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Everything posted by clarkpegasus4001

  1. If you buy a bass/guitar from the USA make sure the seller does NOT post it via UPS! I work for them they are expensive (unless you are stinking rich of course). I buy and have bought a lot of stuff from the USA. What I do is ask the seller in advance if they will ship USPS (United States Postal Service) which is a bit like our equivalent Royal Mail. It usually costs around $120 to ship including insurance but it will be 3 times that with UPS believe me. I always pay with Paypal using my credit card (so should anything happen, like he does not send it), you are covered because Ebay will only cover up to £500 anyway. Once it arrives you collect it from Royal Mail and then pay them the import duty/tax on it at whatever the rate is.
  2. It takes an age to look at anything at the moment, even trying to get on this thread to tell you about it took an age! I guess these problems will be sorted in due course.
  3. Yes he was! I did watch him play with Budgie once at The Diamond. I have actually played with Simon myself. Our band invited Simon's band Anubis to play their first gig with us at The Intake Leisure in Mansfield. This was a gig for the Budgie fan club (Bandolier) and the event was known as "Bando Bash" Simon very kindly came on at the end and jammed an unrehearsed track with us. It is on Youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJm9L_LkflQ Simon is a wonderful guitarist and no doubt he's the same on bass! Hopefully we can do another gig in the future together. It was a privilege to be on the same stage as him. It's cool that he is your tutor. If i lived in Wolverhampton, I would want him teaching me.
  4. Ok guy's i've seen some impressive clips and i've heard some great sound clips. Has anyone here got or tried a Luthman hand made bass? What's it like to play? what's the weight? what's the neck like? any pix?........anyone?
  5. Hi Mark. Anyone who quotes Chris Squire and Jeff Berlin amongst his fave bass players is just fine by me, welcome to Basschat!
  6. The next In For The Kill (Budgie tribute) gig is: Saturday 24th September at The Greyhound High Road Beeston Nottingham NG9 2LE There will be a support band on for this gig called Plague of Ares and they should be on around 9PM with ourselves on around 10PM. Here are the support: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4a0gMbdG18&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4a0gMbdG18&feature=related[/url] Admission is free for this gig. We have not had any time to rehearse for this gig for varying reasons so it's play by the "seat of pants" stuff again! Everyone welcome of course, your support is much appreciated. - Time to try out my new TECAMP rig at last!
  7. [quote name='Cotsey' post='1374405' date='Sep 15 2011, 01:22 PM']I recently purchased a fantastic solo bass album by a relatively unknown bassist from UK - Andy Saxton He merges a lot of music styles on this album and the bass always manages to be the main focal point Check his playing out - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmX3yDkx2M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmX3yDkx2M[/url] Solo album preview - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CnC9d83boE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CnC9d83boE[/url] Some great transitions between tapping/ slapping / strumming[/quote] Awesome!
  8. I guess it depends on your budget. I just switched to a Tecamp head and cab. Very loud and very lightweight. The Tecamp does not have an "overdriven" sound but if I wanted that i'd just add a pedal. Looks cool as well!
