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Everything posted by grayn

  1. Seriously gorgeous bass there. Sounds like it was made for you. The Chinese are getting very good with gear, these days. It's only the short/medium scale that puts me off. Congrats.
  2. That looks really nice. Love Ultra jazz pickups. They're great live well done.
  3. Congrats, what a very cool looking Jazz. +1 on Japanese Fenders being superb.
  4. If I could find a used one, I fancy a Jap Jaguar bass, in hot rod red. Surfin' cool!
  5. [quote name='PTB' timestamp='1388677388' post='2324695'] I must admit to looking longingly at this in the FS section over the last few weeks. I hope you'll both be very happy together. [/quote] Cheers. I took it to band rehearsal last night. Sounded great through my old Ampeg. The band seemed to like it, too.
  6. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1388680755' post='2324744'] [attachment=151416:IMG_2240-001.jpg]nice neck reminds me of the one on my japan limited edition. [/quote] I played a bass, almost identical to yours, at Promenade Music. Very nice indeed.
  7. Met up with Martyn on New Years day, for a very satisfactory trade and spent some quality time, with him and his basses. Would be very happy to deal with him again.
  8. Got this beauty from Bagsieblue, yesterday. It's in tip top condition and with the mods (Nordstrand P/ups and pre-amp and Hipshot bridge) this classic bass has a nice array of big sounds. Great neck too. Thanks to Bagsieblue for a great deal and a very nice hour or so, playing his other, fantastic basses. I've definitely missed owning a Jazz and this is an excellent one to have.
  9. +1 on the G&Ls suggested. Might want to take a look at a Gordon-Smith Gryphon. 2 powerful pickups, that each have 2 single coil and 1 H/B options. Good luck.
  10. Congrats, a very cool looking bass. Hope it sounds as good as it looks.
  11. After a very long time as a bassist, I only got my first Stingray, a few months ago. I must admit i was nervous, taking to play with the band, wondering how it would sound, within the mix. But straight away it sounded just great. The singer immediately said it was his favourite of all my basses. I've owned 3 precisions, over the years. American, Jap and Lyte. All were good, solid instruments. I've also owned a number of Fender guitars and a couple of MM guitars. And as I've found, the MM are just better instruments. Real, pro quality gear. So it's a Stingray for me, please.
  12. [quote name='Smythe' timestamp='1387926144' post='2317385'] Funnily enough i do have a couple of them, but to save on space in the car i fatefully opted on the cheap gig bag with no padding, a definite lesson learnt..... [/quote] Now that's cruel. Good luck with the restoration.
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1387421638' post='2311846'] It looks like the single pickup version of the Dimension has the pickup at the Stingray spot, but the two pickup versions have the bridge pickup closer to the bridge, removing significantly its "Stingrayness" and making it more like a fat Jazz of sorts... hmmm. [/quote] Interesting. But already having 2 single pickup Stingrays, perhaps a fat jazz bass sound would be cool. Also, fom my experience, EBMMs always seem far nicer than high end Fenders. Just may taste, of course.
  14. The Sterling is a great bass but I found it's tone more aggressive and edgy than the Stingray.
  15. Definitely like to try one. But on first sight, I'd rather go for a Stingray HH.
  16. If, like me, you like to try before you buy, then the MBL is an excellent source for some great used and new basses. 4 of my 5 basses came from them. And it's a pleasure to spend time comparing stock and chatting with a real bass enthusiast. Great after sales service too. I quite like the look of the old 80s Gordon-Smith.
  17. Great score on both basses. Love the retro, surfy look of the Burns.
  18. Don't worry, it's trained to not attack. My basses anyway.
  19. Congrats, a very cool bass indeed. Nice combo too. Even the strap matches. Nice one.
  20. I met up with fellow basschatter Gust0o, today, in Leeds, which is half way between our home towns. It was a pleasure meeting and doing business with Gus, even it was in a car park. Well, deal done and now the newbie is home, with me. I've had a quick, unplugged and plugged, go with it and am very pleased indeed. This baby is a year younger than my Honeyburst Stingray, being made in 2002 and it is in remarkable nick. Even the tuner buttons show little sign of ware. I guess this 11 year old hasn't seen a lot of action. Lucky me then. Unfortunately with the day being very overcast, I couldn't get much in the way of a good photo of this beauty. The trans-teal body is defintely richer and darker, than the photos show. The only definite change I'll make is, putting my usual brand of strings on it. And maybe, in the future, I'll put a black-pearl pickguard on. Musicman gear always impresses me and I intend to make the most of this impressive bass.
  21. I met up with fellow basschatter Gust0o, today, in Leeds, which is half way between our home towns. It was a pleasure meeting and doing business with Gus, even it was in a car park. Well, deal done and now the newbie is home, with me. I've had a quick, unplugged and plugged, go with it and am very pleased indeed. This baby is a year younger than my Honeyburst Stingray, being made in 2002 and it is in remarkable nick. Even the tuner buttons show little sign of ware. I guess this 11 year old hasn't seen a lot of action. Lucky me then. Unfortunately with the day being very overcast, I couldn't get much in the way of a good photo of this beauty. The trans-teal body is defintely richer and darker, than the photos show. The only definite change I'll make is, putting my usual brand of strings on it. And maybe, in the future, I'll put a black-pearl pickguard on. Musicman gear always impresses me and I intend to make the most of this impressive bass.
  22. Nice vid. Cheers. I pretty much never, intentionally use distortion, when playing. Though obviously powerful pickups and cranked up amps can create some lovely, natural sounding, harmonic distortion. That said, I can really enjoy hearing others use it. Your lovely collection all had something to offer, within that big sound, you use. I particularly liked the EB13, which seems a very versatile bass. Of course the Precision also stood out. Very solid and so useable in a band situation. Thanks again.
  23. I got my 2 from the Manchester Bass Lounge, who helped with the Gryphon's design. Both were under a grand. Drew who owns the MBL said they may go up in price. He does still have one at the lower price and some earlier versions of the final Gryphon design. If I'd paid 14 or 15 hundred quid for my basses, I'd still be happy but glad I didn't.
  24. Apart from the obvious differences, of having a rosewood fretboard and being blue, this second Gryphon has a Hipshot, instead of Gotoh, bridge and a slightly wider headstock. Both are a joy to hear and play.
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