeah Wyman did apparently defret a bass way way back when the Stones first started out which he then used quite often.... [color="#000080"]STONES TONES "I think it's Japanese," is all Bill Wyman can offer as to the origin of his famous "homemade" fretless. "I was playing in an R&B band in 1961 when I bought it from this bloke our drummer knew. Before that I'd been playing bass on the bottom two strings of a detuned guitar, so I was glad to finally have a 'real' bass. Unfortunately, it was bloody horrible! The body was this great big wide thing. But I'd seen Gibson and Fender basses in pictures of Little Richard's and Fats Domino's bands, so I drew a shape like one of those on the back of my bass and had my next-door neighbor saw it down. Then I beveled the edges, took off all the paint, and put in a new Baldwin pickup. Still, it rattled with every note because the frets were so worn. I figured I'd just pull out all the frets and put in new ones when I could afford some. But when I pulled 'em out, it suddenly sounded really good! [Laughs.] So I never put frets back in, and I think it was the first fretless electric ever. I used it on every Stones album and many of the singles up to 1975. Even without an amp, it sounds wonderful—it's got the sound." [/color] peace c
  22. i've been playing bass for 25+ years and only a few months ago picked up my first ever fretless (Lined Jazz) - basically because i just fancied one and had a bit of spare cash - I play in mainly hard rock bands so won't use it live but at home i noodle about with loads of different styles and the fretless does make for some interesting new ideas although some of my bits i normally play on fretted don't work so well - string bends and tapping/slapping for instance. Heres a tony franklin video i just found - quite good: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsVLOJDX-fM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsVLOJDX-fM[/url] also check out Jeff Ament from Pearl Jam who used a fretless alot particularly on their earlier stuff peace c
  23. crazy - i think the only use for that would be if you were in a cheap trick tribute band. peace c
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