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Leon Transaxle

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Everything posted by Leon Transaxle

  1. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1368177293' post='2074038'] I'm of the belief that if you're going to do an original arrangement, do a completely different take. Use the composition as the vehicle and take it to a new place. [/quote] I go with that.
  2. I bought my P used with holes where a cover used to be which annoyed me, so I got a cover. I sometimes use a pick and the cover makes a useful rest when playing near the bridge. I've experimented with stuff and have load of packing material (not sure what to call it) which works fine for muting if cut into strips and stuffed under the bridge. I also have a CV P 50s P with both covers on. This one came with the pup one and I added the bridge. You learn to work around them.Get a bit of a click when I touch either though (not from the strings as they are tapewound).
  3. Have I missed it or has no one mentioned the Tanglewood TWRB E yet? I was in Fair Deal music in Brum today and sitting among the acoustic guitars was one of these. I have never played a U-bass but thus looks like it could work as a budget substitute. I asked if I could try out the bass uke but was told it was a travel bass, which is what it seems that Tanglewood are marketing it as. To me it was pretty good. It was a lined fretless, not sure if a fretted version is available. Had some good tones out of it using a standard acoustic amp they had in the shop. Got a bit hissy with the tone wound right up but over all I was pretty impressed. The only niggle was the G string. All the other strings were like big fat strips of rubber (as expected) but the G was notched (for want of a better word) which made it uncomfortable. For those of you who remember A-level biology it looked like the textbook example of the nerve axion with myelin sheaths broken up by nodes along the length. They were knocking it out for £199, which is £50 less than the RRP and cheaper than others I have seen since. One for the Christmas list!
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1366974356' post='2059657'] Get a keyboard/synth. [/quote]+1 Specifically one of these? [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Keyboards-and-Pianos/Moog-MINITAUR-Analog-Bass-Synthesizer/QPG"]http://www.gear4music.com/Keyboards-and-Pianos/Moog-MINITAUR-Analog-Bass-Synthesizer/QPG[/url]
  5. +1 on Amplitude but also I use a Line 6 Studio 110
  6. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Shergold-London-Marathon-Bass-guitar-80s-early-natural-Peter-Hook-nice-/161007541691?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item257ccc1dbb#ht_792wt_15366"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Shergold-London-Marathon-Bass-guitar-80s-early-natural-Peter-Hook-nice-/161007541691?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item257ccc1dbb#ht_792wt_15366[/url] Three hours stripping off stickers but still coated in yoghurt.
  7. IIRC Enigma is a control editor for M-Audio keyboards rather than a driver. I have an Oxygen keyboard and the driver was a separate download to Enigma, but I have a PC. I don't have a significant latency issue using ASIO4all and pro53 or Reason on a laptop. Don't know if there is anything like it for the Mac though.
  8. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1365595934' post='2041514'] Myself and my other bandmates just got this text from our drummer: Folks I have some news. 31st July you are playing with Gregg Bissonette at the Freddie Gee Drum Academy. Gregg was David Lee Roth's drummer from 86-91 and is currently Spinal Tap's first choice. I'm officially bricking it. Defo keen to do it as it's a really cool opportunity. He's a friend of our drummer who used to tech for him. Any advice? [/quote]Surely if he is with Spinal Tap he is likely to have come to some bizarre end long before you are due to play?
  9. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1365528454' post='2040777'] Again not bass related, Looping when done right yields amazing results This is such a performance KT Tunstall on Jools [media]http://youtu.be/pdu_IWxSSk4[/media] [/quote]There is a really good tutorial by KT TUnstall on YouTube showing exactly how she built up 'Black horse & the cherry tree' which I found when I was doing an option appraisal when I was looking for a looper (Unfortunately I can't link to it as I am at work and YouTube is blocked)
  10. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1365007586' post='2034087'] Check out studio devil. The virtual bass amp is excellent (only$69 too) and although i havent tried the guitar one it has had great reviews. [/quote] The free Studio Devil British amp valve custom is pretty good, and I have got some useful tones out of the free version of Shred too. I shall give AmpLion a try. Can't beat the Amplitude Ampeg plug in for bass though.
  11. I really like Ed Alleyn-Johnson's original work, though not such a fan of his 'covers' albums. But again this is violin not bass.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1330863810' post='1563880'] New Bootsy Variety of Sound free VST compressor with IM saturation:- [url="http://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/2012/03/02/thrillseekerla-released-today/"]ThrillseekerLA[/url] Try running bass through it and playing with the odd/even saturation alone. Then play with the compression, its a bonza bit of kit chaps! [/quote] Must admit I'm a big fan of all the VoS stuff. I'll give your suggestion a try.
  13. Ibanez Artcore? If I were to splash on something to replace my modded Bronco in the short scale department it would be one of these.
  14. Does this include lefties who do everything left handed except playing the bass (and geetar)?
  15. I agree with Molan [b]and [/b]Silddx ... ... one of these
  16. Why do this then leave the back battery cover in a pristine condition?
  17. PX'd for an acoustic guitar. The case will however shortly be on sale in the other equipment section of BC
  18. I went to Denmark Street at the weekend on a now very occasional visit to our fair capital and I was very pleasantly surprised by most places. I was looking at acoustic guitars (with no intention to buy - I was trading in and they were back in Hereford) and I was pretty much left to get on with it in most places I visited. Didn't actually try any basses but someone seemed to be getting a good deal on a Squier jazz bass while I was in Wunjo's (slow day I'll drop the price and throw in some extras etc). And the advice was good, not just pushing for the most expensive bass they could get away with. Seemed to have a skip load of Rockinbetters kicking around the street on display in a very blatant manner. Basses and six strings.
  19. Bought Graham's Ampeg combo. No problems. Had a cup of tea and a good chat. Can definitely recommend.
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1345250725' post='1775677'] What if one lot of spuds was smaller-sized ones than the other lot..? Twice the weight, but not twice the volume..? [/quote]Or that they were sufficiently large that they could exert a gravitational pull on one another
  21. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1345217453' post='1775160'] Counter-intuitive, yes. Spuds, yes. But are two light bulbs really twice as bright as one? They are brighter, sure, but are they twice as bright? [/quote] I don't know. Maybe light bulbs weren't the best example as the production of light is a inefficient process involving much heat as a by product so there are too many other variables in the equation. Its the old candlepower unit that made me think of it.
  22. Thanks for the replies. I realise I was potentially setting myself up for a load of ritual humiliation but it is something that has always got me thinking. The whole thing is counter-intuitive. If I have two sacks of spuds they are twice as heavy. If I have two light bulbs they are twice as bright. So why not twice as loud? I suppose it was obvious it wasn't the case otherwise Ritchie Blackmore would be seen standing in front of a massive stack of Marshall practice amps
  23. Basic physics says that a 100W amp is twice as loud as a 10W and and a 1000W amp twice as loud as 100W. [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/docs/DOC-1951.pdf"]http://www.harmonycentral.com/docs/DOC-1951.pdf[/url] If I therefore buy two BA115s, crank them both up to the max and run one channel of my Korg AX10 through each will it be as loud as 1000W and if not why not? It can't believe it would but I can't see the hole in the argument. Please feel free to point it out. I have no problem with radiation physics but always struggle a bit with sound.
  24. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1344968515' post='1771829'] Yes fair enough, but I remember Ped saying that he has a way of filtering ads which are related to musical instruments only, I am getting Pizza Hut banners now! [/quote] I would have thought Pizza Hut and musicians were intimately linked?
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