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Everything posted by BassTractor

  1. [quote name='Grim13' timestamp='1340217897' post='1701319'] I've been playing my way through exercise books at home, alone with my drum machine[/quote] That's an idea I never had. How do you feel this works? Satisfied? Do you program the thing, or just use built-in meters?
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1340186973' post='1700521'] there were plenty of people who thought the invention of the wheel was a change for the worse.[/quote] [b]WAS???[/b] As in that they actually did finish it? I never read that. Holy moses. Then I must admit I stand corrected. Wheel, eh? Hm. Did they write anything about whether they've found out what to use it for?
  3. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1340221888' post='1701430'] I can see why, really enjoyed that. Very interesting song and some really nice bass going on . [/quote] Yes! Great stuff. I got biased too, and would buy a studio version off iTunes right away.
  4. Don't know it this is possible at all in the UK, but just in case: Here in Norway, as long as I could provide proof that I was a professional musician, I got to buy directly from the importers at reduced prices. On some occasions this 'gotten' me as much as a 40% discount. Deal was: NO tape to cover the brand name. np: [b]AMTP[/b]
  5. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1340219956' post='1701375'] microchipped. Yes, in an identical way to pets.[/quote] In the neck fat then. Hm. Must affect tone like an E-Bow.
  6. I was gonna welcome you, but then saw your apostrophe. Sorry. Go away. You said you'd been hanging around, didn't you? Welcome to the surface, Paul (I assume). You'll be sure to have a great time then. Ashdown? Terrible stuff. Music Man? Terrible stuff. My sig? Terrible stuff. C-ya around.
  7. Hi Grim13, Welcome to BC! Yes, there's lots like you on here, only most of them are grown ups (48 and over). The advice will flow your way alright. Enough topics to read, enough old stuff to do searches in, and you can just ask a question and it will be answered before you've even thought through how exactly to word it. Good luck on your quest. Enjoy!
  8. My Android doesn't work, so I can't check right now, but if Google Play has one of the following, I think you're in for a lot of fun. Sorry if they're not available there. I thought it better to tell anyway. - PocketGK, a Gallien-Krueger bass amp - GarageBand. Of all the stuff in this large app, to date I use the simulations of different amps and effects.
  9. Hi Mike, Welcome to BC from another noob. B.A.S. will not become worse, but since it will stay the same, you're in for a fast ride. See you again in a few years when you'll have acquired 834 of them. Careful with that signature, please! Don't forget B.A.S. also requires that you develop generic GAS, and buy pedals and amps ... and plectraiiums.
  10. Hi MandShef, Welcome to BC. You'll find this a friendly, knowledgeable place. I'm a classical player too, but have joined the dark side because of the cookies. You want some cookies too? Enjoy the site!
  11. That's a lovely refinish! Congrats and just send it to the address I PM'ed. ;^)
  12. [quote name='leroybasslines' timestamp='1340049598' post='1698362'][post deleted for clarity!][/quote] Teach me!
  13. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1340050962' post='1698392']Even acoustic instruments do not need 'good' woods to sound good.[/quote] Great point. Same with old violins from Cremona's most famous builders. Some decennia ago, on studying these thoroughly, one found a lot of stuff that one couldn't explain, like "bad" wood. The new theory got to be that the dozens of layers of varnish were at least as important as the tone wood. IIRC, some later "science" has thrown that theory again. I simply tell world famous violinists that tone is in your fingers.
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1340060996' post='1698663']bad, guitar-style pick playing, all muddy and with poor muting[/quote] Innersting! Could you tell more about that? Are you referring to the typical sound amateurs produce when strumming chords with picks? Something else? How would that translate into bass playing? I get the poor muting part, but not the muddy part. If you do answer: noob level please.
  15. A lot of great thoughts here, especially of course from [b]bert[/b]bass, him being ... well ... from Hasting 'n' all ... Some are naturals and some will never learn it, but I think that most people can learn this role very well, and that the core is to force oneself to grow as a person, not take oneself too seriously and to go on stage with one thought only: addressing the audience and being there for them. The moment you're preoccupied with how you're doing or what you did wrong a few seconds ago, you're allowing yourself to prioritise yourself above the audience, and allowing yourself to get worse. When I was younger, I was inhibited, self-conscious and the rest of the diagnostic list. Most people would probably say I didn't have it in me. Something had to be done, and it got done. My technique was very simple though: - very unofficial clothing, - a loose walk up to the mike, - one hand in trouser pocket, - a few seconds of staring into the audience with a grin on my ugly mug, - and a simple "Hi folks!", maybe followed by a "This is gonna be fun" or similar. Worked wonders. I can now do any size of audience, including the very hard almost-no-audience. Most people can too, I'm convinced.
  16. I've always wanted to join procrastina
  17. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1340057814' post='1698586'] An acoustic-electric?? Now there's another one to the list!! [/quote] NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  18. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1340049617' post='1698363'] My b/f went out to buy a newspaper 2 years ago. He's still not back yet ..[/quote] Sounds like an Ashdown 810 to me. You're lucky! (Of course, you'd been more lucky if he brought a Barefaced, but still.) Edit: apostroph'e
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1339934388' post='1696397']If the bass is well enough made there should be absolutely no reason why it wouldn't be possible to get a decent low B out of a shorter than 33" scale length.[/quote] As in decent tone, do you mean a tone with much (most) of the overtone makeup of the low E, [b]plus[/b] enough volume from the low B frequency itself? In case, I stand corrected. I didn't know that that was possible.
  20. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1340054813' post='1698495']We need a truly definitive answer?[/quote] It's interesting to be aware about what one is talking about, but as I'm sure you know better than me, these are sliding scales. Initially, for me it's simple: if it's built to sound strongly enough volumewise to keep up with traditional builds, it's acoustic. If it's meant to have an acoustic effect on its electrical sound (or the other way round), it's an acoustic-electric. That's the simple stuff. From there one, we're lost, and a definitve answer is uncalled for and will be met with lots of challenges, both from musicians and from developing technology.
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340039558' post='1698115']I'm becoming tired of certain songs and I find the vocal melodies dull for the most part.[/quote] I'm ahead of you, guys! I've already loved it, been bored by it, put it away for some months and regained new love for it ... and that's before I've heard it even once. Bloody amateurs!
  22. [quote name='klutz' timestamp='1340053906' post='1698467'] Bass is absolutely mint and couldn't be happier - tis a thing of beauty n sounds as good as she looks - can't put it down![/quote] Ah! I came here only to complain about you not having uploaded the vid of the drive to Bolton on YT yet, and now this ... Congrats! This is just great. I hope you have or soon get the amp to do it justice. Wait ... How did you type that without putting it down?
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340042729' post='1698196'] So there it is... I don't like it because it looks like a shovel made out of furniture. [/quote] For me, it's not that it's headless. They do feel a little weird, but do contain a vague promise, and they induce my GAS. It's about the overtly "beautifulness" with graphite on top of the already mixed shiny woods, plus the amount of knobs. Lurv the shape though.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1339976107' post='1697246'] [/quote] I see what you mean, but I think it's just a reflection of the light behind the camera. Seriously though, this should be on the wrong side for me, but it isn't. I'd like not to be seen with it if it sounds bad, but I know it sounds good, so I'll proudly wear it even though my senses tell me it's a little too much.
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