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Everything posted by ianrendall

  1. Yes I too would love to know, especially the double P config. Again, happy bank holiday Bassers!
  2. Bought a GK MB200 from Deedee after I posted a wanted ad. Great basschatter. Amp arrived quick and just as described. 👍👍
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  4. I had the ‘gentleman’s procedure’ done a couple of years back. Recently purchased a Trace head. Forward thinking.
  5. Hi all. I’ve finally reached the stage where I can now support a main amp (TE AH600) and a spare. I currently have an Ibanez Promethean P500 head that I want to replace with something really small. Gig bag front pocket small. I’m looking at the GK MB200, Trace Elf or TC BH250 heads. Pure grunt isn’t an issue as I always have the option to go through the PA if needs be. I fancy the GK because I’ve heard so many positive things about it. The Trace because it’s so damn cute, and the TC because of the Toneprint functionality.
  6. Not enough screws on the pick guard. Two extra screws on the corners of the bridge. The contouring and horn shape doesn’t look quite right. It’s a no from me.
  7. My favourite Jon Herington solo is from Brite Nightgown. Around the 2:45 mark he plays what would sound like a really off note to the layperson, but it really makes the hairs on my arms stand up. Superb.
  8. Steely Dan are known for being absolute perfectionists in the studio, so heaven knows how many takes it took before Larry nailed it, or how many different takes were spliced together for the album version. I’d suggest listening to as many live versions of the song as possible.
  9. Hello Ian. Ian here from South Somerset. If this is still here in Feb I’ll come a knocking. Doubt it though 😁
  10. Richard Swift: The Black Keys and Shins musician dead at 41 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-44699301
  11. I think I might have to persuade the same mate I bought the AH600 from to sell me his cab!
  12. I always thought the Zeta Crossover bass was a neat ‘gadget’. But since I first saw them in Bassist mag in the 90s I haven’t heard hide nor hair since, let alone ever seen one for sale. Either they’re brilliant and nobody wants to sell, or they didn’t take off.
  13. If I was in the situation to change 3 preamp valves, I’d change all three. They’re cheap enough. Tonally, it could be interesting experiment to be mixing valves. Technically, I have no idea how a mismatch of valves would affect a bass amp. One for the experts.
  14. Have a look at D-Lab Electronics on Youtube. He fixes a few amps with hum. Lots of other useful and interesting stuff as well.
  15. The fan on my Trace head is quite noisy, as I believe they all are. Not a problem when playing obviously but I’d like to get a quieter replacement. Does anyone know if a modern 80mm 12v PC case fan would fit the bill? https://www.quietpc.com/afdp-8025b?countryid=gb&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInOfu67j42wIVJ7XtCh1kdgH0EAQYBSABEgJOePD_BwE
  16. I’d have that if I was nearer, alas.
  17. It replaced a Chinese Golden Penguin or something.
  18. Hiwatt? Is there and indication that there was a logo stuck to the front?
  19. ianrendall


    Just got and fitted a lovely new Electro Harmonix valve from our friends at Watford Valves, as recommended by Derek as an early breakup valve. In short it sounds fantastic in my Trace. With the valve pre set to full, the gain at 9 and the low compression at half, it gives me that tiny bump of breakup at the edge of every plucked note. Been pursuing that tone for so many years and have finally got it.
  20. Oh really? That’s an intriguing nugget. Let the chase begin... thank you!!
  21. Hi all My recently acquired AH600 is currently running through a BF Midget and it does sound epic. However, for reasons of rose tinted romanticism, I would love to pair it with an original, non-Peavey, non-Gibson cab. What was the smallest physical size cab that TE made, aside from the bright box obvs. I assume they didn’t make a 1x12, and that a 1x15 or the 4x8 would be the only choice? I’ll suck up the weight...
  22. This might be because it looks like Dr East is playing over the top of the iTunes recording, effectively doubling his lead line. You can see iTunes on his Mac behind him (and he hasn’t downloaded any album art).
  23. Splendid to hear. So basically stop being such an old traditionalist and use the active EQ 😂
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