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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Noooo! 😁 I love it with the black plate, proper 70s. Plus you've got black binding and blocks. But it ain't my bass is it Guv'nor, so whatever makes ya sun shine Sunshine 😊
  2. To be fair if you had paid by PayPal then there is no way I'd be letting you or anyone collect a bass,or anything else for that matter. A very well known scam is to do just this and then claim that the bass hasn't been delivered, paypal will then refund you and take the money back off the seller. You get a bass for free and the seller has nothing. I'm not for a minute suggesting that this was your intention, but I just wouldn't be risking it. And that's a lovely bass BTW 👍
  3. The chorus always used to trip me up for some reason. I knew exactly what to play and the phrasing etc high up on the D and G strings, but I really had to concentrate, it never came naturally. Great bassline though.
  4. This is exactly what I was thinking, solder some sort of fuse holder directly to the remaining fuse holder. No stripping and minimal expense. If you solder, or glue, the fuses directly then if one blows it'll be a pain changing it.
  5. If wireless they can't be Bluetooth, as all modern wireless headphones seem to be, as bluetooth has too much latency. The old type (infra red?) work OK.
  6. That's what came with the bass, two pairs of the single piece buttons with a larger thread. The holes would need plugging to use standard button and screw types so I've got a new strap for it and bought some cheap Schaller type locks, which came today and are pretty good for a few quid.
  7. "You can barely see it yourself", I said. "Nobody else will even notice it", I said. "Under stage lights it's impossible to see", I said. I can't live with it 🤔😂 I'm going to rewire it to either add a series switch or just wire it in series just through one tone and volume to add some mid oomph so while I'm working out how to do that I'm going to refinish it. It's just bugging me too much, a beautifully made bass let down by an OK paint job. A really nicely applied re-lacquer will (to me) lift this bass to the next level, and it's a good bonding process, I love playing instruments I've refinished or reworked, there's that little bit extra pride.
  8. How hands on are you @petergales? Is it worth buying a few nut blanks and a cheap set of needle files, if you don't have any, and have a play around with different string spacings. It can totally change the feel of a neck and you don't need to make a perfect nut just to try out different spacings. If you do find a different spacing makes it feel nicer then you can make a decent one or get one made if you're not confident. Any rigid plastic will do for trial nuts and will be reversible if you carefully remove and keep the original nut. Would cost less than a tenner to make a few replacements.
  9. I love them @Marcoelwray It's the little features like that that make a bass special.
  10. I haven't looked into the wiring yet but was hoping someone had a diagram or explanation I could follow. Happy doing soldering, just need to follow instructions. I've recently bought a Rick 4005 copy with two pickups, two tone pots, two volume pots, three way selector and the Rick fifth knob which is a kind of blend. It's a long story but I eventually want to wire in a series switch, but haven't got the switch yet so was just going to wire the pickups in series through one tone pot and one volume pot to try at rehearsal this week. Would anyone be able to explain which wires go to which tabs on the pots and stuff please. An actual diagram would be amazing if anyone had one. Thanks, Allan.
  11. I'm really not sure what you're trying to get at. I don't get drawn into the arguments on here because, as I'm sure I've posted before, Internet arguing, where nobody wins and everyone looks like d!cks. I'm pretty laid back in life and on here and as far as I'm aware I've never upset anyone on here. So I'll just wish you a happy new year and leave it at that. No smiley as that appears to cause upset.
  12. @Bassislife16 You've genuinely confused me now.
  13. [walks into shop] Can I buy your Maruzoo... Marushu... Maruzaku... Mooroozoo... Ah b0llocks, I'll have that Fodera. No wonder I'm skint.
  14. They're my string of choice, medium gauge, 50-105 (4 string) ENR72. No silks, just the D'addario coloured ball ends. I don't noticed that they die particularly quickly but they're not massively bright to begin with. I like higher tension strings and like the smoothness of flats but wanted a little more brightness than Chromes. I don't like new rounds brightness at all. These give me what I'm after, lovely fundamental like a flat, roll the tone back and they could be flats, but with a nice amount of top end, but never that new round bite. It depends what you like as always. What sort of tone are you after?
  15. Surely a 12 string for Jeremy as well
  16. "built during the same famous premium boutique bass era in the UK as Wal!" And a load of less desirable tat in sold the Kays catalogue. Ahh, the excitement when the White Arrow van arrived. BTW I have an Austin Allegro for sale, built during the same famous premium boutique car era in the UK as the Jaguar E Type. £90,000
  17. Weirdly I've always gone from G to E (or B with fivers), no idea why. Unless all the strings have been slackened for any reason in which case I'll do a mixture of low and high to put the neck back under stress evenly and not stress one side before the other.
  18. Thanks Andy, I'm sure that he posts, or used to, on here as 'Coldflows'. I'll message through FB 👍
  19. I have a Yamaha BBG5s (Black with gold hardware) but I've mislaid one of the knobs. I could just buy four new knobs but at the moment the level of tarnish on them matches all the other hardware, it's all lost a bit of its goldness as they all seem to. Does anyone know anywhere where I could buy one aged gold dome top knob? New ones just look too bright and gold. Any ideas are much appreciated.
  20. Don't knock it. Off the top of my head New Order & Joy Division, Bauhaus, Gang of Four, Depeche Mode, David Bowie and The Kinks used a Melodica in their songs. If it's good enough for them, it's good for me. Although I prefer them fitted with the tube. 😉
  21. @fleabag A damn good seeing, oh sorry I see what you mean. Bizarrely she's asked if I could dig a hole about 6' by 2' and then book someone to lay a patio a couple of days after I've dug the hole. I don't know what she's got planned, exciting times eh? 🤔
  22. Brilliant, there's a few little DIY jobs that Mrs. Maude's been pestering me about. When should I expect them? I'll put the kettle on. 😁
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