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Everything posted by grayn

  1. Thanks for the links. Cool ensemble. Love the first pic, of the dark blue 5er. They look really well designed and finished.
  2. I'm a MusicMan fan, but they are so poor looking. Like a cheap Fender copy, from the 80s. Probably be good basses but the look is totally uninspiring. Shame.
  3. Thanks for the comments. I've had the bass a week, now. Played it every day, including for a full band rehearsal. The only adjustment I've made, is lowering the action. Loving the really solid feel and tone of this bass. It's a doddle to play. Though I will be getting a a wider, padded strap for it. I always use Fender standard straps but they're a little weedy, for this beast. I think this is the witing for my bass. My preferred selections are: Coil 1 +phantom and Coils 1, 2 & 3 + phantom.
  4. Chris Squire Martin Turner Danny Thompson Paul Mccartney Tony Levin Andy Frazer Tony reeves Mick Karn Jeff Berlin Stanley clarke
  5. Thanks for the colour confirmation. I was beginning to think it was my eyes. I couldn't find 1 photo on google, that shows the correct colour. And mine definitely didn't.
  6. I got this superb Stingray from Basschat forumer, "mikegatward", today. Thoroughly nice chap to deal with and if it hadn't been so wintry, in the car park we met in, we could have talked bass, for hours. This is the 3rd 'Ray to come into my possession. But this one has 3 things my others didn't. A matching headstock. A maple fretboard. And most importantly, 2 pickups. 1 humbucker (bridge) and 1 single-coil (neck). Beautifully built and finished, I'm not sure if it's colour is Pacific Blueburst or Blue Dawn. Being a limited edition, it comes in a blue taco shell case. Which is attractive but a little weighty. It also has the date "2007", inlaid in the 12th fret position. With L and E (limited edition) postioned withing the 2 zeros. Not sure if I like that, or the large black postion dots. But hey-ho, it's no biggy. Overall though, I really like the look of this bass. Apart from a small ding on the headstock and some tiny varnish scuffs, on the back of the body, this bass is in immaculate condition. Every pic, including mine, that I've seen of this bass, doesn't really show that it has a teal hint, to it's blue colour. Or that it has a subtle sparkle. The controls give you a lot of tonal scope. With the usual vol, mid, bass and treble, rotary knobs, you also get a 5-way switch. This gives either pickup singly, plus various coil tap/phase combo options. So, thin and edgy, thick and rounded or ringing and transparent, are all available here. Sorry if it sounds sexist, but this is a man's bass. Incredibly solid in build and tone. A little weighty, with a substanial neck. But the way it balances and hangs, makes for a very comfortable bass, to play. For the past couple of years, I've only played jazz necks and was a little unsure about going back to a Stingray. But as soon as I put it on and started playing, I liked the feel and the playability. The way the bass is designed, kind of removes much of the strain of a chunky(ish) neck. It's an individual thing and it really is, suck it and see. This is a proper bass. Workman like, with lots of class and a little glamour.
  7. Overwater J-Bass Deluxe and an Ampeg BA210SP. Miss the bass, a lot. The amp weighed a ton, so was glad to replace it.
  8. The Cort GB74 is really nice.
  9. I played a Squier Mikey Way Mustang, yesterday. Very sparkly and OK build quality. The HB had a nice, round, warm, pleasing tone. But whatever I did with the amp's EQ, the bass didn't really change tone, much. Not very versatile and wouldn't cut through a mix, very well, IMO. Probably sound better, with a plectrum.
  10. Played one of these, the other day. Superb bass and at a rediculously low price. The neck on the one I tried was lovely and smooth, if a little chunky for me. A great, gigging bass. Congrats.
  11. For your money, you do see the occasional pre-owned Sandberg California. Fantastic bases.
  12. That Rascal looks really cool. I can't help wondering, why they put such light strings on it. On all the vids, I have watched of it, it sounds flappy. Easily remedied but I'd prefer heavier, stock strings, to demo it
  13. Congrats on an outstanding bass. Played a 5-string version of that model and was really impressed. Love the colour.
  14. It's all just an excuse to get more gear. And there's nothing wrong with that.
  15. Quite fancy 1 of these 2. [b] IBANEZ SR1200 PREMIUM[/b] Or a [color=#262F3A][font=Montserrat][size=6]CORT ARTISAN A4 CUSTOM SP[/size][/font][/color] [color=#262F3A][font=Montserrat][size=6][/size][/font][/color]
  16. That's a great finish. Best Gibson bass I've seen, with a really decent bridge. Congrats.
  17. Great looking bass, congrats. It looks kinda mean and musical.
  18. bagsieblue: Cheers. You're right, I've had a bit of a turn around, with my bass herd. Some in, some out. such: It is a 3-peice maple neck. I just missed out ona GB94, it is very similar to the GB4 Custom. Cosmo Valdemar: Corts do seem to be little gems, hiding from the mainstream. Meddle: I hadn't spotted the mountain look of the wood pattern. Nice one. I think with a lovely gloss finish and the fact that Cort have tinted the alder, on the back and sides, really makes the whole thing work, visually.
  19. Got this bass this morning. I'd gone out specifically to try this model, as I wondered how it would compare to my GB4. As I always do, I had to try out a few other basses, whilst in the shop. The 2, I mainly played, were a Cort A4, with some beautiful woods and a Fender FSR, surf green, PJ bass. The A4 is a brilliant bass and so unrecognised as such. Smooth to play with great electronics, it is so well balanced. I nearly got this instead. The surf green PJ bass was very eye catching and rather nice to play, too. Good neck and very solid. I found the pickups powerful but a little too brash for my taste. Perhaps lacking subtlety, it'd make a great gigging bass, though. So, the Rithimic. First thing you notice is, how much more gorgeous it is, in person. No doubt it's wacky woods are an acquired taste but don't make your mind up, until you see it for real. The second thing is, the feel. I mean, the Rithimic is obviously based on Cort's GB series. I'm a big fan of my GB4 Custom, which seems to have a very similar body and neck, to the Rithimic. But, this Jeff Berlin bass feels quite different. Some of this down to the slightly lighter stock strings and very low action. The fretboard seems to be of very good quality rosewood, too. The feel very much seems geared toward expressive playing. And if required, very speedy playing, too. Unlike the GB series, the Rithimic is a passive bass, with 2, Dual Coil, Bartolini pickups. They are placed quite far apart. To my ears, they sound a little like 2, P-bass, split coil pickups. Although they have a more sophisticated tone. Quite lush and musical actually. I'm not a big fan of gold hardware but it does go with the woods, well. And the Babicz bridge is a little marvel. When I went out this morning, I was quite unsure whether I'd actually get the Rithimic. I was unsure about the looks and whether it'd be just too similar to my GB4. Well it looks rather delightful and is a very different bass to the GB4. I feel very lucky to own them both.
  20. That's a beautiful bass. Congrats.
  21. Though a 4-string player, I do own a GB75 and it's a delight to play, is surprisingly light and has great pickups. Also take a look at the GB5. Wow!
  22. [quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1394793626' post='2395249'] Ive already got some new tuners on the way. That one is designed to be mounted that way, so i think the originals broke at some time and the owner got replacements, as theres a second tuner thats a different type completely. With regards to the respray, ive attached a piece of paper on the headstock to give it a painted headstock look, which i like. I was thinking respray for the body, but no idea what to go for colour wise. aaaaand a pic of that Classy. How about a deep blue for the body, with a go faster stripe, in white (like a Mustang)? [/quote]
  23. +1 on getting the head sorted. How about a body respray? You could really go for it.
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