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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1505839113' post='3374685'] [url="https://youtu.be/2DoxVI-GovA"]https://youtu.be/2DoxVI-GovA[/url] here,s how an Orange terror 500 sounds live [/quote] That was good. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Bass sounds good and the Entwistle sound was excellent. Nice touch. Realy liking the band. Amp sounds good too. What cab you using ? Dave
  2. ACS for me. Not the cheapest but for me the most suitable option. Dave
  3. Started with 4 and after a few ventures into 6 stringers then went for few 5 stringers for a Prog project i am now back to my simple Fender Jazz bass cause it just seems to fit most of the styles i play. Dave
  4. +1 for the tiny GK MB200 with any decent lightweight cab. So small it almost fits in your pocket. You could check out the Markbass combo. Seen a few 2nd hand ones around for circa £400. I use mine at home and if you add the extension cab its more than capable of coping with decent sized gigs without PA support. Dave
  5. Preffered :- Fender Jazz into Ampeg SVT4 Pro into either Berg HT322 or Orange OBC 115 & 210 Mostly used as Ampeg unreliable is my GK 1001RBii head with Berg cab. I like a touch of compressor too. Ampeg has built in comp. Opto comp with GK head. Depending on style of music i may use my Fender PJ deluxe. Dave
  6. I'm impressed Jim. Being an owner and a fan of Bergantino cabs its nice to know the man himself is listening to customers concerns. Excellent. Dave
  7. Bit of an odd one. I'd expect everyone to keep their own calender but also expect some kind of communication between all the band members and whats coming up in future. In my opinion i think the full band are at fault as you are not the only one that can remind the drummer of gigs. You've taken it on yourself to tell everyone. Why did the other members not remind him. Full band share this. Drummer really should be more organised. No excuse for that. Is this a regular occurence with him. If so time to move on i would think. If its a one off its maybe a bit extreme to hurl abusive language at him specifically. Dave
  8. Content I Follow New Content General Discussion Off Topic Basses for sale Amps for sale The last 2 depends on what i'm looking for at the time. Dave
  9. [quote name='Wiggybass' timestamp='1506458855' post='3378956'] You're right, of course - but hey, everyone needs a hobby! [/quote] Aye you've got me there Dave
  10. Yep but our generation still think we are 20-ish (mentally at least)
  11. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1506452002' post='3378895'] I fell on my feet when I came back from Finland nearly five years ago and started looking for a band here. After a couple of non-starters, I answered an ad on 'Join My Band' and we've been playing together now for 4 1/2 years and I can honestly say the band are like a family to me. Like any family we have some minor disagreements now and then, usually as a result of outside influences, but the four of us are pretty solid. Mind you, I've been playing in bands on and off since my teens and I'm nearly 60 now - my current band is the most friendly, most musically satisfying and longest lasting I've found! [/quote] I'm jealous I'm also heading towards 60 but age thing has actually worked in my favour over past few years as some of the bands that contacted me were same age and wanted to keep it that way. There seems to be a certain age group that came thru rock music and we are all sticking together At the end of the day another band got in touch with me and it all sort of has worked out ......or hopefully will work out when i meet them. I think i'm a reasonably easy guy to get along with but then again maybe i'm the common denominator in the failed bands .........awe feck hadn't thought of that. Well done FinnDave and now i know how you got your BC name. Nice one. Dave
  12. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1506429554' post='3378654'] Will do tonight when I get in Apologies for the thread hijack Here's us [url="https://www.lemonrock.com/yellowhouse1?page=gigs"]https://www.lemonroc...ouse1?page=gigs[/url] Martha and the Muffins to Metallica via Ozzy and the Police [/quote] No sweat and hope the dep thing works out with Hiram. Its nice to know the thread helped someone out. You see BC is just a great place to hang out. You just never know what's gonna come out of it. Dave
  13. [quote name='Wiggybass' timestamp='1506428971' post='3378641'] Indeed it could and to be fair to him it's probably none of my / our business. My concern arises mainly from the fact that I am dedicated Berg user with three cabs that get gigged a lot and not having any kind of support domestically makes me a bit nervous, that's all. [/quote] Its a Berg cab. What can go wrong ? Well built solid cabs with great speakers. Unless you really are over-driving them to destruction which i doubt as most people that buy Berg cabs tend to look after their gear. The cross-overs if fitted should be repairable by any decent electronics repairer. Same with the plugs and sockets. Not sure why you're worrying yourself so much. ? Dave
  14. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1506419672' post='3378542'] Dave - I don't get this. If the rest of the band are great and want to continue, why not run an ad and get a new guy? We had the same thing with our guitar/vox who decided he didn't want to do it anymore. It was his band originally, I joined a year or two before, and the harmonica player was new. Harp player and I decided to take the band on, recruited a new front man and went out and found some gigs. We're still doing it two and a half years later. With a different drummer, but that's another story. Come to think of it perhaps we should rename the band "Triggers Broom" ! [/quote] Did consider that but it would mean starting from scratch with a new guitarist however long that might take. Add to that i need to travel 45 miles each way along twisty narrow country roads to get to rehearsals and that's a total travel time 2.5hrs. We were almost at the gigging stage or not far away so it was gonna be worth the driving but to keep on for another ??? months and not know whether new guy would fit in i just decided it wasn't worthwhile. Another offer came along where i was back to playing classic rock again for a band that have been doing large biker festivals and some decent gigs out there. It just seemed the right time to move on. The rest of the band were circa 65-70. Only the kys player was around 30 (guitarists son) The band were also from a small border town in Scotland and had trouble getting people to travel there. They didn't want to travel to rehearsals as they had their own rehearsal room. Dave
