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Everything posted by Angel

  1. Cheap guitars have never been better, so many good ones out there now. I'm sure that they will be fine if set up well.
  2. Lovely playing, right up my street in terms of how I'd 'like' to play. Reality is a loooong way off though.
  3. Wow, that looks fabulous! I guess they sold it, not seeing it now.
  4. I had a brilliant Status bass years ago, loved it but it was darned heavy. Never weighed it, but after about 25 mins standing with it my shoulder would be so achy. Had to let it go, but I do miss it ...
  5. I would tell him from the start that you have reservations about an electronic kit, that way if he doesn't quite cut it in the auditions, either playing or sound, you have your get-out clause pre-prepared!
  6. Fabulous stuff! Rush were one of the most important bands of my youth.
  7. Maybe it's a bit of a tired old question, but I don't recall seeing it around here anytime in the past year (I'm probably wrong!). So who do you like best? For me, not in any particular order it would be: Geddy Lee - Rush were such an important band for me from teens on. Nick Beggs - Mostly for his prog connections, plus the fact that he is a total loony! Billy Sheehan - Now THAT'S how to play rock bass (well, for me) More recently: Charles Berthoud - Youtube sensation. Incredible ability plus a nice down to earth guy Honourable mentions: James Durand - I was obsessed with his slap bass playing on Youtube some years ago but I can't find him now! Jon Poole - Recent discovery for me with prog band Lifesigns. Mel Schacher - I was a BIG fan of Grand Funk Railroad in my youth, and the bass was so upfront on their early recordings. Chris Squire - Feels like he should be higher but I kind of stopped listening to Yes a long long time ago. Stanley Clarke - Legend. Nuff said ... Strangely, most of my fave bands haven't have bass players that I am extra excited by ...
  8. Blimey! He doesn't like to sit still does he! I've know a lot of bassists online or personally, who seem to think that a bass just has one job, but for me I love to hear them played in more progressive ways, as a solo or soloing instrument. It's all music! Yeah, nicely played.
  9. Good choice on the original post Rush! Love that album! I'd pick what is a 'perfect' album for me, where I just love every song - Be-bop-deluxe Modern music. I could literally pick from anywhere, any three consecutive songs, however, I will make a choice: The Bird Charmers Destiny - short and haunting The Gold at the End of My Rainbow - Lovely melody to the chorus Bring Back the Spark - uptempo song with a KILLER guitar solo! so melodic.
  10. One of those icons of my youth I guess, back when Radio 1 seemed important. On a side note, I dislike the use of the word 'dead' in thread titles like this. It lacks empathy for me.
  11. @chrisba You are doing the Roland Bass Cube a dis-service there! It is an excellent sounding mini amp! I tried other mini bass amps back in the day and they were all poor and yes, tinny, but the cube was poles apart. I'm on my second one, used the first at home until it eventually died, just HAD to get another. I bought a powered speaker for home use, a secondhand Headrush FRFR 108. Not cheap but I'm loving it.
  12. I called my bass the same name! Billy Sheehan's wife.
  13. Generally, lower looks cooler (yeah, can go too far as per pic above!). However, I do like to attempt the slappy stuff, and that kind of needs the bass higher. So I'm South of nerdy but North of cool. One thing I hate to see is fingerstyle playing with a bass really high, I really don't like that limp wrist look. Absolutely not for me.
  14. I'm primarily a guitarist but I have never used a plec on a bass. I do sometimes do that 'chucking' thing. To be honest though, I prefer electric guitar with no plec as well!
  15. What a load of ********! Science my *rse
  16. Married for 30 years but I never wear my wedding ring. Don't even know where it is! Both metal and plastic irritate my skin so I never wear rings/watches. Fortunately I'm not attractive enough to get women hitting on me thinking I'm unmarried.
  17. Unpopular music - I know all about that! My main interest has always been Prog, the most unfashionable and reviled of all genres!
  18. For me the Sugarbabes are a relatively small amount of talent driven forward by excellent production standards and marketing. Hey, I've just described most pop music ... Nothing wrong with that of course, and I say good luck to anyone who tries to achieve success in music, and well done to anyone who does. In all fairness I think they do write most of their songs??
  19. I remember buying his album Radio free albemuth (was that the name?) on vinyl when it came out. I ADORED the active tone from his Kubicki bass. Also, ‘Country music’ was one of those tracks that just blew your mind!
  20. I've been listening to Brian Culbertson all day. I doubt that anyone here even knows him, and most people look down on his type of music - smooth jazz. For me it's ideal music to work to, I enjoy it in the background but it gives me thinking space for my job. His recorded music is quite mellow, but the live shows have a bit more energy. I don't expect people here to like it, but if you want a taste here's a live show:
  21. I'm a guitar person but I'm not into effects so I would say get the guitar. Having said that, the first year I persuaded Mrs A to let me buy the only guitar I would ever need was about 30 years ago. I've owned around 30 since then.
  22. I'd have to sell a child to afford that! Plus I have never owned a passport ....
  23. It warmed my heart a bit to see Paul Jones to be honest. He was a fave of my mum, who passed away a couple of years ago. It's the little things like this that light up a little corner in my mind, memories of mum. I am a musician because of my mum.
  24. OK, to sum up, we basically all liked it.
  25. I never get why people here are so negative about the show. I stuck Rick Astley on before midnight for about 15 minutes, that was fun, but then they put on Fireworks and I find fireworks on TV monumentally boring. So at that point I switched over to Jools and had it on in the background whilst I faffed on the iPad until about 15 mins before the show ended. Well, I enjoyed it enough, the Irish band were cracking! And I really liked Joss Stone's two numbers. I would never have recognised her now. A good looking woman! I don't know, everyone is entitled to an opinion I guess but it feels a bit like it's 'hip' around here to criticise the show. Jools' band guitarist was good, there was an excellent saxophonist, and some lovely busy bass playing at times (forget the numbers?). Still, we can all like what we like I guess.
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