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Everything posted by Immo

  1. [quote name='Russ' timestamp='1332076917' post='1582813'] (...) the dreaded "crunch" (...) [/quote] The last "crunch" lasted since August 1st until 25th November, so tell me about it. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1332079241' post='1582854'] Be honest, hand in your notice with your reasons, and help them find a replacement for you. Play any gigs still in the diary but set a cutoff date for leaving. Leave on friendly terms, do a farwwell gig, involve your replacement in that gig too, and go out with a party. [/quote] We hadn't played any gig yet, only few rehearsals. As for now, I'm able to play 10% of the setlist and couldn't make myself to learn more songs...
  2. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1332074274' post='1582769'] Glad you have a job that you enjoy. Most people don't, so count yourself lucky on that score.[/quote] Well, I enjoy it, yes, but not all the time. I'm a writer, but in the meaning of 'text designer'. And sometimes being a 'writer' is interpreted by co-workers as a person who'd write down anything, like the notes from the briefings and brainstorms (in which I'm terrible!) and create manuals, not only write the story or dialogues. If someone's interested, I recommend reading some of [url="http://www.rhiannapratchett.com/interviews.php"]interviews[/url] with Rhianna Pratchet (yes, of THOSE Pratchetts) to get a better view on being a game writer. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1332074274' post='1582769'] Maybe you could just tell the band that you can stay with them but it will have to be on your terms, then give it a try for a while.[/quote] Nope. They planned a huge concert soon, so I'd need to prepare on their terms and work very hard (I know myself all too well and I know I couldn't ).
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1332067844' post='1582654'] One of those awkward moments when your ex visits and your current squeeze is in the house... this 76P was mine for 36 years and now belongs to another... but don't they look good together, though? *threesome fantasy* The owner was kind enough to lend me this 76 for a project which needed 'that' sound... I didn't want to replace the flats on my custom P to make one recording... thanks very much, Dave! It's going to be very hard to give it back! Mark [/quote] [i]What[/i] a [i]pair[/i]!
  4. I've managed to find a possible replacement for me... I knew this guy for some time and I know he'll kick butt. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1332022138' post='1582346'] What do you do for a living? Why are you tired? If it is a non manual job and you just come home and play computer games (until early hours of morning?) you need to get out and do some serious exercise. [/quote] Well, I [i]DO CREATE[/i] computer games for living - I'm a game designer, text designer and writer. It's one of those jobs that are great and terrible at the same time - you do fun things, but under pressure, just like in the band. I can not withstand [i]TWO[/i] 'jobs' like that [i]AT ONCE[/i]. Our game did not made a success, so we have some financial problems, but I really like the job and I need to work one full month yet to have 1 year of employment contract. Anyway, I like the computer games, it's not the way of wasting time (like: '[i]I really need to do something or I'll die of boredom[/i]' or something like that). I really enjoy it and see no problem with it as I usually go to bed on time. The fatigue and stress comes out of this unstable job situation. And that situation itself is another reason for me to quit - if within a month I'd had an job offer from the city located far away, I couldn't take it because of the band in which I don't feel good? Those guys dropped out of school to [i]play rock and roll[/i]. They're dedicated. I'm not. I'm not a complete wreck of a person I'm glad that the weather's changed and now we have a springtime in Poland - I can finally take my bike for a ride!
  5. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1332019438' post='1582296'] Help them out, give them the benefit of your experience (...) [/quote] I have NO experience whatsoever. I never played in or with a band, never played in front of an audience bigger than 2-3 people. I'm a weekend bass player, much more interested in simple playing and using a bass as a leisure item like a gaming console and GASing simply because I like basses in my own way. And sometimes (well, often, really) I'm easily discouraged by failures, ustable and chaotic. Not a good material for a future virtuoso at all. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1332019438' post='1582296'] (...) My band (band is a bit optimistic lol), we are all in same job, have same pressures, it is just for fun, but is enjoyable, even when we go backwards from lack of rehearsals, commitment or whatever. We all know score and work around situations in our ageing years.[/quote] And THAT'S the band I'd want to have. Simply for fun, not for the career. Congrats!
