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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. What cab are you looking for?
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='83210' date='Nov 3 2007, 06:07 PM']X times 1.5 I suspect [/quote] Jon says more than 12, less than 20. I'm taking the minimum to be 20 though. That way I'll hopefully be surprised rather than disappointed!
  3. That's GORGEOUS! I'm going to get my deposit to Jon this week so hopefully in x number of weeks I'll have something approaching that to show! Health to enjoy
  4. If you're willing to ship internationally you'll get more than £1500 for it. Some ejit from the other side of the pond who's never layed his hands on one before'll give you about £2200 maybe, even in its current condition. I speak from experience... It's a mighty nice bass, btw!
  5. Egypt is mighty! We were there a few years back. Alexandria, Siwa, Luxor, Cairo, Nile cruise topped off by a stay at the Old Chataract hotel on the Nile. Fantastic time. A bit hot for me in the valley of the kings though (@44 degrees!).
  6. Probably would - I've had a few inquiries in the past when I thought about selling it, but I'm nervous about posting it (I'm in Northern Ireland). I'm about to slap some money down with Jon Shuker for a 6 string and I'll want to pick it up in person, so there's a road-trip to be planned in the near future. I may swing by the bass merchant too and pick up a few db112s and head case for my ag500 (tweed all the way for me!)...
  7. Looks great! Definately fancy a couple of those db cabs. Maybe Bass Merchant would take my Tech 4x12 back as a trade-in...
  8. [quote name='Toasted' post='76964' date='Oct 20 2007, 01:47 PM']You'll be putting 750 watts into 2 x 12. I'm sure it'll be loud enough. MY DB750 absolutely slays connected to my UL310.[/quote] 3 12s... not the norm but when the amp can run down to 2 ohms why not! It'll be the dog's dangly bits I'm sure and plenty loud enough! Let us know what the db112s sound like. Would love 2 to go with my AG500. I'd have to get a head case too. All in tweed of course!
  9. [quote name='Bassman7' post='74902' date='Oct 16 2007, 06:11 AM']Hey you guys aren't sales reps for Shuker? Ding![/quote] No but there seems to be a few for Modulus around here
  10. [quote name='SMART' post='74581' date='Oct 15 2007, 01:46 PM']I agree, at the end of the day the instrument has to feel good to us personally and we have different sized fingers, hands, arms and...well, this all has a bearing on what we prefer and feel comfortable and then there's all those different kinds of music!! There is no perfect single the best of the best because of the subjective nature of music and making it but there is a standard of quality and finish and innovation that speaks for itself. Just some more thoughts as to a balanced and informed approach to opinions... Ciao Ian[/quote] Here, here. Well said. Exactly right. IMHO. YMMV. Etc. Etc. Having said all that i've played 2 supposedly exact same basses on the same day in different locations and had the opposite opinion of each. Who's to say why, but it's the reason I wouldn't buy a bass from this particular manufacturer without playing it first. Starts with an F...
  11. [quote name='jakesbass' post='74440' date='Oct 15 2007, 09:36 AM']Save up and custom order an Alembic direct from the US. you will never play a better bass in your life (IMO) Jake[/quote] Play before you buy is the only way. That's Modulus and Alembic that've been recommended and I would never spend money on either of them myself... again that's just in my experience - maybe there's a modulus or alembic out there with my name on it/them, but none of the ones I've played yet have been worth tuppence of my hard earned cash!!!
  12. [quote name='SMART' post='74207' date='Oct 14 2007, 04:37 PM']You lucky fella! They are one of the biggest groups in the USA currently and seem be picking up interest at long last. How was the bass end with Stefan on stage? Ciao Ian[/quote] Don't drink the water rocked! The bass seemed to be cranked. Very punchy sound. He seems to have cast off his Modulus basses though - didn't recognise what he was playing... Looked vaguely like an Esh but I don't think so.
  13. [quote name='7string' post='74002' date='Oct 13 2007, 11:37 PM']Is the neck one piece, or laminates of wenge with the grain in different directions ?? (Personally, I'd go for a maple/wenge thru neck so you still have the highs from maple) How about a quilted headstock face to match the body instead of birdseye to match the neck. Sounds like it's going to be a cool looking and very flexible instrument. The ACG pre seems to amaze all who have heard it !![/quote] Last time I spoke to Jon about a custom bass (which was waylayed by a few years by an engagement ring ) he said he doesn't do one piece necks. So a multi-lam wenge neck it is (best sounding bass I've ever played is my Warwick Corvette with all wenge neck - sold my Wal as it wasn't getting used!). Was going to go all wenge (including fingerboard), but wanted to add a bit of the maple thing without changing the neck too much, and I like maple boards. I had thought about the headstock matching - and I may change my mind about that yet!
