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Everything posted by Immo

  1. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1336037872' post='1639727'] you are probably right about the neckplate although i think 60 years of precision is something to be proud of and maybe even shout about [/quote] Only those stickers with 'CE' and "Don't dispose off with reular trash" should be removed! The plate itself is great
  2. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1335993071' post='1639334'] 7.15lb see through blonde ash body [/quote] GAH! remove this ridiculous sticker on the neck plate, I beg you! I hate those, they suggest anyone would be [b]stupid[/b] [b]enough to put a Fender Bass into a trash can[/b]!!!
  3. [quote name='Bootzy' timestamp='1335773211' post='1635597'] Lakland Bob Glaub with Darkstar pickup, Fender -68 and Fender P55 P/J Custom Shop. [/quote] I just imagined the BEST P-Bass possible: Your PJ Custom on the right with DarkStar instead of the 'silly' original pickups. By God, that would be so awesome...
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  10. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1335168718' post='1626453'] My new Precision, I've owned a few but this is the first one that's kept my attention. It's a Mexican classic 50s, or it was. The covers are now off as they got in the way. What a bass! It's got an SPB-3 under that chrome too [/quote] Beauty! A shame that the covers got in your way as it looks fantastic with them...
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  12. [quote name='Fredde' timestamp='1334570128' post='1617610'] Here's my American Vintage Reissue '57, Fullerton 1982, that I bought off here recently! [/quote] Astonishing!
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  15. This looks AWESOME! If he's a Kiss Fan, it's even better. I have to be hones, when you wrote about '[i]star decal[/i]' I though '[i]hell, no, it's gonna be kitsch![/i]'. But it looks really great and suits the bass! Good job, I want to have such a devoted wife in the future! :]
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  17. OK, we'll look out for the best courier option (probably some [i]Underneath-English-Channel-[/i][i]Polish-Immigrant-Stuff-Carrying-Lorry[/i] option). Until tommorrow I'd like to make a reservation on this Bass Cheers and thanks.
  18. Interested in sending to Poland? My buddy's looking forward to buing P-Bass :]
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  20. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1332587876' post='1590308'] My 21st birthday present back in 1996. 16 years on, still sounds ace and [b]still looks like new[/b]! [/quote]M Maybe it's because you don't play her enough? Only kidding, really nice bass, love the colour.
  21. Mothership's GREAT with EHX BassBalls - these two combined deliver really great and unique funky vibe. I just can't wait until the day I'll be able to buy Pigtronix Envelope Phaser, that'll be even better!
  22. Helpful and patient - that's who Jasper is. I'm very pleased. And my pedalboard is happy as well! Thanks!
  23. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1332163181' post='1584052'] Exercise will work; the right nutrition will work; [b]some sun, even, will work[/b] - there are many ways to getting some energy back into yourself, without needing to do anything too drastic. It's just a case of finding a little time and space to have a look at the problem. [/quote] That is why I play video games in the late evenings - I don't see it as a bad (or silly/childish/whatever) thing, as it's not an addiction or 'time waster', but a fun activity. And to me, fun is never a waste of time as it helps to feel better. Also, playing games is - to me, as a writer - really inspiring! But also bass playing, bike riding and meeting with friends = nice fun activity.
  24. [quote name='oggiesnr' timestamp='1332096411' post='1583204'] (...) However I would also suggest that you sit down and take a long, hard look at what you want to do/be. (...) Catch is that plans are specific so "I'm going to practice more bass" is not a plan, it's a hope, "I'm going to practice two hours a day" is not much better. "I'm going to practice from 6.30 to 8.30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday" is a plan, it is specific and you can tell whether or not you've done it and how much you've fallen short if you have. [/quote] The perfect plan is to have a drummer/guitar playing girlfriend to jam with simply for fun. I like being a writer and I like to play bass for fun, honestly.
  25. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1332080736' post='1582875'] I think you need to re-evaluate what's making you so tired that you can't do much of anything else. [/quote] Well, I perfectly know - it's the [i]lots-of-work, little-spontaneous-fun[/i] scheme. You see, I need to relax, have fun and feel free to be happy. And playing in a band where this playing starts to be a chore isn't fun. To me, fun is to take a walk, ride a bike, read a book, play a computer game write a short story or do something interesting with friends. And... well, I feel much, much worse ever since my GF left me for another after we already had plans for the common future and with our apartment being reconditioned for us to live in. So having someone new to love would be nice as well And another thing that makes me tired is... well, thinking that I need to do more chores. Many times I'm not tired unless someone tells me to do something [i]pronto[/i]. Then suddenly I realise I'm very tired. Well, that's me And the third reason - I hadn't had a real vacation since July 2010. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1332080736' post='1582875'] I don't think the band itself is bringing you down but it is perpetuating a sadness/fatigue that is already present, which makes everything else worse. [/quote] I'm not depress[i]ed[/i], I'm depress[i]ive[/i]. I tend to be very bipolar, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but I usually retain 'global' positive outlook on things while most people think I'm a pessimist. But when the poop hits the fan, I'm the '[i]last man standing[/i]' to have a faith in people or believe that the situations will turn out well. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1332080736' post='1582875'] Ps. I don't think dropping out of school to become 'rock stars' is very big or clever or shows dedication [/quote] Well, me neither, but I wanted to point out I wouldn't be able to sacrifice some things in order to be a 'rock star'.
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