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Born 2B Mild

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Everything posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. BTW the aluminium case isn't for sale ...but hopefully it does show I look after things :blush:
  2. Every day, somewhere in the world, loads of brand new bass guitars are 'born'. Whether they eminate from luthiers or factories, there are lots and lots coming in to the world all the time. But do bass guitars go the Great Bass Gallery In The Sky at the same rate? If more are created than destroyed, will the world be big enough, or will we all need to have bass harems in order to manage the increasing masses? or what?
  3. [quote name='Monz' post='339614' date='Nov 28 2008, 02:13 PM']Buy with confidence from this basschatter... a true gent[/quote] Thanks Glyn! I've looked after your bean but have decided to just bring just a pedal or two to gigs now. Pics on their way ...couldn't find my card reading gizmo.
  4. [quote name='Sean.Robinson' post='339561' date='Nov 28 2008, 01:24 PM']would you mind posting some pics please?[/quote] OK. Give me 30 mins and check back then
  5. Selling to raise cash. £600 O.N.O. No shipping, but will meet you half-way. Used for pubs and rehearsals to very good effect. Phonic Powerpod 1860 mixer amp Peavey Pro 15 (pair) Carlsbro Alpha Monitor PM10 Carlsbro Alpha Monitor EM10 Quiklok 2 x Tripod Speaker Stands Pair Speakon leads
  6. I want your Yamaha to have my babies :blush:
  7. Whilst my most vital bass is my Spector Euro LX5-EX, it [u]is[/u] replaceable. However, if I had to take only one with me from my hyperthetically blazing house. it would be my 25 year old fretless Jazz Bass, that I got from Richard Sinclair (Caravan/Hatfield & The North/Camel) ... irreplaceable. :wub:
  8. [quote name='BassKS' post='336123' date='Nov 25 2008, 11:30 AM']All I can Offer is a DOD Vibrothang which is a vibrato....A nice one. Hadrien feraud swears by it.[/quote] Is that in P/EX for the POD?
  9. Excellent condition, boxed with handbook & mains. I've gone back to stomping & I'm looking for a tremelo pedal if you want to P/EX. 1/12/08: Tremelo pedal GAS now solved.
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='335179' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:07 PM']Hello! Of course... lifted straight from the site: Handling: 1200w RMS, 58lbs (26.5kgs), 23.5" x 23.5" x 16" (it passes Warwickhunt's 'walk through a door while carrying it' test). It has jack & speakon inputs, and a horn attenuator. Hope this helps...[/quote] Thank you. If your research brings you in to the vicinity of Bergantinos, let me know. I have a HT112 and a EX112. I changed from Schroeder single cab to have two cabs so I could just take one small cab with me to gigs with my quiet band, but use both for my loud band. Having left he quiet band, I don't have the same needs anymore and I do like 10"'ers.
  11. WoT, can you kindly post a few specs up? Especially the weight? Thanks
  12. [i]I think someone in China has been at the old opiates thing again Ted[/i] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250228632325&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm38%26_nkw%3D250228632325%26_fvi%3D1"]D'you know Dougal, I think you might be right there, now[/url]
  13. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='333974' date='Nov 21 2008, 04:56 PM']I've been doing it for a year and a half and feel my musical knowledge and enjoyment has gone up leaps and bounds.[/quote] As a result of this thread, I'm now downloading Raphael Saadiq's album. That's the good thing about Napster To Go ...you get wind of something and the next thing you know you are listening to it. Plus, it's 100% legal, with artists (including the album I recorded with Angie Shaw) getting royalties from this channel. Sorry, if I sound like I work for the company. I don't!
  14. [quote name='mcgraham' post='333956' date='Nov 21 2008, 04:27 PM']Bargainous! I don't mind spending around 10 quid a month for an album per month anyway, so considering what it would allow me to download is great. I'll have to look into that. Are there any drawbacks? Does anyone know if iTunes do anything similar? Mark[/quote] Not every album ever recorded is on Napster, but in practice, it has 95% of what you look for. Occasionally, you come across an artist that doesn't allow downloads (like The Beatles) but it's pretty rare. There is one thing that some will consider is a drawback ...you have to use Napstet To Go compatible players. If you like Creative players, then that's easy, but there's a list of all makes and models. However, Apple ipods are completely out of the frame (which is an Apple thing). Critics will also point out that the downloads aren't for keeps. This is true, but here's how I see it. This is like having a subscription to a library ...stop subscribing and you take your books back. Meanwhile you can borrow as many tracks as you like. Plus, every now and then, we come across an album that we just [u]have [/u]to own. Sometimes I'll pay for them on Napster, but I'm more likely to route out an online bargain for a CD. I've been doing it for a year and a half and feel my musical knowledge and enjoyment has gone up leaps and bounds.
  15. [quote name='mcgraham' post='333931' date='Nov 21 2008, 03:54 PM']How much does this service cost per month? Mark[/quote] £12.95 per month. You can download to three PCs and three mp3 players. My wife uses it within my subs, and she sings in a choir, and she finds it useful to download recordings of whatever her choral society is rehearsing. One of my lads used it for a while too, but his player broke.
  16. I subcribe to [url="http://www.napster.co.uk/ntg.html"]Napster To Go[/url], which means I can legitimately download as many albums I like. I find this a great way of trying things out. This week I downloaded and am enjoying... Razorlight 'Slipway Fires' Status Quo 'Pictures: 40 years of hits' Ryan Adams 'Cardinology' Robert Wyatt 'Rock Bottom' Joey Ryan 'with its roots above and its branches below' Motown Legacy: The songs of Norman Whitfield' But I didn't like some others, such as Katey Melua, so I deleted them. As I type, I am downloading the new Dido and Girls Aloud albums.
  17. On one of my multi-effects units, I'm enjoying the tremelo (based on a Vox AC15) effect. I'll be moving this unit on soon, but am interested in getting a stomp for keeping that nice vintage sound (works sooooo nice with flats ). So, forgive my ignorance, but can any old tremelo pedal work for bass, or what?
  18. Can I suggest a few [u]principles[/u], rather than actual models? Forgive me if I'm telling you what you already know, but here goes... 1) [b]Buy used[/b]. Your budget will buy a bass that may have retailed at £800 to £1200, and if you find it doesn't turn out to be your dream axe, then you should get what you paid for it 2) Use your [b]research[/b] period wisely. You are already doing this by posting here, but watch various 5 stringers sell on eBay to get an idea of market price, plus go twang as many basses you can get your hands on (irrespective of price). 3) Be [b]open minded[/b]. Don't be swayed by brands or even price. I bought a spare 5 string for £100 recently, and it fits one band I'm in better than its more expensive rack-mates. 3) Determine [b]what spec[/b] is important. e.g. 34" or 35"? Humbucker style or single pole style? Active or Passive? Good luck, and tell us what you plumped for in the end!
  19. [quote name='MB1' post='330297' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:50 PM']MB1. Its like a photograph thats lacquered over...... the cheaper Peavey cirrus basses employ the same technique for the tigers eye effect.[/quote] Ah right. Isn't technology wunnerful? I'm sure this will be snapped up in no time.
  20. I used to have one of those Yamaha DD65s. Great fun! Not so good to learn on though. BTW What's "Photo quilt top" mean? Is is not the real wood grain?
  21. So has anyone got some hands-on experience of these ALDEN creations yet? And if the eBay vendor is not recommended, is there an alternative source to buy?
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