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Everything posted by Len_derby

  1. Personally, I would say cancellation is the last resort. I was in a very similar situation last December. We were support band at what was our biggest gig of the year, a Christmas special. This was in the Peak District, and our drummer was stuck in slow traffic because of snow. Luckily the drummer from the headliner act sat in for us. My reasons for not cancelling if at all possible would be - my character (I hate quitting), it sets a precedent for when things next get tough, people have (hopefully!) turned out to see you they want and deserve a show and in my experience from last year are also understanding if you come clean about it. Obviously it can be a bit rough with a last-minute stand-in, but as it's been said before, if you don't make a pantomime out if it audiences generally don't spot mistakes.
  2. Welcome back to the light Mal. I'm sure you'll find plenty of interesting rigs for sale here.
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1316870041' post='1383870'] That's not quite what I meant. [/quote] Yes, I know. Like yourself I like a guitarist who isn't fazed. As a slight aside, I have no prejudice against the use of a capo (I do a bit of guitar myself). I think a capo, especially if it's past the third fret, alters the timbre of the instrument such that it can add a lot of extra interest to a song sonically. Particularly if there's another guitar played open-necked in the same band.
  4. A lot of Chuck Berry's songs were originally recorded in 'horn' keys. And there's a man who, by all accounts, doesn't put himself much out for other people. My guitarist is quite happy to play in Eb. He just downtunes a semi...
  5. Yes MM, drummer's footware... Maybe that's another thread. I did a bit with a drummer who played in wrestling boots. Very odd. I certainly made sure he didn't go anywhere near my daughters.
  6. A interesting counter-argument I've had from a trumpet player is that if we play a stringed instrument with frets on the neck we're lazy too!
  7. This has been a good thread, thanks guys. When I first started it off I thought there might me some anti-Jah Wobble snobbery that crept out. He's not the most technically flash player, but he knows the essence.
  8. I suppose he's always going to be remembered best for PiL (and who wouldn't be happy with that on the old C.V.?). But musically he's kept moving. He's done a lot of 'world music' stuff, dub, English folk etc, etc. I saw him a couple of years ago playing electric bass with a 12-piece Chinese orchestra that included traditional dancers. Fascinating but more than a bit bonkers. He's written a good autobigraphy too called 'Memoir of a Geezer' I think. Well worth a read, and as good as Guy Pratt's book in it's own way.
  9. I've seen very little mention of Jah Wobble on Basschat. I find some of his music great and some of it pants, but always interesting. Any other fans out there?
  10. Welcome Andy. There are a lot of unsound freaks on this forum but I'm sure you will have a good time.
  11. Welcome Mark, I'm sure that cash won't be burning your trouser pocket for too long.
  12. +1 for the Roland Microcube. I use mine as a practise amp with the acoustic guitarist and conga player too. Alternatively, if you're looking for something that will be solely for personal practise it might be worth looking at one of the small gizmos that allow you to play through headphones. Vox do one. Also, the Tascam range of bass trainers will perform as a headphone amp, as well as all the other functionality. There's a lot of love for the Tascam stuff on this forum.
  13. My twopennies-worth is to keep it as it is. I've kept everything standard on mine- which isn't what I intended when I got it. I enjoy it for what it is, a cheapish mass-produced instrument from Indonesia which punches above its weight. The time you put into modding it could be spent playing it and keeping that smile on your face.
  14. Welcome. You on the early shift then?
  15. Welcome John. We'll have no 'taking it seriously' here. Enjoy the forum.
  16. Groove Me by King Floyd. If you've never heard it give yourself a treat. Genuine New Orleans proto-funk. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Lf_1y7rYE&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Lf_1y7rYE...feature=related[/url]
  17. Len_derby


    [quote name='WACOJACO' post='1375284' date='Sep 16 2011, 10:59 AM']Hi to all... great site here [/quote] Welcome, and I like your introduction. Short and sweet
  18. Met Tom for the first time today at Northampton services on the M1. I bought his beautiful Yamaha Bex semi-acoustic bass off him. Tom's a lovely fella and drove all the way from his plantation in the deep Thames Delta to meet up with me. He was totally honest and genuine in pointing out the (minimal) dings on the bass before I bought. A top guy, and a pleasure to do business with him. I hope your journey towards being a 'guitar god' continues well Tom. Neil
  19. Welcome to you! We're all looking foward to hearing about the 'dodgy stuff'.
  20. Here's a great one for Soul and Rn'B classics [url="http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.htm"]http://freebasspart.pv24.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.htm[/url]
  21. [quote name='bassman7755' post='1372015' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:57 PM']IME bands with mixed motivations dont last. I play purely for fun (as my day job pays extremely well) and was once in a function band where some of the other members of the band depended on the money. They would book far away gigs that result in me needing to take time off work that amounted to lost income for me that in a few cases was more than the entire band was getting paid - [b]it would literally have been cheeper for me to pay the bands fee to stay at home than to actually do the gig.[/b][/quote] Will you join my band please??? Oh, and by the way we have a very well-paying gig next week in Thurso.
  22. +1 for MarkBass. I use a LittleMark III through a Barefaced Big One. An amazingly light rig to carry around.
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1371944' date='Sep 13 2011, 03:12 PM']Hi all, He's a bloody good drummer and there's a [b]shortage of them [/b]round here.[/quote] That's the crux. But, my advice is that you try and resolve it in some way before it festers and ruins what sounds like a succesful band. As the old saying goes, graveyards are full of people who thought they were indispensible. How do the rest of the band feel about this?
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