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Everything posted by pierreganseman

  1. Hi, just sharing. I haven't played it yet, but it should be with me before the end of November. Specs are : Stained Flame maple top Alder body with mahogany center Highly figure satinwood fingerboard (no its not quilted maple lol) Wood&Tronics Alnico V custom dual coils custom East/W&T preamp with internal frequency presets ash neck The thing about this bass : movable back pick up. You can effectively move the pick up from 70's to 60's to "musicman", to kinda alembic tone all the way back. So i guess about 4 basses.... IN ONE I hear this movable pick up thing, can be adapted to any kind of custom request. [url="http://wtbasses.net/"]http://wtbasses.net/[/url] [email protected] My jaw dropped at 1st time i saw this...... video with soundclips [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jfcZHu6_GQ&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  2. I don't see why you bother with threads like this Barrie lol.... but good on you though...
  3. The tone hammer is the best head around and will be enough for most things. And will make any bass sound amazing. I use them with one twelve inch Vanderkley or one aguilar SL. When It needs to be properly loud put 2 times 12 together. And that's usually a happy bassist and band. I've had the comment quite a few times from sound engineers : "man that little thing will be enough you think??"... They usually come after the gig saying how phat and big the bass sounded. One comment once was "I've seen Aguilar before, small but it makes your ************* balls shake".... true and best all around head.... I have gone a TH 350 and a 500! abosolute beautiful....
  4. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1383172478' post='2261288'] If an item is sold with a fixed price (ie. not an auction) and at distance (eg. over the internet) in the UK then the transaction is governed by the Distance Selling Regulations. The DSR states that if the buyer changes their mind within 7 working days of receiving the item then they are entitled to return it for a full refund, further the seller is responsible for the cost of recovering the item. Like most bits of legislation, however, there are some exceptions: The DSR do not cover private sales but an item advertised publicly and sold on a public website such as ebay is not considered to be a private sale (and I would assume sales through Bass Chat will be viewed in the same light as they are in a public area of the forum). The DSR do not cover purchases made by businesses. The DSR do not allow for custom made items to be returned (although the seller may accept it back if they wish as an act of goodwill). The seller is not allowed by law to include a disclaimer renouncing the DSR (eg. No returns / No refunds / Sold as seen) and expect the buyer to honour it as this would constitute an unfair contract, the seller is however permitted to advise the buyer at the time of purchase that if they wish to return the item under the DSR then it is at their own cost - if they fail to do this then, as stated above, the seller will not only have to refund the full original cost (including postage) but also have to foot the bill for returning the item. That just about covers the main the points, if you want further information Google "Distance Selling Regulations 2000" [/quote] Right ! :-).... I had no idea ..... thanks for the update P.
  5. i think you've misread what he was saying there - I think his point was that as they sell everything they make the must be doing something right and the critique of them is a bit dull. I don't think his owning four and selling them was a complaint about them - just saying he hadn't clicked. I could say I've owned 4 fenders and sold them all but hope to get another good one one day - it's not a complaint against my appreciation of Fender. anyway…. +100000 and thanks.... Critique of them is just boring and has been seen and done a billion times on talkbass. The whole thing my squier sounds better than my Fodera type of thread..... I won't respond to this thread anymore as its clearly a waste of time. If I need opinions about Fodera I'll go ask Molan / Barrie as he knows his Fodera homework.
  6. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1383074460' post='2259950'] you aren't responsible for what happens during shipping but you are responsible for sorting it out. if you buy something from John Lewis and it arrives broken do you think you would be happy if they said it's your job to sort it out??! you can state what you like in your advert but that doesn't make it acceptable [/quote] I do agree that english is not my main language so maybe something was "lost in translation", I cannot notice anywhere where I mention that I would leave a buyer alone if anything was to happen during shipping. This thread is about refunding, not damaged item. Yes I do understand that If there if something happens in shipping I am responsible for sorting it out. That is why I ask professional packers to send basses I sell. It is relatively pricey (100 euro on average for JUST packing , custom made for the bass or item i haev in the past sometimes covered this at MY cost to have a happy buyer), but I have never had a single trouble with destroyed basses by shipping companies. I was often "blamed" for taking pictures of dings that buyers would "not seen it if you had not mentioned it" I personally will not refund, I think the buyer has a millions chances to listen to what the pedal does with youtube.Com or I can provide sound clips of any basses. If the Buyer has a change of heart it is not my problem.
  7. And another senseless thread about Fodera being worth it or not bla bla bla..... They sell every basses available within hours.. And the standards all sold out within hours too..... bla bla bla... must be doing something right...... I owned 4, not for me in the end.... maybe one day a full on custom tailored for me.... but not quite yet ;-)
  8. I personally state in all sale that its final and that buyer understand I am not responsible for anything that may happen during shipping. Yes I do understand some people disagree with that. How am I to know what's going on once the item is received? o Unless is it a trusted member who I have done deals with before I will never refund anyone. simple..... ;-)
  9. very loud thing.... should not be a prb...
