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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. These are great wee things, I use mine a great deal. Good for headphone practice even if you don't use the tempo/pitch/bass cut or boost features.
  2. [quote name='bengovier182' timestamp='1354829635' post='1891089'] My lord this is one beautiful bass! One question, can you play much slap bass on this thing?, EBs are notoriously not for slap, but this looks like you could be possibly. Ben. [/quote] I wouldn't know, I can't/don't/won't slap I would guess it's possible, there's plenty room between the neck pickup and the end of the fingerboard to get underneath, unlike most EB/SG basses.
  3. Don't use Yodel - they managed to bust the tweeter right out of a 4x10 they kicked up the road to me. Took months to get compensation out of them too. Gits all round.
  4. Foam rubber wedged under the strings at the bridge?
  5. Ach, oh well. [url="http://www.rock-gear.de/en/Basses/Electric-Basses/4-String-Bass-Guitars/G-L-Tribute-SB-2-Metallic-Black.html"]http://www.rock-gear.de/en/Basses/Electric-Basses/4-String-Bass-Guitars/G-L-Tribute-SB-2-Metallic-Black.html[/url] ? Just a smidge over £400 plus postage if you don't mind getting it from Germany.
  6. Ouch, £600 seems a bit steep. A quick search reveals that you can get one from Germany for €500. And we're all one happy European Union after all, so no tax to worry about. Or you could get [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192525-gl-sb-2-tribute-new/"]this one[/url] for £315 all in. Second hand, but as new condition. You shouldn't have any worries with a G&L Tribute. I have a Tribute L-2000 and it's a fantastic bass. I don't feel like I'm missing out on much versus a USA G&L, and I have had a go of one. Yes it had a fancy flamed top, but it didn't feel that much "better" than my Tribute. Tuners were probably screwed on 100% straight on the USA one
  7. I wasn't going to say any more on the subject, but the overriding feeling I'm getting from this thread is that I'm somehow wrong for wishing to sell items in a way that's comfortable for me and I feel compelled to clarify my position. I list it for sale. If it doesn't sell for a while then I'll take down the price a bit or I'll keep the item. But I'll decide when that happens. It's still my item, it's still my sale. It's on sale for what it's worth to me, informed by having done some research into recent sales etc.. If that's not compatible with the market's opinion of what the item is worth (and I'm capable of counting my own tumbleweed, thanks) then I'll deal with it in my own way. What's wrong with that? Not everyone's up for a bit of wheeling and dealing, not everyone is comfortable with it. OK, maybe I'm a bit of a control freak, but I'm not an ogre, I'm not an unreasonable person, nor am I difficult to deal with, as my feedback thread will attest to. I've clearly managed to sell stuff using this approach at mutually agreeable prices. Given all the above, low offers bug me when I've put the effort in to price things reasonably to begin with. It's irritating, that's all. Usually I will reply with a reiteration of the price and its firmness, sometimes citing the research that has led me to the amount I am asking for. Often this is accepted with good grace and we continue from there. There may be varying degrees of detectable irritability in this communication, and I apologise for any I have communicated, and for any I will communicate in the future.
  8. neepheid

    Yamaha BBs

    [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1354723952' post='1889618'] I've always been interested in the BB's, how do people cope with the difference in size difference of the P pickup compared with the J. By that I mean the distance your anchored thumb is from the strings. The J is closer than the P?! Cheers Si [/quote] I can't say I had noticed. But that's probably because I hardly ever play over the bridge pickup.
  9. NEW EDIT: I really would like a Gibson Grabber 70s Tribute in cherry burst and it would seem they're selling out. To that end, I will reduce the price of this bass to £600, would love to keep it but I really have to do a one in, one out. [b][size=5]WAS £750 NOW £600[/size][/b] This rare bass was only made from 1998-2002 and it could be said to be the final SG/EB bass design (the current SG bass being short scale and more of a 60s reissue minus the varitone). Specs: Mahogany body, mahogany set neck, 34" scale, rosewood fingerboard, 20 frets, 2 individually coil tappable humbuckers. Volume, Volume, Tone, a series/single/parallel switch for each pickup. It's an amazing looking bass, and it's pretty versatile in the sound department with all the coil switching options. It is also absurdly light. It's in really good nick, a couple of small dings and a tiny bit of rash in the back of the body but nothing major. Everything is original save for one replacement coil tap switch. No case. Soundclips: [url="http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/mp3/sgz%20soundclips/"]http://www.ifb.co.uk...z%20soundclips/[/url] - sorry for these, McCartney I ain't. Was £800, now £750 Here are the pics: Action shot courtesy of Cat Reid:
  10. Lowball offers bug me because I take the time to do a bit of research and price my items fairly to start with. I don't do haggling. I make this clear in my listings. If that puts some people off then so be it, but to quote a certain film - "this bloke won't haggle!" It used to bug me when I worked in pubs/clubs. In one establishment, which in no way was particularly expensive, I used to get people all the time asking if we had any deals/promotions. I used to say, "yeah, the deal is everything is reasonably priced". They didn't look impressed. I couldn't have given less of a f. I was a surly barman, me.
