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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. Welcome to a world of pain, frustration, and never being quite in tune I still love it though, and don't plan to give up in the foreseeable future. good luck.
  2. I'm normally biased towards anyway (both of my basses are red), but that one is particularly badass.
  3. Not sure if the answer to this should be obvious, but does the garage have any joining walls? As said before, it's the bass that's often the problem, as it travels much more nicely along/between walls, but if it's a detached structure this shouldn't matter as much. Haven't actually tried doing so, but in theory standing your bass amp on some of that foam should help isolate it, so that it doesn't travel into the walls so well. If cost is an issue, you could try getting packaging foam instead of that special soundproofing stuff. It's probably pretty much the same thing anyway, except with a different density.
  4. [quote name='TimR' post='1225528' date='May 9 2011, 08:31 PM']Also you should only ever have one layer of string wound on the post this will affect your tuning.[/quote] what, how? think I've got about 7 round mine, and I don't fancy sawing through my DB [s]string[/s] cable.
  5. a fair post bassace. I noticed that sale thread, and whilst the capslock bemused me I think the responses to it were somewhat uncalled for. Good news about getting your pickups sorted though.
  6. I think this is the most that people have ever agreed on a forum. 70 posts all agreeing that tuning is vital immediately before/during a gig (discounting the OP), plus a few about some van.
  7. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='1225495' date='May 9 2011, 08:03 PM']I agree with most of what's been said, but there's some concern about over-reliance on tuners. We should all be able to tune up by ear without a problem. For me, I can only recall one tuning problem onstage in 24 years of playing. If you put your strings on properly and stretch them out enough, you can give the strings a fair bit of abuse without going out of tune. If I need to adjust my tuning during a song or a gig, I'll usuially do it by ear. I check with a tuner during the break.[/quote] Checking by ear is fine, so long as there aren't people there with a better sense of pitch than you, which for me there probably always is!
  8. [quote name='wal4string' post='1224690' date='May 9 2011, 12:14 AM']As a matter of interest there is no actual bass on the track it is all played on a synth.[/quote] Is the dude at 0:59 just noodling around practising for the next song then?
  9. [quote name='Johnston' post='1225228' date='May 9 2011, 03:55 PM']I sound bad enough as it is never mind having it out of tune too [/quote] My cousin had the opposite mentality with cello. He was forced to learn by his parents, and one time I heard him practise it sounded god-awful. I asked to have a go, and it was obscenely out of tune. The silly boy claimed he sounds rubbish anyway, so why bother tuning it?
  10. Have emailed Tom and Will suggesting the idea, will let you know if I get a reply.
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='1221094' date='May 5 2011, 02:29 PM']One of my stranger moments. Bass players in masks anyone? [/quote] chewbacca? Edit: you know you're a geek when you can instinctively spell chewbacca correctly.
  12. Whilst I wouldn't be able to guess it's Ray Brown, it's still pretty damn sweet. good effort by the painter!
  13. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='1220717' date='May 5 2011, 10:17 AM']Allow me to help, once upon a time, televisions, or TVs as they are known colloquially used to use things called Valves, also known as Tubes (honestly, we should know these things, we are bass players) in order to work. Some people here are old enough to remember such things (not me, I am just historically minded enough to know pointless sh*t like this). Marvin was making a pun or play on words about this very real situation. It was mildly amusing </jokegeekmode>[/quote] Got to love outdated tech. Sorry vader but my geek instincts are kicking in, and I can't resist correcting you . Valves are only used for amplifiers, and whilst they might be used for a TV's sound, the bit that Marvin was referring to is a cathode ray tube, which is the bit that spits electrons at the glass in order to make the image. The only CRT (cathode ray tube) TV I see these days is the one in my living room, and that's so that we can use a playstation lightgun. don't worry marvin, i chuckled.
  14. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1221240' date='May 5 2011, 04:38 PM']Don't know that one but I have several Cohen cds. It is interesting to see the immediacy of this 'inaccessible' stuff when people are exposed to it. If you like Avishai Cohen, try Scott Colley, Dave Holland, Marc Johnson, Chris Potter, Chris Cheek, Claudia Acuna, Jason Linder...[/quote] Cheers Bilbo, some good stuff there, am enjoying some Dave Holland atm. For a second I thought you'd only listed bassists. [quote name='ezbass' post='1221282' date='May 5 2011, 05:06 PM']Oh yeah FWIW I do love me some jazz, but some of it leaves me cold.[/quote] Isn't that the same with any art form? it's inevitable that you're only going to like some of it, even within a certain style/genre.
  15. Nu Nu, the first track from continuo. I prefer the live version, somewhat more epic than the studio version.
  16. I love jazz. Was at my mates recently with a dozen other friends, and the dubstep he was playing was doing my head in. Despite that neither him or anyone else in the room usually listen to jazz, at my request he put on the track below, and it instantly silenced the room for the duration. inaccessible? don't be silly. Edit: Any recommendations for stuff of a similar theme to avishai cohen would be appreciated
  17. looks like a very cool sight, if/when i get some recording equipment i'll start contributing. my only criticism is a volume button would be nice, but it's not a big deal
  18. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='1214223' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:26 PM']So, I've been staring at it semi-vacantly for a bit & put it into Numbers: 1/4/1/1/4/b4/1, b7/6/2/5/1, 6/2, 5 Does that make any sense? A 6-2-5-1-6-2-5 Turnaround? Bit of a mouthful that, is there a more succinct way of calling it?[/quote] well if i'm not mistaken a 6-2-5 is a 2-5-1 just aiming at the fifth, so 6-2-5-1 is just a double 251, and the final 5 on that sequence aims at the 1 on the first bar. Of course, knowing that is the easy step, turning the knowledge into something musical is where I struggle.
  19. sorry TNIT, thought i'd take the opportunity to get this giant thing out my room, and top up the beer fund whilst i'm at it.
  20. A rule of thumb i've noticed seems to be that the opening chord of the song is pretty much always the root, and will often end on it too.
  21. PM'd. mine's just sitting in the corner filling up space. I think £80 sounds perfectly reasonable.
  22. Just got a pair of ER20's. Just judging by listening to music in my room, and my housemate talking to me, they're amazingly even sound reduction, really does sound the same but quieter. I'm not in a band atm, and don't expect to be in the near future, but will probably get some custom fits if/when I do. Does anyone know if the plastic bits light pick up the lights and start glowing in clubs/stage lighting? If so I might just stick a bit of flesh coloured paint on them. Edit: saying that, if/when my band start gigging regularly and i can afford it, I intend to get proper custom moulded jobs.
  23. my student bedroom contains; double bass, bass guitar, bass amp, acoustic guitar, keyboard. That's more instruments than I have engineering textbooks. It's getting a little cramped in here.
  24. Judging by the title I was expecting something about shaping the tone of my bass, but it seems to be more of an overview of it's function. I'll admit I haven't listened to the second podcast, but the first seemed to be a reading of the page before it May I ask what the intent of the article is?
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