  6. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1332018552' post='1582278'] How old did you say you were? 65 was it ? [/quote] Midlife Crisis hit me early... I DO feel old. Sudden realisation that you actually have nothing aside from few nice guitars and one novel written (set in an universe copyrighted by someone else) hurts [quote name='Bassdriver' timestamp='1332018585' post='1582280'] It's difficult when you're mates as well, you don't want to 'let them down' so you carry on with the weight of the situation on your shoulders, sapping your energy. You feel crap now 'cos you feel you've 'let uour mates down' but that'll pass and you'll feel a whole lot better without the weight you've been carrying. Just don't punish yourself for doing what's right for you. [/quote] Thanks for your kind words. Yours and other's, that is.
  7. Well, the guitar player is very disappointed and I feel even worse now, but I thought it's only fair to talk to him before there will be too late. Damn, those guys are much younger than me and seem to have other views on life. And I'm one lazy old bastard, too tired and preoccupied with many problems now.
  8. [quote name='Bassdriver' timestamp='1332012892' post='1582160'] Tell them as soon as possible and don't worry about making things difficult for them to get where they want to.[/quote] I did so (well, I talked with guitar player, my old buddy) just about 5 minutes ago. I feel like a sh**te right now, but I guess it's for the best. Just hope I won't lose their friendship. And I'll have to go there and talk to them to explain what's going on. Oh bummer.
  9. Forgive me if I put this topic in a wrong forum. I'm not sure what to do about my current [b][size=4][i]band vs. life vs. me [/i][/size][/b]situation. Let me explain: In my band, I have two old time buddies and two "strangers", but it's not a problem - the problem is the band's approach: the entire rest of the band wants to start a glorious career and thereby they create pressure, which does not suit me. For me, given my current life situation and my approach to certain issues (not to count my low musical ambition and non-stop fatigue), the ideal band style is '[i]I have[/i][i] a pub[/i] (in the sense I am the owner / co / something like that), [i]in which[/i][i] I jam every Saturday for the [/i][i]people.[/i]' The vision of making a great career for the guy at my age is not so exciting (I'm 25, they're 16-19), as I would like to play with friends for 100% fun, not for preparation for the big concert that will open the way to fame and glory. [b]This does not make me happy, that makes me even more tired.[/b] And another problem: the guitarist has the makings of a virtuoso, as for now he sweeps almost impossible riffs with ease, the same applies to the keyboardist, a drummer is a fast, agile and efficient - I do not recall any mistakes at the rehearsals! - and my technique is poor, and within a month I can not (given the current turmoil in my work (no salary since 2,5 months + no perspectives), reconditioning of my house, eternal fatigue and my laid-back, lazy character) catch up with them. I think about playing the bass almost non stop while I'm at work and when I finally come home, I'm so tired I only want to play computer games or take the bass and improvise a bit, not learn and master the whole songs. [b]I just can't force myself to practice...[/b] And I find almost no joy playing with them - the only moments when I have fun are the bluesy jams or simple, yet powerful songs like Clapton's '[i]Cocaine[/i]' But they're very happy to finally have a bass player in the band and even started to rent a semi-pro rehearsal room, cause now they can afford it with 5-person band. [b]What should I do? [/b]Simply tell them everything I said here, find another player who would want to play with them and quit?
  10. That ^ bass looks a lot like a 60th Anniversary P-Bass, but it's a lot more Discreet while a lot less discreet. Thing of a beauty!
  11. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1327265331' post='1508640'] The depressing thing my bandmates say is: 'We don't exist.' [/quote] OK, now I have a band. The most depressing thing they say is that [i]the band's gonna be great[/i] and they [i]trust in[/i] me and they [i]know I'm gonna make it[/i], while I'm totally overwhelmed by reponsibility and - having some serious personal problems and being awefully tired - I'm completely unable to learn the covers they do right now, especially due to the fact they're quite sophisticated for my skill - Who's, Floyd's, Zep's etc. I don't believe I'll fulfill my role as a bass player in their band.