  9. "Hi all, After some advice rom other band players. We have a decent drummer in our band. Playing wise he's great, really solid and puts a lot of energy into our sound. The problem is that when we're not playing he's a total headache. Firstly he's got an obsession with money. We are a pub rock band playing classic rock covers. We always get our £250 asking price and I believe that's more than many of our rival bands get". That's very good money, I wished we could get that every gig! "Drummer however is now insisting we charge £300 - £400 a night. If we play O'Neills we can get that much but most of our gigs are regular pubs. I don't think we'll get that much and end up pricing ourselves out of gigs" Yeah good money if you can get it, he does not live in the real world. I take it HE does not book the gigs then? In my old band I booked all the gigs, traveled about, did all the leg work. The drummer and one guitarist started moaning about the money, where we were playing etc..I told them "okay YOU get the gigs then and see how you get on" they never bothered to complain again once they realised how difficult it is to get gigs and venues don't want to pay bugger all if they can get away with it. Why do you think they have open mic nights? . "Next issue is that he goes on to our online calendar and blanks off masses of dates well in advance. This means we already only have a maximum of 30 gigs a year for 2012. We will fill them but he's blanking off dates that he has no plans for just to control how much we play." That sounds very unfair just blanking them off for no reason apart from being a bit of a control freak by the sound of it. 30 gigs a year is quite a lot we do around 20, although both our drummer and guitarist are in another band so fair enough. "He has just announced his wife is pregnant and due in march and has said as a result he'll be unavailable in march April and may." Well that sounds fair enough to me, you can't really argue with that. "Finally he complains about where we play. He only wants to practice one a week tops but can't see why we're not playing the O2 every week" . See comments above about getting the gigs himself! The other two in my band never want to practice, never mind once a week! "What would you do? He's a bloody good drummer and there's a shortage of them round here." Try hard searching for a dep. Your drummer will then realise that nobody is indispensable. It's easier to find a drummer when you are playing PAID gigs than it is when you are not. Good luck....
  10. Yeah I pulled my back out and was off for 6 weeks ages ago. I played a gig as it was on the mend but it was killing! I couldn't move much. I also I have an on-going shoulder and arm ache problem from work (previous job), this is uncomfortable but you get used to it.
  11. Nice to see you here. I've just gotten into Uzeb and Alain Caron. Welcome!
  12. [quote name='skidder652003' post='1370089' date='Sep 12 2011, 08:35 AM']thanks guys, lots of great advice! I see the memory boys at £75 new in the states and aboiut £94 here so thats a start. The akai looks awesome and there some on ebay now. theres a line 6 echo park on there for £70, so thats in budget....lots to think about![/quote] Please bear in mind that if you buy a mains one from the States it will be 110V not 240v. Good luck!
  13. Gig Update: This gig has been postponed due to the venue double-booking (even though I booked this gig months ago, and we sent out flyers about 3 weeks ago!). Sorry for any inconvenience if anyone was thinking of attending. Tony C.
  14. Thanks Mike for buying and collecting my Wharfedale monitor. Fellow Basschatter's, Mike is a real gent and a lovely guy to deal with. All the best mate....Tony C.
  15. [quote name='hitchy64' post='1368207' date='Sep 10 2011, 01:34 AM']Just got back from a gig, we played really well, no cock ups or any mistakes. We started off playing to 3 people and ended off the second set with 12. We still got £200, so it's a paid rehearsal really. Thats gotta be the worst attended gig we'v done, the best being 800+. What's you best and worst????[/quote] Worst was with my last band, 13 which went down to 5! Best was with my current band around 150+
  16. [quote name='Clarky' post='1368141' date='Sep 9 2011, 10:18 PM']Oi, back in your box fake-Clarky![/quote]
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1368192' date='Sep 10 2011, 12:23 AM']The Line 6 Echo Park is the best tap delay that you can pick up for close to that money. But I would go for the EHX Deluxe Memory Boy, personally. Tap tempo is pretty much essential on bass, which rules out a lot of great-sounding delays. With the ones we've got left, in the 'budget' price range, the EHX box is the one to have IMO.[/quote] Well the Line 6 was what I suggested given the budget (see the Ebay link). If "skidder652003" was to raise the budget however, i'd also go for a EH Memory Man, given I own 2 EH vintage pedals myself (not delay pedals though).
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1368135' date='Sep 9 2011, 10:08 PM']I might have been wrong then. Not the first time [/quote] Not necessarily, because the model you are looking at is not the same as mine, mine is a 4001. I'd still go for the Ric myself still, but it's horses for courses I guess. The only Warwick's i've played on had fat necks and seemed rather heavy , so not suited to me at all, as I said before though horses for courses, there's plenty of happy Warwick player's out there.- Good luck!
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