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Everything posted by nige1968

  1. I would have that but with an amp and cab built in too.
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325236998532?hash=item4bb9a2c184:g:fskAAOSwbp5isMKn Genuine question.
  3. TBF, I doubt I'll even make 78, never mind still be gigging.
  4. battery? playing position? tried with a different amp?
  5. Now that it’s the future already, shouldn’t all basses / guitars come with a built in midi option? I’m sure the very few current builders (ROR / IR) could license the tech.
  6. Careful. Gibson's beagle-eyed legal weasels are on the case:




    (translation here)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lowregisterhead


      IIRC, the latin blurb is what you get in a standard Mac Pages document template... someone was either lazy or incompetent or both...

    3. Kiwi


      I'm pretty sure the cheesiest 80's satire in the 80's didn't manage to be this cheesy.

      This is like a Death by Cheese pizza.  A three cheese topping on a pizza with a cheese stuffed crust and a portion of extra cheese with more cheese and then some bacon and some cream cheese and then some cheese wheels and a little bacon and then some cheese with some sliced gherkins a little bit of cheese on top before adding some cheese sprinkles, some pineapple and some cheese. 

      And then a cheese board for dessert.

      At some point someone is going to say "OK, we both knew that, 8kg of cheese ago, there was going to be enough cheese."

      But that's not the point.  The point is to get everyone talking about how much cheese there was.  And I'm sure Gibson will appreciate the extra views all this excitement will stir up.

    4. prowla
  7. Do it, at least once. Life's too short not to. It'll be a story either way. Go on, who is it?
  8. Could be worse. Could be "reform", "cut red tape" or "special military operation".
  9. 342965377_Screenshot2022-02-18at11_18_08.thumb.png.27b40077c1cb98385f2c671edef50c78.png


    Flash sale at PMT, apparently ⬆️

    1. Drax


      Ha. Even the legit sales items are still more than Andertons. Underwhelming 

    2. neepheid


      UK stocks of G&L CLF L-1000s are dwindling though - that's a reasonable price for that rally red one and both Andertons and GG appear to have no L-1000s available ATM.

    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Thanks for the heads-up but, in truth, that's a pretty disappointing Sale Of The Century.

  10. My list of shame from the “worst gig ever” thread: To find this post I had to Google “girl fight meat raffle“, in case anyone needs a band name. Love this thread. Keep ‘em coming!
  11. Ashdown came back to say that against all odds I’ve got it right and white is pos. Nonetheless I’ll do the external cab test as suggested to be on the safe side. Thanks everyone for the helpful responses.
  12. Now you say that, I was sure I’d seen a (thin) ground wire when we took the old one out, but can’t see one there at all now. Hmmm. New canned worms. But the two wires with the speaker clips, mentioned above, are definitely the speaker wires.
  13. There is a thing to Google, then. That much research I managed, but who knows, my imaginary 80s throwback revue might need to play Wembley …
  14. My Trace Elliot 715SMC combo had a farty speaker so I've replaced it. But due to the money-accumulating time that elapsed between taking the old one out and putting the new one in, I cannot remember which wires went to which terminal on the speaker. The amp has a white wire and a white wire with a black stripe. Following research (internet and asking a mate), I've attached the white wire to the +ve terminal on the speaker and the one with the black stripe to the -ve terminal. However, I'm not 100% sure that's correct. So have I done it right? It's just possible I may want to hook up a cab in the future so it may make a difference. Thanks y'all.
  15. Oooooh look what I got after ten years! Wonder if it grants me any special new privileges.









    1. Taylor Bitch-blues

      Taylor Bitch-blues

      Nah mate,  I'd cut that out and sew it on the inside of my favourite jacket,   in case you lose a button,  but well done you anyway    ....  ✂

  16. Funnily enough, the original Cadillac Sonic Blue paint was sort of this colour: Here are various faded Sonic Blue Cadillacs Original colour of Firemist Silver: And Shoreline Gold:
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/23/going-underground-meet-man-lived-as-animal-charles-foster Are you him? Think it'd work as a stage act? My brother had worms. Does that count? 🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱
  18. Just wanted to take my porkpie hat off to the creator for the sawn-off machinehead in pic 3. Whatever you think about the level of craftsmanship generally, that is one massive FU to the norm. He is the The Shaggs of guitar modding.
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