  14. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='74188' date='Oct 14 2007, 03:49 PM']As with the Sei thread, I'm pretty sure that Alan is happy to supply his pre to the US custom builders, but not the UK ones as they are his direct competitors. Still, his work is superb! Also, I've met Jon many times and would have been very happy to go with his work, but it was the ACG pre that particularly swung it for me. D.[/quote] If I have to buy an ACG pre and install it myself then that's what I'll do...
  15. I caught them in Dublin. They were class. Also caught Dave acoustically in Belfast a while back too - also excellent. Made all the better by the fact we were in a restaurant opposite the venue before the show. My girlfriend turned to me and said - "Where do I know that guy over there from?"...
  16. [quote name='SMART' post='73955' date='Oct 13 2007, 09:03 PM']Absolutely, totally agree with your view on your reply to Bassman7. However, have you ever played a Q6 with Chechen fingerboard? What was it it that you did not like about the Modulus' you've tried? Be interesting to know! Ian[/quote] Good question and I'm afraid it's one I don't have a good answer for! I've played 3 over the past few years. One was Randy Hope Taylor's custom Flea (double Lane Poor MM pickups). They all felt... stiff and... plasticy - not a good description. They didn't sound lively to me. Not organic. I think it's just graphite necked basses in general as I don't like Status basses for the same reason (I'm gonna get flamed around here if I say that too loud!). I'm not saying I wouldn't give a Modulus another chance - but in my, admittedly, limited experience, they're not for me at any price, and especially not at their retail price! I've never played a Q6 at all.
  17. Hi Bassman7 - not sure if your Modulus recommendation is directed to me, but I've never played a modulus I actually liked. Each to their own I suppose! Wouldn't the world be so boring if we were all alike in our tastes!
  18. I've been speaking to Jon about a custom 6 string over the past few weeks. I'm currently thinking of the following spec: 6 string bolt-on All wenge neck (pores filled for a smooth satin finish) Birdseye maple board with matching birdseye head veneer Solid bridge (probably Schaller 2000 on Jon's recommendations - to allow adjustable spacing) with 18mm centre spacing Wenge body (35mm thick to keep weight down) Quilted maple top with tiger eye gloss finish EMG DC pickups ACG/John East filter preamp (the one thing I miss about my Wal!) Ramp (quilted maple to match body and finish) Jon does a 20% discount for multiple bass orders at once... I've thrown the idea of an additional stingray style 5 string (maple neck, ash body) at him and he's putting together a spec for that and he'll be coming back with prices in the next few days... Now Jon accepts plastic as payment there could be a big bill on the way!!! Edit: The following pic is the inspiration for my specs...
  19. I'd love this, but it'd take me a while to come up with that sort of money unfortunately..... Have a bump instead!
  20. I have one but have limited live experience with it as my band split as it was in transit to me. All I can say is that the AG500SC is punchy and loud (in comparison to my Ashdown ABM), but IMO it doesn't do rock just as well as the Ashdown. Having both together is nice but totally not required. If I had to choose I'd say I'd keep the ABM... but I do have a sentimental attachment to it since I've had it so long. I wish I'd waited for the dual channel AG500, then it'd be a much closer call...
  21. [quote name='lawriemacmillan' post='63706' date='Sep 21 2007, 05:09 PM']Tempting, but no :-D[/quote] How about a nut... I have a spare... Oh this's not good... I'm considering breaking into the just started MTD fund already...
  22. [quote name='bnt' post='63749' date='Sep 21 2007, 07:04 PM']Spector all the way for me. The only Warwick shape I've ever liked is the Thumb bass, since I saw Jack Bruce with one. I thought about getting one, but was put off by the price, and the fact that that the body size might suit Jack, but not me, since I am about 18 inches taller than JB. [/quote] ...but the Streamer is the same shape as the spector? Licensed from them to be exact... I'd go for the Warwick since I have one and love it to bits! Saying that they're both good basses, but not in hollowflash - that look gets old pretty quick!
  23. Beautiful bass mate. Just a word of advice - 'offers' doesn't seem to work well around here for some reason. You'd maybe be better off just asking for what you want for it. I know it's not always easy or fun to do, especially if you're attached to an instrument... Good luck! And have a bump!
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