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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. How do we know if we're linking in parallel or in series?
  2. [quote name='sam_' post='117098' date='Jan 9 2008, 06:11 PM']It's more that i want a Trace Elliot half stack badly after trying one haha [/quote] I used to use TE myself but found it very unreliable. Of course I didn't extrapolate that to mean the whole brand was crap. It sounded brilliant. Stay here long enough you'll be bankrupt and will have owned more brands than you realise existed - it's that kind of place.
  3. What happened to that American bought thing with the fanned frets? You ever play that anymore?
  4. Hello Sam nice to meet you, I'm not far from Sherborne meself = just over the border in Somersetshire. Don't you be putting sad faces next to the Behringer bit of your gear young man! It's what's inside you that counts not the black hearted prejudice inside the minds of label snobs.
  5. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='114587' date='Jan 6 2008, 01:29 PM']from the same page, i thought [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/lookaroundyou/programmes/computers/dd.shtml"]this[/url] was moderately amusing[/quote] l, and if you will allow the colloquialism, ol.
  6. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='114565' date='Jan 6 2008, 12:11 PM']OMG! So that's what it is! I bought one of these from a Secondhand shop. For £80 It's kind of tatty, but sounds really good. 41" Scale That Humbucker is HUGE (no piezos here!) Bass of the future? Er. No.[/quote] £80 ?? That would have set you back over 50 guineas back in the day. Do you gig with it?
  7. Here's what they used to think the future would have looked like in the past. Um. (note "The bass you can take on a bus" !) Picture from [url="http://www.junkguitars.com/stories/czech.html"]here[/url]
  8. [quote name='Hutton' post='111561' date='Dec 31 2007, 07:19 PM']Once again for the benefit of those not quite getting the point here. It's your opinion. No more, no less. Everybody is entitled to their point of view. I will defend the right to express personal opinion to my dying day. However, why should the sound you like be the sound I like?[/quote] Well, absolutely. Couldn't agree more and didn't think I needed to state every time that it's just my point of view. Took that as read.
  9. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/lookaroundyou/2000/200026.shtml"]Maybe one day ...[/url]
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='111448' date='Dec 31 2007, 02:55 PM']sorry guys, I think it sounds terrible! [/quote] +1 How many of us would be happy if that's the best sound we could get? You'd throw your gear on a skip. But the playing is outstanding and most importantly the bass line itself is wonderful.
  11. Cheers for the helpful responses. I know people are saying how good the squire basses are at the mo - just wasn't sure which ones. A little bit more googling and I see this is a very competitive price but not crazy cheap!
  12. [url="http://www.rimmersmusic.co.uk/product_info.php?PID=80"]Squire 5[/url]
  13. [quote name='dangerboy' post='109906' date='Dec 27 2007, 06:04 PM']SOLD! I hope you will all remember the "bargain" price next time you're selling me something![/quote] Absolutely!
  14. [quote name='dangerboy' post='109820' date='Dec 27 2007, 01:42 PM']I could have sworn I attached a picture. Anyway, it's fixed now.[/quote] You have more mail
  15. [quote name='dangerboy' post='109649' date='Dec 26 2007, 11:17 PM']PM me your email address if you'd like more pics.[/quote] You have mail.
  16. My initial answer was one had 6 flats and the other had six sharps! Cheers guys, the last thing I want is to pass on false information.
  17. It's something you notice a lot on line. The idiots are the grit in the oyster. They irritate but they do encourage people to post. Also one of the cardinal rules of the internet is that any given forum won't seem as good in a year's time. The majority of people here are still fine.
  18. Teaching a guy the basics - I'm not qualified but he wanted me too, if this offends anyone look away! - and he wants a bit of theory. Well I'm staying one step ahead of him (my piano lessons were a million years ago) by reading up and asking in places like this. The great thing is I'm starting to read music and really getting a taste for it. We were trying to figure the difference between the key of G flat and the key of F sharp. Any ideas that I can share?
  19. [quote name='finnbass' post='102489' date='Dec 11 2007, 01:35 AM']One of the reasons Behringer have never been successfully sued is that the vast majority of those circuit designs have existed for years.. They were NOT invented by BOSS, who simply 'ripped them off' themselves a couple of decades or so ago from other designers. What goes around, comes around. To suggest otherwise, is like saying that 'Murphy' invented the radio and no one else should ever use that design again or that 'Ford' invented the motor car and no one else should be allowed to manufacturer them.[/quote] Thank you. At last a voice of sanity on the Behringer issue.
  20. [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='101873' date='Dec 9 2007, 10:01 PM']see, I dont get that, just cause the 5th string is there, you Dont have to use it, well, if it confuses you anyway.[/quote] Well at the time I'd only just learned to play a five. I'd learned that one set on it and yes it took that bit of thought playing a song on an unfamiliar instrument with an extra string. Why would I have taken the risk live just to save carrying a couple more cases ? That would have been lazy, pointless, unfair on me and the rest of the band. I am slowly getting used to switching between the two and no longer learn a new song on just one but play it on both. they are after all utterly different instruments.
  21. Oh - I did once take 4 basses to a gig. This was simply because I was in the support band as well! In one band all the songs are played on a 5 string in the support they're on 4 so each set needed one bass and one spare.
  22. I will never use gig bags since dropping and breaking a bass in one - saving a little weight by not using hard cases is never worth it. Also I always carry spare amp and cab. I mean what are you going to do if it all goes pear shaped? So: Two basses in hard cases. Two heads. Two cabs. Two stands. Big wheel about tool box full of leads, pedals, tools etc. Stair climbing sack trucks if venue up or down many flights of stairs.
  23. Funny you should ask as I've just got the beginnings of another bout of amp gas. It's always bass gas but amp and cab gas comes and goes. Once you realise it's all gas you just go with it and enjoy the frustration, the lust and the anti climax when it's all over. It's a lot like sex.
  24. It's funny you should ask this, as it often comes up with a guy I'm teaching. I say to him I wish I'd learned four different scales instead of 1 as I've limited my note choice and only now am expanding the options. If you only know one place on the neck to play a particular scale your bass lines will be restricted and could become repetitive. Having said that I've not heard many people write better than me so I've not done too bad. Also I wish I'd not been so proud and occasionally learned someone else's bass lines when I was starting out. It stretches your technique and saves you reinventing the wheel. I was so damn certain I had to be original I didn't learn another bassline verbatim till I was in my 40's.
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