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Everything posted by ianrendall

  1. Can you PM me with a postage quote to Somerset? Many Regards
  2. Try here http://www.mindformusic.com/big-band
  3. I actually like this. If it was nearer I’d have a look. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132464868712
  4. And I’ll just continue to kick myself while you dance around your kitchen pretending to be John Taylor! You lucky sod 😉
  5. Whoever got this is in for a treat. I was literally seconds away from firing you a PM!
  6. By the looks of the controls I’m assuming this is passive? If so I will have to have a damn good think and perhaps launder funds away from the wife through the Bank of Mum & Dad..
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  8. They played again tonight. Same venue. No bass at all. But they did have a second guitarist and a saxophone, so that’s ok then. 😡
  9. That one screw on the scratchplate that won't fully tighten.
  10. Didn't Young-Chang also build pianos of fairly high regard?
  11. I settled on an Ibanez Promethean P500H in the end. I've had a good play through it and I'm very happy. A nice reassuring weight to it, plenty loud enough, a nice 6 band graphic with the addition of high and low dials and a useful vintage/modern dial. Oh and a lovely little carry bag!
  12. Purchased a lovely Ibanez Promethean amp from Peter yesterday. It arrived today very well packaged. Beautiful amp and a top chap to deal with! Thanks Peter!
  13. I should clarify - I've never played through an all valve amp. The bass player at the gig had an all-valve rig (that just happened to be Ampeg) and this was the first time ever I'd knowingly heard an all-valve setup live. I don't get out to see live stuff often as you can tell! It was splendid.
  14. It was a fantastic gig. Less than 20 in the pub but he still revelled in it. Awesome Hammond player and my first experience of an all-valve Ampeg! The warmth, oh the depth and the warmth and the grunt and the....heft!
  15. I've been offered a Tecamp Puma 350 for a good price. I think that may be the one!
  16. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' timestamp='1480336927' post='3183419'] What were your views on the shuttle? What did it do well? What did it do badly? I recognise I'm not helping you answer your question, but I'd like to know. [/quote] I liked it generally. Im recently using a USA Jazz and I was finding myself having to fiddle with the eq too much when going between the classic both pickups on full tone and the other classic mostly bridge tone. The parametric mid was useful but the eq options of the Markbass appeal. Likewise the classic GK tone also appeals.
  17. Hi all, In a fit of premature GAS I've just sold my Genz Shuttle 3.0 and now looking for a new amp of similar power and size. Class D micro basically. I'm on a tight budget of £240 and am considering the MB200 or Blackline 250 amps. I was running the Genz at 8ohms 175 watts and this provided ample volume for my needs with room to spare. I play exclusively in a big band where clarity of sound is more important than sheer volume. I always have the option at gigs to raise the cab. I know I was probably daft to shift the Genz but what's done is done. I do not have the option (funds) to get a 4ohm cab or a second 8ohm can. My current cab is a Barefaced Midget. Suggestions?
  18. In the Quicksilver Mail in my hometown of Yeovil watching the Mutter Slater Band. Absolutely brilliant! The bass player is playing a left handed Jazz upside down through an Ampeg full valve half stack. Incredible sound. Anyone else heard of them? Mutter himself was in Stackridge until a few years ago.
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  20. I think I read an interview in an old Bassist magazine that an Alembic was used on a few tracks
  21. This is the bridge on my Jazz. Seems that black is correct for the bridge screws. http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/guitar-bass-parts/bridge-assemblies-components/american-deluxe-4-string-bass-bridge-assembly-04-10-chrome/
  22. Super thanks! And I assume the bridge intonation screws and saddle height grubs should be chrome also?
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