  12. In the second row of text formatting you have the 'Image' button (under the font colour and Smiley selector). Wit it you could post a photo previously uploaded on other server like ImageShack etc.
  13. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1330706125' post='1562004'] My pair of Ps [/quote] Beauty can take on many forms... ...but this time it did a goddamn overkill.
  14. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1329998161' post='1551001'] I refinished my 78 P last year in Capri Orange. Now with the proper black screws. Also, as I'm on a reggae tip, I've gone for RS black nylon tapewounds. [/quote] Apart from the JB pickup chrome cover (sorry ) this bass is PERFECT. And strings - those are TruBass 88's? My favorite strings. Congrats.
  15. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1329948300' post='1550362'] I'm lost here, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought Tottenham were your team? [/quote] Maybe he likes to be in the center of the mosh pit?
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1329936404' post='1550081'] Here is me in the CEX shop: [/quote] I want to say something cheeky, EH, but I fail to do so. However, I imagined you look a bit different.
  17. In the base of the problem lie the two opposite ways of thinking among bassists. It is not uncommon that the older ones think that bass player should stand in the rear part of the stage and 'fill the bottom part' of the music. [i]No solos, no smiling, just listen to the drummer and shut up![/i] On the opposite side there are guys who have seen Claypool or Flea and want to stand on the bass drum in weird outfit, do the solos and play ridiculous lines. Each group will show their idols representing those two different stances and point them out as a fine example of bass players. In the meantime, the modern players usually are something in between the opposites - they do their 'bottom part' job and also want 'something for themselves' from the show, while for both groups pointing the modern bass players out as examples of fine players seems to be a bit [i]passée [/i]these days. Among the musicians the stereotype of today's music being 'pop' (in the means of being conformist, appealing to the masses etc.) or some sorts of genres considered slightly disgraceful lives on. The missed point is, that most of today's players ALSO 'want something for themselves from the show'! Of course I'm generalising, but I've witnessed this while reading forum threads and talking about bass players with my friends.
  18. [i]Danelectro Longhorn[/i] gives the vibe, lots of twang, unique sound. And it looks weird. Stylish, yes, but weird. And I guess that's not the tone you're looking for. [i]Fender Mustang[/i] has lots of mids, I consider it as a 'oldschool punk rock bass' as it was once inexpensive, entry level bass frequently used by garage bands. I love it's sound and certainly buy one if available cheap. But that's supposedly not the tone you're looking for. [i]Gibson SG[/i] is a thing you're looking for - full tonal spectrum with LOTS of warmth and low end. Has punch, blows the head off if plugged into proper amplification. Certainly, the most versatile of the three. I'd take SG (or same vintage Japanese copy, even the better choice!).
  19. Nice one, I'd love to have something of this sort in future.
  20. EHX BassBalls bought. Complimentary BUMP!
  21. Would you ship to Poland? I'll provide a courier on my responsibility. If that's possible, I'll take her.
  22. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1328479329' post='1527905'] In case you all think I look like a large cock, here's what I actually look like. You may of course still think I look like a large cock ... [attachment=99338:P1040381.jpg] [/quote] Psychobilly? Recently wanted to play this sub-genre but double bass is a bit difficult instrument, not only in termes of playing, but transporation and, well, obtaining cheap.
  23. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1328462886' post='1527448'] Fat and ugly and LOUD [/quote] Who, me? No, I'm slim, handsome and loud.
  24. Bloke born on 1987, raised with radio playing classic rock and pop. Fan of 70's and 80's music, as well as hard rock, heavy metal, funk, punk, hip-hop and practically anything else. Lazy player whose G.A.S. is bigger than skills. Trying to play anything he likes, but prefers to play southern rock, funk, punk, stoner or rockabilly. Soon will try out the band.
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