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Everything posted by Davy

  1. That's a lot of bass for the money. Someone in a "Key Worker" role is no doubt going to be able to take this off your hands very soon. Alas I am self-employed and soon to be out of work(like a lot of people I imagine) otherwise I would have been very interested in this. GLWTS.
  2. Someone buy this as it's tempting me to sell my P Bass and I really shouldn't....
  3. I had the 4 string version of this, sold it a few years ago and wished that I'd kept it. These basses are great value and very playable. If I didn't already have an SR1200 I'd be interested in this. GLWTS
  4. Your set up sounds very similar to what I would use mine for. I'll give it try with a standard 1/4" mono cable at my next gig. Thanks.
  5. I've ordered a Zoom B1 Four with the intention of using it mainly at home for practice. I would like to try it direct into my band's PA for use with in-ears at some point. As it's jack output only, would I need a special jack to jack cable, i.e. stereo to mono? The mixing desk is a Soundcraft UI16 which has dual(xlr/jack) inputs on channels 1-8.
  6. What would it cost to ship it across the Irish Sea?
  7. I second that! I wish I lived closer.....Newcastle is too far, isn't it?.....😂
  8. I've also got a behringer BDI 21 that I've had for a while as a backup. I decided to try it the other night and it was actually ok. Now that I've decided to temporarily ditch my backline I'm looking for a better quality preamp pedal so I'm just going through all of the options before I buy. I'm guessing that a dedicated preamp pedal like the MXR is going to have a much better sound than one of the amp simulators on the various multi effects pedals on the market.
  9. Hmmm so maybe a B1-Four? I've already been told that a jack output is not necessarily any worse than an XLR so that might be worth a try to dip my toe in the pre-amp/effect pedal world. Bit of a sidewards one, any recommendations for reasonably priced pre-amp pedals? MXR or Ampeg perhaps?
  10. Thanks for the comments so far, I guess I'm leaning towards the Zoom at this point...
  11. If I got the Zoom B3 or B3n then I'd probably use it mainly as a preamp pedal with some compression. Would be interested to hear from others who have used the Zoom mainly as a preamp...
  12. Thanks, I often wondered if a jack output from the pedal was inferior to an XLR...
  13. I'm thinking about ditching my backline and going to a floor based DI/Preamp/Effects unit with in-ear monitoring instead. I'm not a huge fan of effects but can see the benefit on some songs so I've shortlisted the TC Spectradrive Bass Preamp peadal and the Zoom B3(due to the XLR output). I've no reservations about the TC pedal as I've used their amps before and they produce quality gear but I'm not so sure about the Zoom as I've owned a B2 pedal before and, while it sounded good through a set of headphones, it always sounded really muddy through my backline. Has anyone got any live experience with either of the two units that they could share? Cheers Dave
  14. Just thinking the exact same thing...
  15. No problem Geoff. If I decide to sell mine and this is still available I'll be back in touch, however, I think this won't hang around for very long. GLWTS
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