  10. I have shipped every where. Just make sure the bass cannot move at all inside the case. and loosen the strings. Should be ok..... Many uk Buyers won't ship abroad and its a pity as they are effectively loosing a sale cuz they cannot be bothered... so don't be one of them ;-)
  11. Hi guys i got 8 high C from Dunlop brand which I do not care about anymore. I will sell them to any one willing to pay the shipping from germany. I guess 10 euro is fair lol. Should not be more, if it is more, i'd appreciate the buyer to add the small amount needed to match the real cost. Its now the 22 oct, if by the 30th no one wants them, they will be put to trash. cheers [email protected] You are virtually getting 8 brand new High C for 10 to 15 euro i guess.... shipping... and I am aiming HIGH i think... i dunno... if it is less than 10... i will refund the difference.... cheres
  12. As a freelance bass player i think music theory is a tool for communication in my opinion. Nothing more. Nothing less. Some people have written amazing music, barely knowing what a C was. That is great and I respect that. Coming into a studio and being given a chart with bass line, or chord chart or what ever. Person looks at it and knows within less than a minute knows more or less how the tunes goes. person X can get the job done in 3 takes. Altough the ability to write a decent chart seems to be a lost art. I have been given some stuff completely unreadable. Nothing more awful to have to re do all charts before a gig with 24 hour notice lol. Could the recording be done with no knowledge of music theory? Of course, that's not even a question..... but I have been stuck in studio with people saying like "yes I don't know... just add more color".. or "so it goes like this... you put your finger on 1st fret" (cause they did not know what an F was).... And OMG that is frustrating........ in my opinion those sessions could all have been done in 1/10th of the total time spent. Music theory is there to communicate... once you gotta start putting it in word..... its the "end" of it... As one person "mellow" will be another persons "mid tempo"... or what ever... bla bla bla bla...... .......over and out
  13. Yes man... i hope the cutlass still serves you well... tim lefevbre is an insane animal on this tune lol
  14. That's how it goes with custom builders.... I think in the end , most of them don't care, and have a whole catalog of bulls***t excuses ready to be used. In the end that's how it is. Brands that provide great service : Fodera , Alembic, mike lull....... and a few more... sadly the list is short ;-)
  15. I am a happy owner of two custom sei basses. I paid £3000 each. Martin told me that to be able to actually make money out of sei basses, and live.... he'd have to charge minimum of £4000/4500 per bass and do only that.... he said quote "i don't even wanna know how much per hour that is.... still not much...." cost of life is high in NY, like it is in london.... to be able to live good, and have a business that makes sense. Builders like fodera MUST charge a lot (all their employees have health insurance paid by fodera, which is a huge issue in the US as Barrie said). And yes Martin could charge less, if he was living in a remote place up north or what ever... Fodera would charge less if they were from arkansas.... ;-)...
  16. I usually practice about 3 to 6 hours per day. Sometimes more or less, depending on gig schedule and teaching. I usually pick a tune and learn it inside out. With Transcriptions. Then record the line..... and analyze what has to be changed , or improved, + the usual rythmical exercices... and scales... etc... have to keep in shape for students... my latest : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMfxKYEN_KQ Tim Lefvebre is a ******** animal on this tune. Give it a go. good luck... you'll need it ;-) it took me a while... and still i don't get it "right"... lol
  17. at this price..... its the best bass available on here at the moment... simple
  18. thx god its too heavy for me top top top top seller though...
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1380552235' post='2226951'] Luthiers have a particular skill when they do choose to communicate. When contacting a certain luthier about my specific problem... "If it's good enough for <famous bass player #1> and <famous bass player #2>, then it's good enough for you." Charming! [/quote] LOL no... i never had this kinda experience with any builder. Martin Lee was sweet and polite on the phone and by email. When he chooses to answer...... Martin Petersen from Sei bass, was always super nice to me too when buildind me two Sei's with a 3rd on the way. Bernie Goodfellow was always very polite to me too.... Otherwise I have countless experience, when I did not get an answer ... or had answer 6 month later...
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1380551300' post='2226927'] I think this is the key, its disarming and gains sympathy and patience. Honesty and communication. [/quote] I would have had not a single problem with them. If they had COMMUNICATE!! he was very honest after my rant though... then never answered regarding strap locks... lol
  21. Yes... I think some builders are deeply retarded when it comes to communicating anything. I have no problem naming some of them, when I had a quite unhappy story. I have ordered a custom Overwater, the 1st one was exactly as described with ETA. Second one , I think had 3 month delay, without a single explaination. When I actually went on a rant Martin Lee explained that Overwater had been having some staffing problem and that he was alone building basses. Not that its really my problem I feel.... but what about taking 3 minutes of your time to send an email to actually explain the situation? it seems like normal business ethic to me. I then asked 4 times what type of strap locks were on the bass , in case i needed to buy other "strap bits" I actually never had an answer from Martin Lee regarding on where to find others. So it could be Overwater strap lock designs... i don't know and would be totally screwed if i needed or lost them. The product though is outstanding ... i could not be happier... OW basses are built to resist a war... I just feel taking a bit of time to communicate with the customer when investing £3000 in a bass. Is something very important. Just my personal experience, I do understand that many people have bought from them and are VERY happy!
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