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Everything posted by ianrendall

  1. If my GAS hadn’t led me to the active 5 string through neck then yes I could. I have tired somewhat of the Fender dead spots though.
  2. I recently jacked in doing any theatre depping. There are a few ‘go to’ players around here that, as well as being superior players to me, are also in the ‘clique’. So when I get the call to play, I know it’s because they have no other option. It’s not nice knowing that you are 2nd, 3rd or even 4th choice on the list, knowing that the other musicians also know this and knowing that your playing will be compared to the regular bass players. In the end the pressure and unfriendliness was just too much and I simply didn’t enjoy it any more. Do what makes you happy.
  3. If I may delve into perhaps video game music, which I will because I’m the OP and it’s my god given right, the Oblivion soundtrack is quite amazing.
  4. Seems that Hans Zimmer is popular.
  5. How are you finding the DRs? Quite fancy a set of they fancy neon jobbies.
  6. It did eliminate the sound problems I was experiencing. Just a ‘quick fix’ to prove that it was indeed the strings and nothing electronic or expensive. It probably isn’t good for the strings long term, and as such I won’t be using them, but it seems they were due for replacement anyway.
  7. How did I miss this one out? My favourite film. The dirty romanticism of 70s New York.
  8. Doesn’t have to be bass based. Here are a few of my faves. I can’t put my finger on why, but this is my favourite piece of music from a movie ever. Hans Zimmer. Alan Silvestri. Splendid and 80s. Superb bass in this one. Made me get a 5 string (again).
  9. All Right Now? Never heard of it, mate.
  10. I’ll ask the drummer, he’ll know.
  11. Nice Ritter, what band are you in? An Iron Maiden tribute..
  12. Anyone got any? I’ll start with ‘Great Solo’!
  13. I’m afraid I have prior commitments. Shame really as it’s only up the road. Arrange it for the Quicksilver Mail next time
  14. Yes, the hall (Victoria Hall in Crewkerne) is a problem area, usually quite boomy so maybe that made it more noticeable.
  15. Had a gig last Saturday. I knew something was up as soon as I plucked the first note. It sounded as if the tone control was fully off even though it was at max. I engaged active mode and boosted the highs and fiddled with the amp throughout the first half between numbers. Managed to allieviate the problem somewhat during the interval with further fiddling but still not quite right. The sound was fine at rehearsal the previous Wednesday. I soaked the strings in meths (Elixir Nanos) a day or two after the gig as a temporary measure to eliminate the strings from my enquiry. Restrung and all was normal. Will be purchasing new strings ASAP. No idea how old the strings were as they came with the bass when I purchased it used. So can strings just go dead like that?
  16. If some screws aren’t fully tightening, pick guard screws for instance, split a matchstick down it’s length to less than the diameter of the hole, cut it to slightly less than the depth of the hole, and put it in the screw hole with a bit of wood glue. Lovely.
  17. The stitching on my leather strap, the only strap I have ever owned in my 20+ years of playing, was coming apart, so fixed with some nuts, bolts and washers. The bottom of my gig bag, the only gig bag I have ever owned in my 20+ years of playing, was fraying, so fixed with a small piece of wood and some strong glue
  18. I’m done with eBay I think. As my wife says ‘I hate eBay. It’s full of c**ts’. 😊
  19. Unless they had it refinished, which I doubt. By the way, I didn’t cause the damage. I purchased it knowing the full extent of the condition. Damage aside, it does play and sound great.
  20. Here are the ‘omitted’ photos that I took when I owned the bass that clearly show paint damage.
  21. No issue really. Just interested to see what others think. X
  22. Would anyone here do me a favour and ask the seller if there are any bumps or dings on the bass? I have photographic evidence that there are a few. Be interested to know the response...
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