  11. I must confess I prefer the old way, everything under one roof. Sorry, I know you've been putting in a lot of work lately but it seems very impersonal, and I think the fact that it's generally being ignored (takeup is very slow and people are posting new stuff in the old forum regardless) is telling. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1354623363' post='1888176'] 1 - carried on using the regular marketplace forums 2 - charged a yearly subscription fee to be able to post adverts there (~£20) to help pay for developments 3 - installed a new 'bump' button which only works once every 36hrs on your thread 4 - develop the marketplace to allow thumbnails next to threads for everyone 5 - develop a better form for selling items with fields for things like location, price, etc to make adverts clearer [/quote] 1 - yes please 2 - would have no problem making a small yearly payment of this magnitude, but if it was a per sale charge this would also be fine 3 - won't make any difference to me, I can follow simple instructions/house rules 4 - not fussed, I'm generally looking for a text description of what I want anyway, in fact if possible I'd switch this off if the option was available 5 - this would help fill in the gaps left by some people I think on the whole the marketplace is self regulating - if someone's selling something you want and the ad is light on details then it's no problem to ask for those details. Thanks for all the hard work, guys.
  12. It is what most of these "attributes" are - sales patter. Butter? Patter.
  13. Can you still play? Then get out there and play. If one of your hands stops working/falls off then I may grant you an exemption
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1354197503' post='1883418'] I can't understand why any musician would want to limit themselves to a single instrument. [/quote] The pursuit of excellence facilitated by specialisation? Laziness compounded with a lack of interest?
  15. Although I did briefly have a go of guitar when I was younger (and never stuck at it) I didn't do anything for years and then decided to take up bass. Was in danger of going the same way until my now wife gave me a hoof up the backside to get playing. That's been 5 years now
  16. Posted just to show how fun-free modern kit is these days:
  17. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1354121299' post='1882364'] So you think a bass will be one of the major things on sale at Tescos? [/quote] As this appears to be a distance selling thing rather than a going into the shop thing, I don't see how this is relevant.
  18. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1354102261' post='1882000'] I've been giving some thought to the super tone bridge. Would it solve the problem of bindings sitting on the saddles? This is one of the main issues I want to solve. Paul [/quote] Well, it doesn't buy you much distance over the three point bridge, maybe a ball end's worth. Here it is on an Epiphone EB-3. The strings are D'addario XL. They are unsilked, but the ratty bit doesn't go over the E saddle. Of course it depends on the intonation on the particular bass, and how much silk there is on your particular preferred strings.
  19. Ach, leave 'em then. They would only cause you bother if they were proud, obviously and you might cause even more trauma getting them removed. Have to make sure that it's touching metal to metal though when the bridge is screwed down. Perhaps something like a thin strip of self adhesive copper tape (shielding/slug tape) bent over the edge of the bush to the body underneath the bridge might ensure this?
  20. I still don't understand why you're putting yourself (and your bass) through all this bother, particularly when there's a Supertone available right now in the Classifieds: http://basschat.co.uk/classifieds/item/51-hipshot-supertone-gibson-style-bridge-chrome/ which will fit straight on, no need to worry about earthing or bushes or drilling holes in your bass. This is the last time I'll mention it. To answer your question then yes, in theory as long as they're touching metal to metal then it should be enough for earthing. But are the tops of the bushes proud of, flush with or recessed into the top of the body?
  21. Sweet, looking forward to it
  22. Yes, I would buy gear from/via Tesco if it was financially advantageous for me to do so. In the traditional music shops up here bass is treated at best as an afterthought and at worst like the guitar's big, inept cousin and because of this it wouldn't negatively impact my life if they went belly up.
  23. The band I am in that is in the process of (re)coalescing has decided that we're not having a guitarist. We have drums, a sax, a trombone and a keyboard. Furthermore, the player of said keyboard usually holds a pint in his left hand during the gig instead of trampling through my frequency space. I'm a lucky boy
  24. I'd say that's fair. Nothing major, maybe only I notice considering I've been greeted with blank faces when I apologise to the rest of the band in the post gig discussions. What I need to work on is the poker face. It's getting better, but I still haven't perfected it - I can still feel the odd half grimace flash across my face when I make a mistake.
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