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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. First gig in years I took three basses and must have looked like a bit of an idiot switching them, and caused the soundmam a headache. For a pub gig now it's one bass with a spare in the car usually, or on stage if there's space. I don't do a spare amp because I don't have one but I do have a multi fx that can be piped in to the PA if needed. I own 6 basses, it's a bit daft, but I enjoy buying new basses and trying them out. I don't need to show off my collection in the Dog and Duck because it would be wholly unnecessary and a risk of more stuff being stolen.
  2. Had a bit more of a play. The pre amp is disappointing really. However the strings are very old, too heavy a gauge for the bass and feel a bit rubbery. The neck is thicker than I would expect. I've got some 0.35 strings on order from Status so when they arrive it will have a full clean down, re string, neck tweak and then I'm expecting to get a tiny bit more out of it. Still, might see what Status themselves say about upgrading the pre.
  3. Thanks, I had a short fiddle with the knobs while testing it and couldn't work out what was going on. If I get on with it I may consider a pre amp upgrade of some sort. I do like an active bass these days, had a few rubbish 2 band ones in the past but Sire's pre and my 3 band MM have been revelatory.
  4. Does anyone know, accurately, the history of these? Where they were made... And should it have gold knobs?
  5. I'd love the real thing but need to see how I get on with this and if a used lefty Status headless comes up at the right price... I thought the price is good and its fair, while these are rare I think it is a £450 bass. Can't see the prices for these sky rocketing ever, but you never know. Just hope I get on better with it than the Hohner B2A I had - nice bass but the string spacing was just too tight and something just wasn't quite there with it, though I wanted to love it.
  6. I missed out on one on ebay by a few quid years ago and never saw another. I can't justify the cost of the real thing direct from Status sadly, but this popped up on Facebook marketplace yesterday, good comms with the seller, and today she's mine. Need to work through til 5 now though so can't really get hands on with it, but I'm chuffed so far!
  7. I've never found yamahas visually appealing until now, that's awesome.
  8. Might have been zabiekanka (spelling might be off) which is not quite pizza but a Polish version. They love the cheap almost translucent sauce all over them, and so did I when visiting! They know how to eat out there 😋
  9. Don't get me started on the neck dive...
  10. Can't remember if it's that bass or the tobacco sauce bass, but I've seen it on the wall of the Louisville Hard Rock Cafe!
  11. I like J basses but wary of 90s Fenders. I'd say play it and see if you think it's worth that. On the surface I thought anything under 8 or 900 was good but depends on the condition and feel of the actual bass and I know nowt about right hander prices. I don't think you're getting a rare collectible so just compare it to other reference points you have to see if it plays like a 700 quid bass (does it play a bit better than your 500 quid bass, or if you're a fancy pants is it about half as good as your 1500 quid bass?)
  12. We've had this discussion in my band, already a 5 piece, do we add a keys player or use samples? What I enjoy about this band is the spontaneity (thank you spell check, autocorrect thingy) and the danger that if we are not on our game it can all fall apart. I don't know how we would react to a punter doing something funny or the drummer falling off his stool, etc if we are playing along to something. I've got an 80s band starting up, first go with a proper singer next week. Me and the guitarist are regularly in touch talking about how we cover certain arrangements where keys are very present. This has been a good challenge, but it's time consuming!
  13. Seconded. I'm a member of that and there's a lot of fake black n golds about, the Facebook guys can help you sort the real from the rubbish.
  14. Love how you've put that! Meatloaf, and thereby Jim's compositions were a big part of my formative musical experiences too. The story telling in a song and within an album just grabbed me. Going to listen to a load today I think!
  15. I really liked Meatloaf when I was a kid. My dad then got a cassette of Steinman songs by Meat and Bonnie Tyler, it was awesome. Great memories of that tape being played on a week long holiday when we drove to Brittany. Excellent song writing.
  16. Yes, there's some sort of thread on it in the Bass Guitars section, if you search for vinyl wrapping in that section it should come up. From what I remember the results were pretty good!
  17. I wanted to see what the fuss was about, bought the Queen is dead and gave it away to a mate the very next day. Couldn't listen to it for more than a few songs and also I don't see what is so special with Jonny Marr in this context.
  18. And I think that's part of it. Wunjo's asked me how I wanted my bass setting up and I put in my very basic requirements, they did it no sweat. If someone says "we will set it up, no problem" but doesn't ask you for any input you probably are getting a ten minute tweak and that's it, or a set up that suits the tech and may or may not work for you.
  19. Awesome!! Love a proper Kramer, and love a headless bass.
  20. Jeez... I went up in one about 24 years ago. Didn't see any evidence of bass building though. Also didn't see what the hell they fill the schoolboys with to make them absolute monsters to play rugby against (my school team got such a battering that Pock had to put out their B team against us from then on, the shame of it all!) I'd be very interested in a made in Yorkshire bass!
  21. I don't see why you'd spend more than 79p on a pick in the 90s and keep using it forever. This one does me fine...
  22. Wunjo do a great set up on basses you buy from them. Want it down tuned half a step? No problem. Want the lowest possible action without buzzing, OK, easy. Aside from that buying a Sire from Thomann that came perfectly set up. I bought a Fender electro acoustic six string from Gear4 years back and the action was all over the place, even though there's a hang tag claiming set up was done in the factory it didn't seem to have had any help after then.
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