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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Oh my, have you been saving that post in your handbag for the right time? πŸ˜‚
  2. From memory black Pahohoe strings are available from Road Toad Music in a few different lengths. I much prefer them to the white Thunderguts. Less 'grippy' and a more focused tone.
  3. I'd buy it but neither of my bands play Dancing in the Moonlight so it's no use to me.
  4. Any comparison to Bruce Thomas, however tenuous is welcomed with open arms (and strings). 😎
  5. I've really never understood twin necks with a bass and a guitar neck. Fretted and fretless bass if you must or six and twelve string guitars, but who plays guitar then stops halfway through a song to play the middle eight on bass, then carries on on guitar again? And if there is a genuine reason anyone buys a guitar/bass then my clavinova/trombone combo should sell well.
  6. Also we do Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars, but it's a Ska mash-up with Lip Up Fatty and Special Brew. Always a firm crowd pleaser.
  7. What about if you take your left hand off for a second to relieve carpal tunnel pins and needles, then notice someone with a camera while your simultaneously catching your breath after being too energetic and the resulting photo just looks like you want to kill someone. I was really enjoying this gig as well, honestly 😁
  8. Even better if it was the future for PAs. It would be like a silent disco except you wouldn't need the headphones. Everyone within range (ie in front of the stage area) would hear the band but zero noise pollution in the rest of, or outside of the venue. People could chat at the bar easily and those complaining dΒ‘cks who bought the house next door could go f themselves.
  9. That's not a very 'punk' thing to do is it πŸ˜‰
  10. Surely if Slaves are appearing on mainstream TV and being played on Radio 1 then the ripples of that punk stone being thrown into the music industry pond must still be being felt.
  11. Just stumbled across this whilst on one of those YouTube journeys. I think it really works well and the dancer's none too shabby either.
  12. I thought Dizzee Rascal made some good points about bass in his sections, points that we've probably trying to make people see for years. He said "it's like a conversation with no conclusion, yeah you've got some melody and some drums but what's your point?", and "it's like the glue that holds music together". He also emphasised the problems of listening to music on phones or laptop speakers when he nearly didn't record his hit 'Bonkers' with it's huge bass riff because he just didn't hear it on the little speakers, and that his audiences go mad in the bass drop in that song. I may be a miserable old fart but I can see D.R. is popular with youngsters and if someone on their radar can inform them in this way then he fully deserved to be featured. Now back to playing some big dirty stinkin' bass 😁
  13. There was always going to be a guitar thread but nobody was quite sure when it would start. I mean, we all knew when it should start but it doesn't appear to have materialised. Have you checked the other forums? Maybe it was started in completely the wrong section and it's thrown you. Once it does start it will probably go on forever, contain bizarre word choices and drive you completely nuts.
  14. I just though it was great for the general public to have a little insight into what we do and it's importance in the music we play, rather than just thinking it's an easier version of a guitar. All this grumbling about not focusing on certain basses, I can't remember the drum programme focusing on any specific model of drum and yet the consensus seems to be that most enjoyed it more. Oddly, or maybe not, our drummer said last night that he enjoyed the bass one more than drum one. Maybe we're so into bass that a one hour programme will never include everything we feel important, but I reckon there was enough in it for non bassist to enjoy without feeling like they're watching a nerdy documentary for sad muso's. Anything that gets ordinary folks a little more interested in my passion is a good thing and if I need a far more in depth and drawn out history of bass, whether guitar, voice, brass, synth or whatever then there's plenty more for me on other Internet platforms.
  15. Different strings do make a difference to the Variax. I'd wondered the same and whether the electronics would override the strings and make them all sound similar but it doesn't. I use D'Addario half rounds on mine as they're my fave string. I've got a second one I was going to defret to see how that works with the synth and upright bass settings, I just haven't got around to it yet.
  16. Well it's lucky I'm wearing my heels then πŸ‘  😁
  17. Oh thank god for that, I'm out! I've been stuck in never ending, link clicking vortex since the original post on Sunday night. I thought it would never end. Right, I've got to get something to eat, I'm starving.
  18. It probably is stable but it just looks like the bridge mounting part would want to flex under string tension.
  19. Is there anything to stop someone using his photo and title and making their own listing explaining exactly what the bass is to warn woukd be buyers? Ebays algorithms would suggest the new listing if you'd viewed the scammy one. Obviously put a rediculously high price and explain why. Ebay aren't doing anything to stop this so maybe the public should.
  20. Noooo! 😁 I love it with the black plate, proper 70s. Plus you've got black binding and blocks. But it ain't my bass is it Guv'nor, so whatever makes ya sun shine Sunshine 😊
  21. To be fair if you had paid by PayPal then there is no way I'd be letting you or anyone collect a bass,or anything else for that matter. A very well known scam is to do just this and then claim that the bass hasn't been delivered, paypal will then refund you and take the money back off the seller. You get a bass for free and the seller has nothing. I'm not for a minute suggesting that this was your intention, but I just wouldn't be risking it. And that's a lovely bass BTW πŸ‘
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