  15. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1505736727' post='3373849'] Best is an aguilar DB750, worst was an ampeg svt6 pro and most disappointing was a hartke Kilo which sounded awesome in the brief periods where it worked. Sadly a flawed design coupled with the single worst customer service I've ever experienced (and I've had a few bad experiences) left me £800 out of pocket just four months after buying it brand new. [/quote] And i thought i was the only one that had pathetic customer service from Hartke. My Kilo didn't work at al and returned it to Thomann but had to pay the return post and the exchange costs from Europe. Hartke did not even respond to various requests thru their website and even tried direct to the man himself and nothing there either. Totally against Hartke because of that and wouldn't touch them again. Hartke has been my worst experience of any amp. Dave
  16. My brother said same. My response :- why do you need so many golf clubs ? He now understands. Dave
  17. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1506417764' post='3378510'] Sounds very good indeed,enjoy. I had a very similar experience when I quit my old rockabilly band & was actually planning on packing in all together as I'd totally lost interest in playing. Then out of the blue I got a call from an old friend asking if I'd like to join his black sabbath tribute band! My dream gig & I absolutely love it,never thought I'd be lucky enough to actually play what I really wanted too. Best of luck with it to you. [/quote] Brilliant. I love a happy ending. I'm just happy that there are always people looking for other musicians. Sounds like your story is pretty similar to my own experience in bands. I've had mates contact me to help with their originals material or i've had queries thru Bandmix and from friends of ex-band members contact thru the years. I've also gone thru periods where i did have to search the ads tho. Its not always been easy finding a band. As Chris_b said above "Never stop networking" It would be better if some of the bands actually got to doing a few gigs before it falls apart. Dave
  18. [quote name='clunkie66' timestamp='1506356183' post='3378188'] Well I made it, relatively unscathed. Remembered my bass, crib sheet and to have a piss beforehand so a good start. Was nervous in the first set, made a few mistakes but nothing terrible, managed to keep playing. Got some confidence in the second set and had a blast, even though I completely forgot the intro of the last number. Didn't sh*t myself which I found surprising!... The other guys are all really experienced and thought I did well, they said I looked like I was enjoying myself. Brilliant venue, small and intimate, 50 or so audience, so perfect really. Well chuffed. [/quote] Only just catching this thread and its excellent. As always great advice on hand. I've done the senior moment thing to so don't be worried too much. Its usually a touch of nerves but once you relax into playing it doesn't generally happen. I do know of one pro rock bassist mate that seriously played a different song from the rest of the band. It wasn't until he got to the ending he realised he was ending the song differently to the rest of the band. He carried on regardless and says the audience didn't seem to notice Good luck with your newfound love of bass playing. Always enjoy and it comes easily. Dave
  19. I used to play the older Murray version of Fool for your Loving in another band as i'm a huge fan of Neil Murray. He was a big influence for me when i started playing. I still enjoy the faster version but it doesn't have all the fiddly bits Neil used to ad-lib each time. Still should be fun. Dave
  20. Oddly enough i thought i had found that ideal band last year. All the guys were likeable, pretty laid back and pretty talented. Today the guitarist announced he had enough and his heart wasn't in it anymore. As he was the main founder of the band and probably the leader when i joined i didn't see the point in continuing without him so the band has folded by looks of it. So its onwards and upwards to the next project or adventure in this Game of Musical chairs. I dream of finding the band will last the test of time but as i get older i fear that the chances are getting slimmer by the day Dave Dave
  21. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1506365519' post='3378272'] Yes, I do mate. PM me. [/quote] PMSL and there you go. And he's a true pro so sounds like a plan Dave
  22. I've only depped once for a Glam Rock band and had to learn 34 songs in 3 weeks, no rehearsals only to find out after the first week that they played some of the songs in different keys. Back to the beginning and redid the ones i needed to do so not my ideal way to enjoy playing. Too much like hard work. I prefer to rehearse with a band before gigging plus you are a wee bit far away for me i think. Pretty sure there will be guys down that way that would like to help you out tho. Must admit you have tweaked my curiosity with that post GLWTW (Good Luck With The Wife) Dave
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1506331791' post='3377882'] My rule of thumb is to buy an amp that sounds "right" when all the controls are at 12 o'clock. As long as slight adjustments, 1 click to the left or right, covers it then the amp is right for me. Any extreme EQing means I bought the wrong amp. So my answer to the OP is 12 o'clock. [/quote] Think that's probably about right for me when using my GK 1001 Head & Berg HT322 cab. When using other variations i find i need to use more EQ to get what i want. Ampeg head with Orange cabs i need to cut the higher mids slightly and boost the low mids a touch. Its the weirdest setting i've ever had to find. Dave
  24. Think its more right place right time and open to trying anything. Thanks tho Dave
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